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Warning: Fare Differences and Change Fees on Hawaii Flights

The airline industry has largely reinstated change fees on Hawaii flights for their lowest-priced tickets. We’ve checked all the airlines flying to and from Hawaii from the US mainland, and the news is not exactly what you want to hear at this time. There are three windows of opportunity for free changes on basic economy tickets, and two of those will close next week.

Read on for a potentially big Gotcha on hidden “fare difference” fees.

Airlines started eliminating change fees in 2020, then started reinstating them.

That was true even on their normally non-changeable and cheapest, basic economy to Hawaii fares. Last year, the airlines moved to a more flexible, cancellable environment due to uncertain times. When Alaska Air eliminated change fees, they said, “Covid has taught us that flexibility in travel is key. As we evolve our approach to travel… it’s important to give our guests flexibility when they book by eliminating change fees.” — Andrew Harison, E.VP., Alaska Airlines.

But travel times have changed yet again, and quickly. Unless something happens, which is not at all likely, every airline that flies to Hawaii, except one, will have reinstated change fees on their cheapest tickets as of January 1, 2022.

The fee elimination during COVID was designed in part to help keep people off planes who didn’t feel well. The industry’s previously exorbitant change fees made it costly to not show up for a flight.

Alaska Airlines: If you purchase a Saver fare (basic economy ticket), “no changes, including same-day confirmed changes, are allowed.”

Alaska’s Main economy fares to Hawaii are normally $40 more each way than Alaska’s Saver fares. Paying the added money assures you of assigned seating, not being last to board, as well as the ability to change plans at will and without cost other than a fare change if applicable.

American Airlines: American no longer allow changes for their Basic Economy fare tickets.

Delta Airlines: Earlier this year Delta “eliminated change and cancel fees for tickets originating in North America (excluding Basic Economy tickets… which are non-refundable and non-changeable). However, then waffled, saying, “for those with upcoming Basic Economy travel through December 31, 2021, you can now make changes to your upcoming flight through our temporary 2021 Basic Economy Changeability Waiver.” While Basic Economy tickets are normally non-changeable, you can adjust your eligible travel without paying a change fee. It applies only to travel scheduled by December 31, and tickets can be changed to dates through December 2022.

Hawaiian Airlines: Hawaiian says, “Main Cabin Basic tickets are non-changeable and non-refundable.” All other tickets on Hawaiian are changeable at no cost except for any potential change in fare. The difference in price between Main Cabin Basic and Main Cabin is $30-$40. Worth noting too is that on some routes, Hawaiian only offers Main Cabin, so that those cheapest fares are still changeable. Hawaiian offers meals, snacks, beverages, and in-flight entertainment on Main Cabin Basic fares. However, “Seat selection is not available until you check-in, no flight changes or refunds… and last group to board.”

Southwest Airlines: Southwest has the most flexible policy in the industry and does not assess change fees. You can cancel any ticket and obtain a credit valid for 12 months from the original purchase date.

United Airlines. UAL says, “Basic Economy tickets can only be changed if they’re issued by December 31, 2021, for travel commencing by December 31, 2021. Otherwise, all other ticket classes are changeable.

How do change fees impact us on Hawaii flights?

You may recall that up to $200 per person was the previous charge for ticket changes, as indicated below. That was before all of the airlines announced plans to eliminate change fees permanently on all but their cheapest tickets.

Beat of Hawaii’s thoughts:

This is another reminder to pay close attention to what you are buying when it comes to Hawaii flights. If regular economy fares aren’t significantly higher-priced, you should take advantage of those both now and well into the future.

As a case in point mentioned above, Alaska Basic Economy and Hawaii Main Cabin Basic typically only saved $30-$40 each way compared with the regular economy. Full fare offers the ability to have pre-assigned seats and free changes among other perks, which makes it a no-brainer to opt for whenever possible.

Big Gotcha on hidden “difference in fare” fees. 

We have found that airlines will frequently not offer their best fares when making “free” changes. So when traveling recently, we still found it cheaper to buy a new ticket rather than to do a free change of dates which would have resulted in moving into a much higher fare bucket.

What’s your take on airlines fees to Hawaii?

Updated 12/21/21.

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45 thoughts on “Warning: Fare Differences and Change Fees on Hawaii Flights”

  1. There is a reason the least expensive tickets are exactly that. They have been lucky during the worst of the Pandemic to be able to change. Now the rules are changing because the airlines need to get out of a hole. The penalties will apply to tickets purchased going forward but tickets issued earlier are still under the old rules. Originally they were “you buy it, it’s yours”. no changes no seat assignments in advance, no carry on in the overhead bins.

  2. Hi all,
    We just rescheduled our May 2020 visit to June 4-14 for Oahu. Seems there is some inconsistency in fees being waived. Mine were fully waived and the cost of the new ticket was about 75 dollars more for me but my GF did hers separately from mine and was charged 165 for the new ticket.
    I personally used the text service via Hawaiian airlines. Got a text back right away and took about 10 minutes worth of back and forth to get it all completed.
    We are super pumped about being able to come. We will all(four of us coming) be fully vaccinated by the beginning of May. We will get our tests, we WILL wear masks, we WILL socially distance as needed and we will NOT complain about any of the rules that Hawaii decides is needed for us to spend our vacation in Hawaii.
    I am glad those of us who are being responsible and getting our vaccines and doing what we must to defeat this deadly virus will be going.
    We plan to as much as possible help stimulate the economy for small business and the locals.
    This is how we can pay back for Hawaiians sharing their beautiful home with us! I for one will respect everyone there.

  3. Good thing I’m using my Southwest Credit Card points to fly round trip free from Oakland to Maui in 3 weeks!

  4. Reading the comments below, we have a trip planned to the big island beginning 5/18 for two weeks. I checked airport car rentals and was amazed at the cost. Took your advice and booked a car rental in Kona for half the price of the airport. Now we will have a car for our entire trip. Thank you again for the good source!!!

  5. Hello. Since the CDC now says if you’ve had both vaccines after two weeks you cannot be infected with COVID so therefore cannot pass it on to others has Hawaii yet to drop the pre-test for those of us that have been vaccinated?

    1. The CDC said what?? Everyone knows the vaccinated are getting and spreading covid the CDC director said that in a news conference a few months ago. Sorry to break this old news to you.

  6. Given all the tax dollars we’ve paid to bail out airlines in the past including COVID and 9/11, this really needs to be regulated. I’m all for free market, but there is clear collusion going on here.

  7. “… Alaska, American, Delta, and United all announced plans to eliminate change fees permanently.” I guess the airlines’ definition of permanently is quite different than Webster: “in a way that continues without changing or ending; in a way that is not brief or temporary. I guess they were just bluffing. April fool. To say that I’m disappointed would be an understatement.

  8. I am an economy traveler. Always have been. I wouldn’t mind paying a slightly higher fee on Hawaiian or Alaska if they would include one free shipped bag. But to pay the higher seat cost and then that much more again for luggage is my breaking point.
    On the mainland I’ve flown SWA a lot. I will take that free shipped luggage so I don’t have to lug my bag throughout the airport! The next time I fly to Hawaii I will definitely give them a try. Sure, I loved flying Hawaiian but for the extra $60-70 each way, nah I dont think so…..
    Thank you for keeping us up to date on all the travel updates!!

  9. Related thoughts: I’ve often wondered if the trip insurance offered at ticket purchase covers ticket cost or en route cost protection re unexpected natural phenomena eg volcano related, unexpected government entry/passage closure events related to terrorism, health-epidemic or pandemic?

  10. The change fees doent bother me as much compared to the price gouging that rental car companies are doing to customers. You would think a reputable company would be working to bring the economy back a little at a time verses trying to make up for loses due to Covid. Dont they understand, we all lost.

    1. Bob, my son is a Marine stationed at K-Bay on Oahu. We were fortunate to visit twice in 2019 but haven’t seen him since because of travel due to COVID (we live in upstate NY). He’s currently deployed in Korea and expects to be back in Hawaii by June. I booked flights using Hawaiian Air miles for the end of June but was just as shocked as you regarding the car rental costs ($700-$1200 per week depending on vehicle rented). I searched and saw the prices at the airport and then recalled the Enterprise rental in Kailua that we used when we were out there. Last week I was able to rent a VW Jetta for 7 days for $226 total. Maybe not my preferred car but my wife and I can make it work. If memory serves me correctly it cost $45 to take an Uber from Kailua to HNL. We’re hoping our son can bring us to the Enterprise rental from the airport but it will beat the exorbitant fees that they are charging at the airport even if we have to take an Uber there. Best of luck to you.

    1. Hi Bob.

      Good question. As indicated at the bottom, this post was just revised. It was previously published as the fees were heading in the opposite direction.


    1. Why would it rankle you? As long as it is clear when you purchase a ticket, I see no problems offering different types of fares. If anything, there is now a clear differentiation between regular economy and basic economy.

  11. Hawaii will reopen for tourists January 2021
    The mayor needs to extend the stay at home order until December 31.to give more time for testing
    The reopening date is October 1
    Put could get delayed again to November or December
    I hope Hawaii will be open for march 2021 or April 2021 or by August 2021 for September 2021
    Thank you
    Keep me updated

  12. So the airlines have finally been dragged, kicking and screaming, back to the days when there was no such thing as change fees! And they act as if (1) they’re doing us a favor and (2) this is some sort of new concept.
    Dare we suspect that once COVID travel restrictions end (due to vaccine) that they will go back to gouging us for changes again?

  13. I have 4 tickets for mid November 2020 to Honolulu what do you expect to
    happen in the next 60 days as far as having to quarantine, testing and
    hopping to get results allowing us to fly. Please I would appreciate any incite
    that you could give. Thanks for all you do to keep people up to date.
    I only wish that the governor and health safety people could find a way to solve
    this difficult situation. Jean S.

    1. Hi Jean.

      We will update as soon as we have anything more we can add. Unfortunately, there is no information on November yet.


  14. Hawaiian airlines flight 7 las to hnl delayed to October 1 could get delayed again to November or December
    I hope Hawaii is reopen January 2021
    Thank you

  15. If Southwest can make money and not charge change fees or luggage fees it just means that the airlines that charge these fees are greedy.

  16. This is a huge game changer. Don’t be fooled, the airlines need that $25 billion (that’s billion with a “b”) of OUR tax dollrs, to try and survive. So they threw us a bone. But it’s a BIG bone and will matter to a lot of travelers, particularly right now. As you importantly point out, it gives sick people a way to postpone flying. Critical right now. Southwest must be smiling. They have had a better system for years and still will, because ALL of their tickets can become a travel credit. They don’t exclude the cheapest fares. We are getting closer to returning to the Land of Aloha!

  17. I had flights to Kauai for September on Alaska, about 3 weeks ago we changed them to next March. The airlines were so kind with us. The new flights were cheaper so they immediately refunded us the price difference back to our card. And the second ticket was purchased with points which ended up being half as many so they refunded us the difference in points also. Everything was back in my accounts within 24 hrs.
    Changing our inter-island flights with Southwest was just as easy, although they had a lot less flights to choose from.

  18. Hello,
    I am unable to use a free companion ticket for opening a Hawaiian Master Credit Card. What happens to the free companion fare that will be void after one year, end of December 2020? Would you extend the expiration of my companion free fare? COVID-19 has prevented us from traveling to the orient and using this free companion ticket.

    Your response is appreciated. Mahalo.

    Carol L.

    1. Hi Carol.

      We do not know the answer to your question. It would be better posed to Hawaiian or their credit card company.


  19. Aloha! It’s about time! A few years ago my husband was very ill, could not fly, and we had a trip planned to Hawaii. Called the airline and they said they could only waive the fees if he was in the hospital and had a letter from his doctor. Well, we called our friend who knew a big wig in customer service… couple clicks in the computer, all done. We hated to take advantage, but saved at least $600!

    Thanks for all the news, really appreciate it. Will check back to see Hawaiian Air’s update.


  20. This is indeed good news! Like so many, we had to cancel our traditional summer trip to Maui. Now seriously thinking of making an April trip and taking advantage of the low fares. What do you think? Is April a real possibility?

    I love your website and read it faithfully every day. Thanks for brining a little Hawaii to us in San Francisco. We miss it so much, and we worry about the Hawaiian economy and people.

    Aloha, Rita N.

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