336 thoughts on “With Cases Soaring, Standby For New Hawaii Covid Restrictions”

  1. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    During the pandemic I’ve commented many times that Hawaii no matter shutdown or not, vaccinated or not, tested or not could not avoid a huge spike of covid cases.

    In their defense at least government actions have given enough time for elderly, health compromised and any individuals wanting a vaccination an opportunity to get vaccinated.

    Shame on you if you didn’t take advantage of this opportunity.

    Two week ago I finally made the decision to get vaccinated I’ve done my homework waited for several months looking for any side effects. Than watched as an estimated 3 million residents of India die from the Delta strain.

    First shot done second next week.

    If the pattern holds true give or take over the next 2 to 4 weeks Hawaii will see a huge spike in cases then without warning it will fall off. Hopefully at that point they will have reached herd immunity.

    Once herd immunity is reached future covid infections will should be no different then a common cold. Hopefully any ways……….

    1. It is very interesting that the Indian or Delta variant (no slur against India or Delta Airlines) could actually be of benefit. This variant has proven to be much more easily transmittable but though it can still kill those of elderly group or those with pre existing conditions and health problems it is less dangerous to the general population. Thereby ramping up the numbers particularly amongst young people who have antibodies. At dark times we must not overlook the positives.

        1. There is also credible accounts that the number could be north of 2 million. India’s ability to gather data on deaths from the pandemic in no way mimic the U.S. reporting systems.

        2. yeah, not even half a million in a population of nearly 1.4 billon (.0357142%). How about we put that in context to world wide total death numbers (not just covid): 155k+/- per day; 4.7 million+/- per month; 56 million+/- per year. They are over 4 times larger in population than the US, while the US is roughly 3 times the land mass of India.

          Those with covid in India should be dying at a far greater pace, compared to the US, based on the law of averages, yet that’s not the case. Realistically, they should be around 4 million covid deaths (0.285714%), so 98.72% of their population would have survived thus far, and that’s based on a potential worst case scenario…

          1. Say what you want to say. believe….whatever.

            Several studies, and now three new estimates put the deaths in India’s three waves at between 2.5-5 million. The Center for Global Development, hardly a left-wing think tank, took three approaches to produce reliable estimates that make the probable number of deaths due to Covid at ~4.1 million and counting during the even more deadly third wave now ongoing.

          2. James,

            LOL, I was quoting data from a source you could easily look up, if you don’t believe me, AND I acknowledged that India’s stats were likely inaccurate:
            “Those with covid in India should be dying at a far greater pace, compared to the US, based on the law of averages, yet that’s not the case. Realistically, they should be around 4 million covid deaths (0.285714%), so 98.72% of their population would have survived thus far…”, and China should be not too far behind.

            Do you really believe that two countries like China and India with a combined (nearly) 40% of the world’s population would have less covid deaths than a country with less than 5% of the world’s population, if it has spread as fast and as bad as they want you to believe?

            Also, statistics in the US (who “supposedly” have transparency) have been bloated. Why? Because people are dying from their comorbidities (with covid), not necessarily “from covid” like has been perpetuated for the last year and a half. Early on it was reported, by Dr. Birx, in a live broadcast, that they were counting deaths from people dying “with covid” as covid deaths, whether it was a legit cause or not.

            Oh, and please PROVE that it is an “even more deadly third wave now ongoing” here in the US, because at this point, I am not seeing the death totals even close to early (manipulated) covid numbers here, where nearly half the population is vaccinated. You don’t get to use a gaslighting statement to make a claim that is not proven accurate. 🤦‍♂️

          3. Follow the science and get your info from RELIABLE sources. It’s well known India under reports as they have no clue how many have actually died. Too many live in rural areas. Stop spreading false narratives and conspiracy theories you hear on FAUX News. Thanks….

  2. Unfortunately, it appears Hawaii loves to shoot itself in the foot. My wife & I plan to retire in Kauai in the near future. My wife is a highly experienced and credentialed nurse (RN, BSN) with over 40 years of critical experience (ER, Level 1 & 2 Trauma, etc.). Knowing there’s a nursing shortage in Hawaii, she’s thinking about working part-time. I looked into obtaining her RN license in Hawaii – it’s pure torture. Absolutely ridiculous! And, of course, unique to Hawaii The nursing shortage in Hawaii is somewhat self-imposed. That plus their pay scales vs. cost of living are problematic. Aloha

    1. Yep vs Florida who is hiding the numbers of covid cases. Want your wife to be a nurse there. Do what you need to do to make it happen and quit whining about it. Pure torture you say? How is the nursing shortage self imposed exactly?

      1. hiding covid cases? why do you feel the need to make up talking points to bolster your argument. let me guess. you beleive debunked stalker lunatic rebekah jones, the “scientist” who had an axe to grind after getting canned from her job.

        1. The State of Florida isn’t providing daily updates on Covid-19 cases like the majority of the country.

          That qualifies as hiding information to me.

          1. Jake F,

            I find it ironic that you actually need to be told, or for that matter you would believe what your told, from any State government that you clearly do Not trust, what their daily updates on covid cases are. 🤦‍♂️ Either way, how would you prove them wrong or right??? You people need to stop with the theatrics… 🤣

          2. Well, if every other state is daily reporting, then do you have a reason that FL only publishes weekly data… in the middle of the largest surge in cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the country?

            Barry Burton, Pinellas County administrator, told the Tampa Bay Times that due to capacity concerns, some local hospitals had already had to divert ambulances elsewhere.

            Hospitals in Miami have seen a surprising increase in the number of children infected with the virus, many of whom require intensive care.

            The ONLY reason to trust these numbers are not due to the State’s recalcitrance. Hospitals and the state health agency are REQUIRED to report the numbers at least weekly.

    2. Lack of medical professionals on Hawaii, especially outside of Oahu/ Honolulu, is nothing new. Multiple reasons. Difficult state licensing requirements may be one of them, but also the cost of living versus pay rates and isolation from other professionals (few colleagues to consult with). Kauai is not a good place to have a heart attack. OK there is no good place to have a heart attack, but if you are going to have one, get back to the mainland first. Serious trauma injuries (e.g., vehicle crashes of which we have plenty) get flown to Honolulu as a matter of routine. Wilcox may be OK for less serious issues. I’ve had my ears flushed out a few times at the PV urgent care (and the one in Kilauea before PV opened), and they do a fine job. In fact, they told me ear washes accounted for 30% of the people who stop by.

  3. We are coming over during Christmas and while we are there, will be searching for a retirement home for us. We are so thankful and blessed that we will have the opportunity to come over again after Hawaii “being closed” so to speak during the past year. We are all vaccinated, but if they want us to test, we will test. If they want us to mask up, we will mask up. It is a small inconvenience to have to pay in order to be safe and keep others safe. We want to be accepted with aloha just as we want to show our respect and aloha. Don’t get me wrong, I hate the masks, but if that is what is going to be the difference of coming over or not, I will just make sure I have lots of beautiful masks to wear.

    1. Good luck to you Dayna B. We tried that May-June. Be prepared to over pay BIG TIME. Median price as of last week was 1.2 million. Fixer-uppers will take 8-12 months to complete & cost 30%-40% more than the mainland. No exaggeration. True facts we experienced
      Greed has ruined paradise.

  4. SO ICU and other beds are a problem once again!? Then WHY isn’t the illustrious MD AG not picking up the damn phone and calling Washington to have the west coast based Navy hospital ship sent over to Hawaii NOW! This is so way beyond ridiculous that HE, of all people, has not bothered himself to even talk about the concept or is there some ulterior motive beyond not asking for the help like further locking down the Islands?

    1. So, setting aside the conspiracy theories, for a moment. Perhaps there’s a reason for this that you don’t know? I know this when California got the hospital ships they were EXPRESSLY told that they could not be used for COVID patents. That they could be used to shift other kinds of patients to the hospital ships so that the brink and mortar hospitals could handle more COVID patients. If that would be the case with Hawaii, I’m not sure how much that would have during a huge COVID spike.

    1. Dear DN, I’m suppose to be coming in 2022 April for my life long dream vacation trip but I think I will re-evaluate the situation in December. Maybe by then things will have smoothed out some. If I had one wish it would be that covid never existed for health reasons then travel! Stay safe & God bless you…..John 3:16 & Psalms 91:11❤🌍🏖🌈🍍🥥🐢🐠🌺

    2. Dear DN, This whole covid situation is bad for everyone & it is very frustrating! I’m getting very excited for whenever I get to come😍 I’ve waited all my life to come to the beautiful 🏝 & I definitely will be blessed to come! Stay safe:)

    3. Aloha DN

      No, in my opinion it’s never a bad time to plan a trip, and January is a great time to visit. It’s technically the “off season”, which starts after the holidays, and the Big Island has recently eliminated the interisland testing (hopefully it will stay that way). You will likely still have to test for Covid based on the rules now, but changes are coming, and things may change even more come January. They have been changing on almost on a monthly basis for the last year and change. Good luck!

  5. this is what happens when you replace testing with vaccination

    CDC has acknowledged that unvaxxed and vaxxed people currently spread covid in similar numbers

    it is irresponsible to continue to censor this basic fact, BOH)

    1. censor? LOL Very few break thru cases have happened. And we would be dealing with very few had ALL gotten the vaccine. FACT

      1. youre melting all over the place with your fake narratives, paul. CDC currently estimates 35000 breakthrough cases per week. see Washington post article on their internal memo, july 30th

        1. Your numbers are accurate. Your logic? Not so much. If you would actually read what the CDC memo said, it can be summed up in one quote:

          “We would not be in this situation had 30% of eligible citizens been vaccinated.”

          The memo goes on to note that the risk of an unvaccinated person dying from the virus:

          “When the chance of dying from COVID-19 is about one in 200 for an unvaccinated person, while the chance of adverse events from an mRNA vaccine is about 2 to 4 per million, Weissman said the choice is clear. It bothers him “to no end,” he said, when he hears of patients who ask to be vaccinated against COVID-19 when they are already infected and moments before they are intubated: “They could have taken the vaccine a month earlier and not ended up in this position.”

      2. really.. so the mask is for…….??????

        Oh yeah, protecting vulnerable, vaccinated people. And kids who statistically have a better chance of dying from a bee sting.

        1. Uh NO actually the mask is to protect Sean the unvaccinated just in case we have the virus and we don’t want to spread it to you. Why I am not so sure since your not really that nice of a guy but hey that’s what we who actually care about others do.
          And your statistics on kids is way off but by all means.

          1. Uh NO, actually the mask is to keep the Sick from spreading diseases, as Science has proven masking Healthy People (whether vaccinated or unvaccinated) does very little to contain the spread of respiratory viruses. Thinking that masking the unvaccinated will keep it from spreading is the opposite of factual scientific data.

            You will spread it to healthy people if you are sick and NOT masked. There was a point where an average of 85% of the country was masked up, and people were Still contracting the virus.

            Reality Check – since you Can still get the virus after being vaccinated (whether you have less of chance of dying or not), then the logic flows that you would need to wear a mask, not knowing if your potentially sick, just like those who are the healthy unvaccinated.

            If you still think that forcing the unvaccinated to get this barely tested vaccine will give You the freedom to not wear a mask, You got another think coming. This virus will be an issue until there is herd immunity, and frankly, it isn’t going anywhere even with herd immunity. It’s a virus and they have YET to eradicate most of the viruses on this planet.

  6. Please take care when reporting on vaccinated, yet able to be infected and transmit. The data are young. The reports are far from scientifically valid as reporting at this point indicates no firm conclusions about transmissible infections aside from anecdotal (Mass. 4th of July event)reports.

    Your point is well taken however. The anti-vax screed has poisoned and infected many of my rural neighbors to the point that they think things like infertility, genetic manipulation of the mRNA vaccines and other outright lies.

    1. It is widly reported that fully vaccinated people are getting mildly ill and testing positive for covid and therefore able to infect others. No study needed. Good handwashing and staying home when sick will go far to protect all, vaccinated or not.

      1. Add to that wearing masks, preferably N-95 when in crowded spaces, and you have my agreement. What study is needed is data analysis of reported breakthroughs to estimate the likelihood of breakthrough infections.

        As CDC Walinsky noted:

        “The highest spread of cases and severe outcomes is happening in places with low vaccination rates and among unvaccinated people,” she said. And “the associated illness, suffering and death could have been avoided.”

    2. You must admit that many people who got vaccinated also fell for disinformation – that the vaccines would prevent infection and spread, and were the only path to ‘return to normalcy’

      all of that was known to be false way back before the huge PR push. Its unfortunate that these bureaucrats treat people like ignorant children

      1. With respect, you are conflating infection and a 97-99% chance that if infected you would not experience symptoms requiring hospitalization or die because of the virus.

        That has been the consistent message from health officials, once again manipulated and twisted by those seeking to diminish the efficacy of the vaccines.

        Have individuals experienced “breakthrough” infections? Obviously, out of 340,000,000+ doses administered, one would expect transmissible “breakthrough”.

        One needs to look no further than the dramatic drop in cases, hospitalizations and death between the initial EUA and the arrival of the new Delta variant. In fact, the Delta variant was made possible by a simple statistic: 97% of declared Democrats said in a recent survey that they had received full doses; 47% of Republicans. Look no further than those states dominated by Republicans and the current case load driving the new wave. Even as some Republican lawmakers have admitted that they contributed to the false narratives, their message comes too little and too late for the surge we are experiencing.

      2. Those of us who paid attention and listened knew that it wouldnt keep you from getting it rather that it would keep you from being hospitalized and dying. But keep spreading your misinformation.

        1. so we are agreed, that the ONLY purpose vaccinations serve is to provide some protection for the vaccinated from hospitalization and death, and do not stop infection and spread

          ergo, hawaii’s policy of not testing vaccinated individuals before letting them enter the island is indeed killing people

          1. After being told by your buddy, James B, you’re still not grasping that the vaccinated can, have been and still do transmit this virus. If Hawaii is going to test Island bound travelers, testing everyone, including returning residents, (at the state’s expense for sure) is the ONLY answer. This isn’t rocket science. 🤷‍♂️

          2. Did you read my earlier post explaining? I’ll repeat the statements of public health epidemiologists:

            One has a 97-99% chance that if infected you would not experience symptoms requiring hospitalization or die because of the virus.

            Had the 30%-40% of vaccine skeptics gotten their shot, we would not be discussing the next Delta wave of Covid.

            That has been the consistent message from health officials, once again manipulated and twisted by those seeking to diminish the efficacy of the vaccines.

            Have individuals experienced “breakthrough” infections? Obviously, out of 340,000,000+ doses administered, one would expect transmissible “breakthrough”.

            One needs to look no further than the dramatic drop in cases, hospitalizations and death between the initial EUA and the arrival of the new Delta variant. In fact, the Delta variant was made possible by a simple statistic: 97% of declared Democrats said in a recent survey that they had received full doses; 47% of Republicans. Look no further than those states dominated by Republicans and the current case load driving the new wave. Even as some lawmakers have admitted that they contributed to the false narratives, their message comes too little and too late for the surge we are experiencing.

            My posts hopefully are for the benefit of BOH readers so that they can measure, I wish you health as well.

  7. Do the math: Vacation travel to Hawaii is at pre-Covid levels + Vax’d travellers can spread the virus + vaccination of HI residents is on the decline. How can the guy say HI is turning the corner? Summer travel is nowhere near the end … but I guess its like the Mayor of Maui asking on Sunday (yesterday) for school reopening to be postponed when school starts tomorrow:(

    1. This is mostly the governments fault..locally and especially nationally, but also the fault of people not educating themselves on what the vaccine actually does. The mixed and erratic message surrounding the vaccine has led too many people to believe that if they’re vaccinated they have a pseudo ‘shield of protection’ around them that prevents them from acquiring the virus. Just today, Mitch McConnell tested positive and he’s fully vaccinated. Originally they were calling them ‘breakthrough cases’. I think as the Delta gains prominence and the Lambda becomes more prevalent, they won’t be seen as ‘breakthrough’…they’ll become the norm. This virus isn’t going away anytime soon. Limit the tourist influx and require EVERYONE to have a pre arrival negative test, and if we can afford it…post arrival as well. Thanks

  8. this is what happens when you substitute vaccination for actual testing

    it is completely anti-science to give the vaccinated a pass on testing when its clear that they are equally as likely to get infected and spread covid as the vaccinated. Unfortunately people swallow the fake narratives of the media and the unelected bureaucrats of these public health agencies, instead of doing the bare minimum of research on the experimental treatments they are injecting themselves with. It was clear from the pharma documents submitted for EUA that the vaccine ONLY attenuates resultant symptoms, and it was never studied or promoted as preventing infection and spread.

    testing for all is the ONLY practical solution

    1. No actually its not against science. Funny how you all believe the parts of science you want to but ignore the rest.

    2. Jamie L, that makes too much sense. 👍

      PaulC – “Funny how you all believe the parts of science you want to but ignore the rest.” 😏

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