Could Hawaii Safe Travels Program End With Pending Changes?

As you have heard, all US airline passengers could soon need proof of Covid-19 status before stepping on board. If enacted, that will include flights to Hawaii. A bill proposed in the U.S. Senate is pending.

At present, domestic air passengers are not subject to any COVID requirement nationally. Hawaii has its rules, known as Hawaii Safe Travels, wherein proof of US vaccination or testing is required, but only avoids mandatory quarantine. As we have said many times, scrutiny of air travelers before they can fly domestically is wholly within the federal government’s purview and cannot be enforced either by states, including Hawaii, or the airlines. In other words, Hawaii can require that visitors comply with one of three options, but can’t require proof of vaccination or testing in order to fly here.

According to a recent Harris poll, legislation to require proof of COVID status for air travel is supported by 64% of Americans. The new bill (the US Air Travel Public Safety Act) would require that airlines verify that all passengers have either digital or paper proof of being fully vaccinated, have a recent negative COVID test or fully recovered from the disease. The airlines would be required to collect contact tracing information, something that the CDC previously proposed but that the airline industry has resisted. Airlines argued that any additional restrictions placed on domestic flights would be bad for travel.

“Ensuring that air travelers protect themselves and their destination communities from this disease is critical to prevent the next surge, particularly if we confront new, more virulent variants of COVID-19.” — US Senator Diane Feinstein.

Another goal of the bill is to align a national standard with new international air standards being deployed starting in November.

Where Hawaii Safe Travels fits in.

If passed, this new requirement will be largely duplicative with Hawaii Safe Travels and would result in either its elimination or significant modification. The only other aspect of Hawaii Safe Travels not accommodated within the proposed legislation is the questionably useful health questionnaire that Hawaii arrivals must complete within 24 hours of travel to the islands.

Feinstein said, “this bill complements similar travel requirements already in place for all air passengers – including Americans – who fly to the United States from foreign countries. This includes flights from foreign countries with lower COVID-19 rates than many U.S. states.”  Not mentioned, however, is the overlap with the Hawaii Safe travels program.

International arrival requirements in US Mainland and Hawaii.

Starting next month, the US is to require all foreign travelers boarding flights to anywhere in the US, including Hawaii, will need to show proof of vaccination status plus a negative Covid-19 test. Also, new, any COVID-19 vaccine approved for emergency use by the World Health Organization will now be accepted for travel to the US.

US travelers returning to the US, including Hawaii.

At the same time, US citizens and permanent residents will only require proof of a negative COVID test taken within 72 hours of departure to the US.

Travelers not fully vaccinated will still be able to fly to the US with added testing and contact tracing requirements. Those not vaccinated will be required to complete testing within 24 hours of boarding a US-bound flight plus an additional test upon arrival. We have not seen details yet of how the arrival tests or children too young to be vaccinated will be handled.

We look forward to your thoughts.

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94 thoughts on “Could Hawaii Safe Travels Program End With Pending Changes?”

  1. Hello
    I will be arriving in Hawaii to Honolulu then to Kauai with 2 others I’m supporting. We have all safe travel done along with our downloaded Vaccine cards. Will we still have to do a Covid test before arriving or is this all we need to do ? We will be arriving November 8th 2021 and leaving November 15th

  2. I live on Big Islan & had to fly to Calif. for funeral service. I got my vacations in Hawaii. Do still have to take COVID test before flying home to Hawaii?

  3. My son was born & raised in Hawaii. His mainland family of 5 all had Covid-19 last year, and all fully recovered. Recent studies show that natural immunity is >20x that of those fully vaccinated. Requiring vaccinations of those who already have immunity, is, in a word: Nuts. I’m a physician MD, licensed in 8 States, including Hawaii, & I am Not anti-vac; I’ve had 3 Covid-19 vaccinations.

    1. With respect JohnW, the jury is still out on efficacy of natural vs. vaccine antibody production, but there is no argument that natural + vaccine stimulated antibodies is the best public health advice. Thus, proof of vaccination is the more prudent approach.

      1. If you look at the international average death rates for 2019 compared with 2020, the actual deaths from CV-19 are more than four times the official number. Deaths at home. Homeless. Rural pops. And India!

    2. John, you will not convince some of what you say. They would rather live in their fearful world, not the science world. If the mainstream media didn’t say it, its not true. I believe you and I have several that have had it and were tested, and their immunity was very high. As a nurse, I am amazed at the lack of trust in the true science. I too am not an anti-vac.

      1. Aloha Sheila. I don’t think that anyone was questioning whether having CV-19 provides a level of immunity. That level obviously varies depending on the severity of the case, the age of the individual and preceding health status. What has been proven effective for those who have had CV-19 is that natural + vaccine provides greater immunity than either natural or vaccine alone for those who have not had a case.

        Since you are not an anti-vac., shouldn’t you applaud those who err on the side of caution and get a jab? We are still early into this novel coronavirus. It’s mutation pattern and longer-term effects from having CV-19 are not well understood because it is novel, but the damage to lung, heart in some and even nervous systems should be cause enough for prudence and kuleana.

  4. I’ve revised my flights to Hilo in December. I’ve gotten the 3 shots from Pfizer and have the card. What else must I do to fly in Dec. Mahalo

    1. Hi Joyce.

      You’ll need to follow the Safe Travels protocol for uploading that information and the health questionnaire. Don’t forget to get a pre clearance wristband from your airline at your departure, which will save you time on arrival.


  5. How did we ever survive and control smallpox, polio, plague, and a host of other human maladies inflicting man throughout the ages without someone ever telling us we needed a card to carry?

    “Covid-19 teaches us that we are all global citizens connected by a single virus that recognizes none of our natural or man-made diversity: not the colour of our skin, nor our passports, or the gods we worship.”
    – Abiy Ahmed

    1. At least the first three were taken care of by requiring children be vaccinated as a condition of entering school. Wasn’t alive during the plague, so…as for smallpox, it wasn’t finally eliminated until the final remote populations were reached in the early 70’s. No card needed because everyone was part of the solution rather than residing on their private island.

    2. We didn’t politicize the fight. We just all got vaccinated as soon as the vaccine was available without any complaints about losing out “rights”.

  6. The Governor has said, he’s not willing to open without restriction until he sees a return of the 600 health workers from the mainland and the removal of the temporary tents from around the hospitals. I can certainly understand where he’s coming from.

  7. Wish Big Island would reestablish its original program to stop tourist coming to see volcano. This seems important as cases rise! The ridiculousness of allowing tourists within the park at this time either high rates of sulfuric gases that have potential to harm or kill , the particles of glass like substances in air too. Tourists dont really have knowledge of high level of danger so park should close! To allow tourism to park is insanity to me! This is like a super spreader for native/ locals just seems time to close island off from outside so they can handle the case load of covid/ delta already there. Implement education of vax as to many here false narratives.

  8. Preventing passengers that are far more likely to spread a potentially deadly disease from doing so is no more a violation of their rights
    then denying a passenger who is drunk the right to fly. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect “our freedoms” not an attach on them.

  9. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    Today while you were dealing with hair on fire comments on this subject I went skydiving.

    Got half dozen jumps in awesome day.

  10. You go to the doctor they give you some medication and they warned you that this medication can damage your heart your kidneys so you get the medication take it home and take it because you want the medication to make you better but when you take the vaccine it will save your life and your family life

  11. Americans are “always willing to trade away a little of their freedom” in exchange for “the illusion of security.”

    George Carlin has pretty much nailed everything about this whole virus almost 20 years ago it’s pretty scary how accurate he has been.

  12. This all seems so wrong its discriminating, segregating…just not right ..

    … I just want to go see my grandkids….and no one ask if you have a hepatitis B vaccine or any other vaccine
    And no a drivers license is totally different then a forced vaccine
    Do wish all this none freedom stuff stops and I do not feel its right to take down people comments …..unless they are violent, threatening,vulgar,
    Thank you for your information guess its all still up in the air …hope they don’t change things without notice or we all might not every get to go home to your state……..Mahalo

    1. Hi Julie.

      Your comment has been edited. We will continue to edit or delete comments and ban some commenters, as we deem appropriate.


  13. Diane are the rules going to apply for you and your family? Getting the. Vaccine is a personal choice. What happened to my body my choice?

  14. I would like to understand this.

    I’m supposed to carry around my papers. These papers indicate I have had a vaccine that, from what is on my papers, no one can determine whether remains effective for me or not. It also does not state whether I require a booster shot that, just as with the original vaccine series, no one knows how long may (or may not) be effective.

    But with my issued papers, I can show my status to the airlines and fly away, despite evidence that although I have the correct blocks checked on my little card, I may still be a carrier merrily on my way infecting people.

    This is a classic example of process masquerading as progress. Right in concert with the: “We mandated masks; we must have gotten something” approach to problem solving.

    The problems with serious COVID will mitigate when either COVID mutates away from us or enough of us acquire lasting effective immunity. But I think just as it was with the mask and stay-at-home requirements, nature is not presently particularly interested in my vaccine card.

    1. Until then, the responsible approach is to not view your opinion as sacrosanct, be humble and do all you can to protect those around you. Getting vaccinated and following sensible public health advice is not a big ask. There IS a reason that 2020 saw an incredible drop in both flu and common rhinovirus cases because people were masked, isolated, washing hands and social distancing.

      Since you are a fan of quotes, I’ll leave you with my fave.

      “No one ever died poor underestimating the intelligence of the American public,”. (Attributed to both HL Mencken and PT Barnum)

      As evidenced by the continued political fund raising off obvious lies.

      1. Hi James B.

        I read your comments and find your positions regarding common sense thoughtful.

        I wrote the above out of my perception that the problems with much of this does not lie with the vaccine or the vaccine’s customers, but rather with the sales force.

        For some reason it seems to me that they just can’t connect the dots correctly to have the picture of vaccine benefits appear clear enough to overcome some folk’s concerns. Perhaps that is because such is the way the facts line up or maybe it is just a plain honest misunderstanding. Either way, we just don’t know and aren’t being told in a very open or effective manner. Instead, we seem to be content to head down the road embracing a “the beatings will continue until morale improves” solution model.

        If effective vaccination and control measures are to be achieved I think they will be accomplished quicker and more fully with good, accurate, and honest information sourced from trusted individuals and groups (if they can now be identified without fear of retribution). I continue to remain unconvinced COVID will meet its demise in a political office full of lobbyist somewhere.

  15. As with everything else, since a certain percentage of the population refuses to (and/)or complains bitterly about) wearing a mask in public–particularly on planes and refuses to get vaccinated—the government is forced to take more drastic and more draconian measures to control this deadly global pandemic.

    So… would I prefer NOT to have to prove that I have been vaccinated everywhere that I go? Of course. Would I prefer that everyone just wear masks and social distance and get vaccinated of their own volition–so that we can end this pandemic quickly and easily? Of course. But since that’s not possible–since we’re dealing with a shockingly large percentage of citizens in this country–we gotta do what we gotta do.

    Thanks, Republicans!

    1. “As with everything else, since a certain percentage of the population refuses to (and/)or complains bitterly about) wearing a mask in public–particularly on planes…”

      Exactly what percentage is that? How many planes have you been on, in the last year and a half, Jared, and how many people have you seen complain and make a scene in public to actually buy into that statement? I’ve been on many planes since this started, and I have yet to see ONE situation like this. I have seen people wearing masks under their nose, and usually don’t put it up until asked to do so (usually only when on an airplane…not at airports), but not one single incident. Weird…maybe I am just lucky, or maybe I am like many who fly more often than most, and recognize that these are extremely isolated incidents?

      “…so that we can end this pandemic quickly and easily?”

      I don’t think that some of you even grasp that there are those that aren’t going to let this end, if they can influence the outcome, because there is nothing but profit in this for them. It’s been over 18 months from “30 days to slow the spread”, and it’s been slowed as much as it’s going to, until we have herd immunity. Have you looked at the death rates since the peak earlier this year? Please do, and let me know what you find…

      Hawaii is apparently now over 75% with the vaccine with people having at least one shot. What happened to fully opening the economy back up after 70% having the shot??? 🤷‍♂️ Many were convinced that would not happened, and it appears they are right.

  16. In other words, Hawaii can require that visitors comply with one of three options, but can’t require proof of vaccination or testing in order to fly here.

    This statement makes no sense.

    If the State “can’t require proof of testing” – why is it that the State “requires flyers to comply w testing”?

    1. Hi Bill M.

      You are trying to approach Hawaii’s COVID control efforts logically and with some common sense. This can indeed be a frustrating endeavor but you are not alone.

      You are certainly not alone in your questions as evaluation of attempts in disease control have been around since long ago. I say that because I note that French writer, historian, and philosopher François-Marie Arouet, writing in the mid 18th century under his pen name Voltaire, succinctly observed:

      “The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.”

        1. Breakthrough cases are still rare and mostly a result of unvaccinated people. In San Francisco, one of the highest vaccinated per capita
          cities in the US the chance of a vaccinated person having a breakthrough case is 1 in 10000….in cities with lower vaccinated rates it’s still about 1 in 5000 to 7000.

          1. Your kidding me right? 10 assistant coaches on the saints had the vaccine and all had covid last week. Do know what the statistical probability is of that? 10000 to the 10 power based on your numbers.

    1. Maybe they should just be taken to re-education camps and taught the error of their ways. That seems to work “better” in other countries.

      In that spirit, perhaps the legions of mind-numbed dogmatic zealots should be forced to learn critical thinking and how real science works.

      1. Mike, if you understand how critical thinking and real science works you certainly understand that the Covid vaccinations are a safe and effective tool to get our freedoms back and what’s driving the anti vax movement is the polar opposite of critical rational thought.

        1. Hello JOHNW.

          You have me thinking about this.

          Why do we have to do something to “get our freedoms back”? Are they hostage?

          For how long? From whom? And why were they taken from us to begin with?

          In almost two years I’ve seen sparse evidence losing our freedoms has done much of anything except divide America and wreck economies, Hawaii’s included. I think many are ready to have our freedoms handed back to us forthwith, and I might add with an apology attached.

          “There is no limit to the amount of intelligence invested in ignorance when the need for illusion runs deep.”
          ― Saul Bellow

          1. What freedoms have we lost exactly? The freedom to spread a deadly virus? The freedom to flood ICUs i because you decide not to get vaccinated? The freedom to give a deadly virus to someone who can’t get vaccinated? What freedoms are you v talking about?!? What about my freedom to go about my business safely? The anti vaxers are certainly talking that away. How about the freedom of sending my kids to a safe school? And just to bring it home to what this site is supposed to be about. What about my freedom to go on a vacation to Hawaii safely? Yup, I think I get it now, those must be the freedoms you’re referring to, right?

          2. Hi JOERG H.

            I think you are certainly welcome to enjoy your freedom to safely vacation in Hawaii. We all want that.

            First, I don’t think people mind very much carrying around a stack of paper to show they paid this or that or passed some skills test. That’s administrative minutia attendant a bureaucratic state. However I do believe some get a moment of pause when they are supposed to produce a paper where the underlying condition requires them have something placed in their body they might not wish placed there regardless of reason. I just don’t view that as abnormal I’m afraid. Rather I see that as choice. And I also see punitive measures as a rather poor attempt at a crutch for failed vaccine policies.

            To your questions. I see the fundamental concerns in all of this rather undefined approach as involving the exercise of reasonable free will, freedom of movement and association, the recognized sanctity of a free persons body, and numerous religious and other societal concerns; for example, the status of minors. We may agree or disagree as to the importance of each these days, but I just do not think fear of COVID or the purported attributes of the COVID vaccine should act to trump any of them. Yet I witness this.

            In two years we have surrendered much, yet 700,000 are lost. I think for many the illusion of just give up a little more is dimming. At some point the cure may be worse than the disease.

        2. Aloha JOHNW,

          Thanks for a little hilarity during a serious time. Unfortunately this is not the proper forum to demonstrate my “understanding” on the subject.

          And sincere thanks to BOH for giving us a chance to express opinions contrary to the party line (so rare in this age of censorship).

    2. Your idea overlooks the fact that many people have exemptions. There will never be 100% compliance. So you needn’t take that totalitarian position.

    3. If you are vaccinated you are protected right? so why are those vaxxed fighting this? Unless maybe people don’t really believe it protects them. I believe in what Norway and Singapore are doing along with several other countries. They removed all restrictions for everyone and anything. They have vac rates in the 70 to 80 percent range and yet still have spikes in cases . They realize it’s here to stay and just deal with it. If the vax is the cure and you elect to wear a faux mask then you should be covered so I don’t understand peoples concerns?

    4. I think if you weigh over say 200 pounds you need to buy 2 tickets or not fly. It’s a safety issue planes only hold so much and it inconveniences me.

    5. Because it takes someone else’s rights away for there BODY .one person rights cannot take away another’s rights .We all have the same rights MY BODY MY MIND MY SOUL

  17. Reading the comments on this article, like many others here, is depressing and maddening. More political anti-vax disinformation. Why do you keep allowing this, @BOH? What happened to talk about Hawaii rather than vaxx talk and talk about our politicians here. Most of the commenters talking about the latter are not HI residents and should stay out of local political issues, instead tend to those where they reside. Bring back the rules and stop the politics here.

    1. More political anti-vax disinformation. Why do you keep allowing this, @BOH?

      It’s called free speech and public discourse. Check out the Bill of Rights.

      You certainly have the right to comment and disagree, just like the Confederates disagreed with the Union stance on Slavery.

      1. Hi Bill.

        Your freedom of speech has nothing to do with what we allow on our website. We have deleted more than 400 comments in the past few weeks.


    2. Aloha Dee,

      They (BoH) wrote the article and said, “We look forward to your thoughts”. This is a direct solicitation/invitation to give your opinion/comment, and it clearly does not have to be fact based, as there’s been disinformation from both sides on many of these controversial topics. You sound like you want them to control the narrative, which is not what they have chosen to do for a reason. How about you stop asking them to do so, because it doesn’t agree with your opinion? It’s pretty simple…you either participate in the conversation or you choose not to do so. 🤷‍♂️

  18. So let’s see. If I come across the southern border illegally I am shuttled or flown around the country and of course don’t have to be tested for Covid something wrong with this picture?

      1. Hi JOERG H.

        As to “what does any of that have to do with travel to Hawaii”.

        Upfront apologies to R&R Partners and their Las Vegas tourism slogan.

        With COVID and untested/unvaccinated people, what happens in Vegas (or Del Rio) doesn’t really stay in Vegas (or Del Rio). It travels everywhere, including Hawaii.

        Then Hawaiian officials put travel restrictions in place. Again and again and again …

  19. hi, Im very confused. The article says
    “At present, domestic air passengers are not subject to any such requirement.”
    I believe this is misinformation?
    Beacuse that i know of, it is required to present a negative Covid 19 test result or provide proof of fully vaccination in order to fly domestically from us to hawaii.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Daniel.

      Can you please read it again, as we made changes based on your comment? Let us know if that is clear or not. Thanks for your input.


    2. “Beacuse that i know of, it is required to present a negative Covid 19 test result or provide proof of fully vaccination in order to fly domestically from us to hawaii.”

      👆-This is not a completely accurate statement.

      At this point, you don’t need anything to get on a plane to fly anywhere in the US, even Hawaii…you can get on any plane without proof of anything; however, you do need a test or proof of vaccination when you land, in order to stay in Hawaii, if you don’t want to be shipped back. Again, you have violated no law or regulations by buying a ticket and just getting on a plane to travel within the US.

    1. This comment might be relevant on a Mexico travel site. It’s sure not relevant here.

      Thanks to BOH for their diligence in these trying times.

  20. Just stop with all this nonsense!!!,this is NOT a vaccine,it’s fLU shot!!!,and you can still the Covid,weather your Jabbed or not!!,mU

      1. Robin is correct. Vaccinated people that contract COVID as break through cases happen frequently. Just today a SCOTUS Judge contracted it and he is vaccinated.

      2. That is correct … getting vaccinated will not make you immune, stop you from getting infected or transmitting covid. The best it can do is lessen your symptoms if you catch it. Even if everyone gets the shot, the virus will mutate and continue to circulate. Even a 100% Vaccination Rate Cannot Eliminate COVID.

  21. This is such hogwash.! Gotta carry your ‘papers’ everywhere you go. What happened to civil rights…I guess this is how freedom dies. People go on and on about the Spanish Flu and how it killed so many people. Well look at the science, COVID is here and flu cases are non existent. What does that tell you? Its all about government control of the people.

    1. Sure, governments all around the world decided to control all of the people all at once, while completely unable to come to such quick agreement on anything else.

    2. Andy, don’t you carry your drivers license with you everywhere you go? Have you never entered another country and showed your passport? How about having to show proof of how old you are to get a drink? Really you should think before you write. Get vaccinated and show the card when required. Easy as pie!

      1. Getting a drivers license does not require you to be injected with a drug that can potentially have life long side effects.
        Simple logic.

        1. At this pace, it just might, Bill. Their logic isn’t simple by any means.

          Limiting travel “for the greater good” seems to be the warped logic behind this particular controlling measure. Instead of expecting people to be responsible for their own actions, and allowing them to make their own decisions to travel freely, as well as make their own health choices, they’d rather force people to be responsible for others that do not taken care of themselves, and are at risk from this disease. It’s that same “you need to take care of me” attitude that’s been pushed for the last couple generations. 🤷‍♂️

    3. How outrageous! I mean, this on top of having to show your driving papers (drivers license) to the police at the drop of a hat! Then there’s the need to show your identity papers to buy alcohol, not to mention the poor children that have to show that they have been vaccinated against all kinds of things in order to got to school! It just NEVER ENDS!!! Next, we will be required to show our insurance papers in order to drive our own cars! Oh, wait, we already have to do that … but anyway, having to show we are protected against a deadly virus is just a bridge too far!

    4. Mike’s got the right sense for the continued loss of freedom. What happened to take the shot like I did and stop worrying about those who are not vaccinated. I was lucky to have a father who fought for Patton in WW2 as a tank driver for my freedom today. I’m blessed.

    5. So instead of having to show just your ID to get on an airplane, which has been a requirement for years without any real controversy or complaint, the problem is that we would have to show a second paper? I’m not sure I’d agree that having to show twice as much “papers”, 2 vs. 1, is an infringement on anyone’s civil rights. If it truly is an unbearable burden, there’s always the option of driving.

  22. Finally someone is giving credit to those of us who have had this virus and have natural antibodies. I’m offended that Hawaii set off on its own to do the job of the federal government and how that this app thing is userped in progress. Should hold government officials accountable for taxpayer money spent on it as well.

    1. I’m glad the bill specifically mentioned those that are fully recovered. I have my positive test, my receipt for monoclonal antibodies, and my negative test. Hopefully, those will constitute the proof that might be required if the bill passes.

      1. Mahalo Beat of Hawaii!

        You remain the best of the best at everything you do. Especially remaining calm in the midst of a feces storm.

        You’re way better humans than I am.🤗


        1. Hi Pam.

          Thanks! It is challenging as you clearly see, and we just do the best we can. Obviously not everyone is pleased. Hope you’re having a great weekend over there on Maui. It is beautiful here on Kauai – a lovely sunny fall day.


    2. If you require everyone that is unvaccinated and flying anywhere in the US to get tested…..along with all unvaccinated employees in companies with 100 or more employees (if that also passes)…. there is no way the testing and getting timely results is going to happen. The labs can’t keep up now. Good luck getting a 72 hour turn around to fly. So unless they get more people employed in this area, this will need to be kept in mind. You may not be able to travel unless you are vaccinated.

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