Hawaii Safe Travels

Starting February 18: Hawaii Safe Travels Booster Requirement + More

We have been saying for more than a month that boosters would soon become required to visit Hawaii. Now we have word that it begins on February 18 according to a reliable source. More on that below. In addition, three islands are further aligning with Covid booster requirements.

February 18 Hawaii Safe Travels officially rumored start date.

Hawaii doesn’t always do things straightforward, so it isn’t totally surprising that the news of a booster start date came from neither the governor nor the lieutenant governor. Instead, it came from Honolulu’s mayor. This week Rick Blangiardi announced that “the targeted date for that is February 18.”

When the governor said last week that Covid boosters would be required, he did not announce a date on which that change would occur. In part, that was because the complexity of implementing that mandate within Safe Travels was becoming clear. His last statement on the issue was “we are working through what the requirements would be to allow us to identify whether an individual is up to date in their vaccinations..and what would be required to manually evaluate that status, and looking for ways to automate the assessment of whether someone has gotten all of their vaccination shots, including their boosters.”

Hawaii currently requires only either 1) the primary dose of vaccine or 2) a PCR test within 72 hours before travel, to avoid quarantine in Hawaii.

The testing exemption should continue to be available even after boosters are added to the vaccination exemption.

Hawaii Safe Travels caught unprepared.

The Hawaii Safe Travels website was never intended to record boosters, and still only supports either negative test results or primary vaccinations. They are in the process of implementing that change. The issues were complicated by staffing issues, and, as the governor said, “we were already seeing staffing shortages like many are seeing all across the state. We have been unable to hire all the people we need to implement the safe travels program.”

Governor’s two weeks’ notice means announcement due on or before February 4.

The governor said Hawaii will “provide at least two weeks for those who may not be up-to-date…to get vaccinated.” That means we should have this be announced within the next two weeks or less.

Maui restaurants require boosters starting January 24.

Maui previously announced that a booster will be required next week to comply with its Safer Outdoors program. Patrons will be required to provide proof of primary and booster vaccinations to dine in at restaurants, as well as when going to bars or gyms unless a prior test with 24 hours is provided.

Taking it a step further, Maui’s mayor said he has “asked Gov. Ige to consider revising Safe Travels Hawaii to require travelers to show proof of a booster shot.” The rules on Maui are that patrons must be vaccinated including booster or provide proof of negative test taken within 48 hours of entry into the premises, which test must be an FDA approved or FDA EUA approved molecular or antigen test.

Big Island wants a Safe Travels booster requirement too. 

The county has indicated that it would also like to see the change implemented as they align with both Honolulu and Maui. Governor Ige indicated he had been discussing this change with the mayors, so these announcements come as no surprise.

Updated 1/22/22.

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557 thoughts on “Starting February 18: Hawaii Safe Travels Booster Requirement + More”

  1. We have our QR codes and we are fully vaccinated in addition to our passports. Do we meet all of the requirements for travel to maui on April 25th

    Thank You
    Don M

  2. We are scheduled to visit Oahu/Maui after February 18 and 1 member of our party got Covid after 2 vaccinations at Christmas. They can’t receive the booster for 90 days. How can they comply with the booster requirement?
    Thank you and I look forward to your response.

    1. Hi Beth.

      Nothing is required in terms of a booster at this time. We will need to see what the state does, if anything, to learn more.


  3. Planning to travel to Hawaii from the mainland at the end of the month. So many different reports on how bad (or not bad) Covid is in the Islands… Anyone been there recently or live in Hawaii that can give me the real story about the situation? Thanks for the scope.

    1. Hi Jeff.

      Suppose it is all relative to where you are visiting from. Cases are definitely on the decline from where they were in January.


    1. Hi Rod.

      Yes. You can set up your profile at any time and when you are ready, add trip details subsequently.


  4. I’m sitting at the gate for an Alaska flight to Kona. They are requiring people to sign into the Safe Travels website on a device to pre-clear you and give you a magic bracelet to sail through the airport Hawaii-side. If you OR anyone you’re traveling with (?!) even if you have different Safe Travels accounts, do not have two green checks on your QR code, none of you can get a bracelet. So I’m all green. My travel companion is not. She has vax, I have negative test.This is Kafkaesque.

  5. It really makes no sense to require booster shots as the medical experts have established that the current vaccine has no effect on blocking the Omicon version. It appears that the governor doesn’t understand. Omicron is in remission and Hawaii needs to rethink.

  6. If there was any question before, it’s crystal clear now. Your governor is insane. With omicron-dominated trends falling, UK, Ireland, Denmark, Finland and more and more states are slashing or eliminating crazy rules, and Ige wants to plunge deeper into this lunacy?

  7. You need to cover all scenarios of these booster mandates. If you recently received you second Pfizer shot how are you expected to get a booster shot if travel is scheduled only
    2 1/2 months later?? What’s the minimal amount of time after 2nd dose that you must get a booster to be labeled fully vaccinated? People need answers because there’s a lot of $ invested in these trips and cancelling is time sensitive and must be decided asap..

  8. We arrived on Maui on 01/22- met all requirements for COVID vaccination per Hawaii safe travels. Now we read we need a booster- we have appointment on 02/06 at our PCP office when we get home. What do we do in order to eat out on Maui?

  9. You can still visit your property. I spent 4 and a half months in Kauai from October 2020 through February 2021. I was able to return for 2 months in November and December 2021. I’m returning again in March of this year. All I had to do was comply with the State and Country of Kauai’s health and safety laws. As always a good time was had by all. Aloha!

    1. Hi Nani.

      You’re an example of a good attitude going a long way to make things work. Thanks for nearly 100 comments.


      1. Aloha E! So sorry you’ve had such a hard time. I’ve been back and forth to Kauai 3 times under the safe travels program without confusion. You might want to ask a younger friend or family member to help you negotiate the app or the airline staff is also very willing to help you before you leave the mainland. Have a wonderful time in paradise!

  10. Goldie C the cdc said natural immunity PLUS vaccines give the best immunity. You “forgot” the vaccines part. Of course this assumes you survive your bout of covid. The dead don’t provide any immunity statistics.

  11. The HI-EMA Covid dashboard no longer shows daily number of tests taken or “positivity” rate.

    They still show daily, 7 day average, and 14 days running total “cases”.

    As of Jan 23, 55K people tested positive over last 14 days, 400 in hospital, 49 in ICU. They do not breakdown vaxed/booted or not, or whether due to COVID or due to something else but tested positive for COVID. Cumulative fatality rate is 0.6%


  12. What does it Look like For Kauai rules comming ?

    I Had Phiser 1 and 2 April after I GOT Back From Kauai

    have not Got Booster yet am coming in March

    A Big Thank You !
    I watch this site for most of my Island updates
    Oh and last article had asked about new or Returning Visitors I think Returning Visitors are Better Because Thay care about the Islands as they Want to come back so I Hope they Leave it Better !

    1. Hi CowboyBob.

      No word on any changes on Kauai thus far. Our sense is whatever happens, if anything, will be adopted statewide.


    1. Hi Peter,

      I really don’t know. But, assuming the States have no right to restrict the travel of Americans traveling between the States, isn’t that the end of the argument? Unless the State was to appeal to the Supreme Court if a lower court sided with citizens from other States.

      Until an out-of-stater files a lawsuit & wins, I guess Hawaii is on safe ground. It’s just opinion at this point.

      1. Wouldn’t that be ironic…an out of stater filing a law suit to force his will on how Hawaii has chosen to protect it’s unique situation.
        Perhaps someone from Hawaii should file a lawsuit against Texas for their approach to prioritizing freedom over safety? Maybe we could blame SWA and American for bringing the virus here? SWA crews have been disrespectful to the State compared to HA or Alaska. My point is that’s a terrible precedent. It would be the death blow to the Aloha spirit.

        1. John W, what’s ironic? That someone may file a lawsuit to protect his/her constitutional rights. Hawaii is one of 50 states and it does not have rights denied to the other states.

          Whether or not you or I and others with the same views are right or wrong, legally, can only be known if tested in a court. Will someone sue – maybe. Not me. But, your Gov is over the top. 75% of deaths from covid are people my age. But Ige wants to treat 5 year olds the same as 85 year olds. How is that a good idea?

        1. Paul, it’s still one of the 50 states. It may be a spec in the middle of the ocean, but it’s easier to get there than to Alaska.

          And, as a “spec,” it needs to play to its strengths – tourism. I understand wanting to preserve the health of the people, but that’s no different than what most states want to do.

          How to do it while not scaring the tourists as some on this forum seem intent on doing.

          1. Another good point taken, if anything, Covid exposed a woeful Hospital System that is not up to speed in Bed Count, nor Speciality should an abnormal situation present itself. This is Infrastructure that Hawaii owes it’s residents and tourists alike,,it’s about managing the $! Previous comments have shown negativity towards Tourists, Airline’s and Hotelier’s, during the boom of the ’90’s, Waikiki replaced a Hospital with Hawaii Prince Hotel, this before the boom in Ko’Olina and Kapolei.

          2. Rod,
            I hear you but Once again. Hawaii is having zero problems with tourists. Its only the whiners that don’t want to follow the rules. They cannot stop someone from visiting but they can put rules in place for your arrival. Many states have laws about a variety of different things that people don’t like. If this was say Oregon and Washington its not a big deal because your not crossing 2814 miles of ocean to get there. PS how is Hawaii easier to get to than Alaska which you can drive to?

      2. Hawaii cannot, and does not, stop any US resident from traveling there. However, they have an “emergency” quarantine rule in place. Lots of states did this back in spring 2020. The difference was that Hawaii could (somewhat) enforce it.

        All of this Safe Travels stuff is not about whether you can travel to Hawaii; it’s about whether you can avoid quarantine upon arrival.

        1. Interesting argument that pretty much settles the speculation and almost laughable idea that an individual can sue a state for their personal inconvenience. For example, say you are driving from AZ to CA and opposed to higher gas prices in California? Could you sue CA for imposing higher prices upon your visit? No. According to the 10th, each state can exercise its own rules that aren’t enumerated in the Constitution as federal purview.

        2. Valid points David. But, most other states are not taking draconian measures – the 2 shots are not enough so let’s mandate a booster that is not effective against the once surging variant. I guess that works for the Kool-Aid drinkers who think govt has all the answers.

          Like all pols, Ige is doing this so he can say he tried.

          1. Rod, for the record ‘kool aid” drinkers is a term for people that blindly follow conspiracy theories.
            Safe to say the people falling for the myriad of anti vax conspiracies floating around that have been proven false fit that mold nicely….

          2. That’s fine Rod, it seems everyone nowadays seems to be molding their own reality to suit their desires. I was just pointing out that the kool aid term did in fact come from a master conspiracy theorist that convinced people to kill themselves. It’s pretty amazing the “alternate realities” people can fall for. I’m old school, I miss the days when people got their news’s from Walter Chronkite

          3. JohnW Replying to “That’s fine Rod…” there’s no Reply button there.

            You must be referring to Jim Jones and the Jamestown massacre. We got our news from Walter too. But, that was before Fox. I think it was the 1980 Dem convention and my brother was a CBS carpenter and built Walter’s huge desk.

            I think most generation wish for the old days. I do.

          4. It’s true most states aren’t taking draconian measures. Hence the 72 million cases and 870000 deaths. #1 in the world way to go USA. Politicians in places like Florida have abdicated responsibility and then say oh well nothing we can do it’s so those of you who survive can have “freedom”.

          5. Ask anyone else in the world about why the US has high hospitalization and death rates and they’ll tell you: comorbidities. Our health authorities can’t admit there’s a huge problem here with obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease…

          6. Sandy you are correct. That said you can understand that the health authorities can hardly make rules that throw a large percentage of the population to the wolves and let the healthy survive.
            A lot of lessons will be learned from this era, hopefully the benefit of a healthy lifestyle will be one.

          7. LOL states can require whatever they want to require. Dont follow the rules or dont like them dont come to the state. Period. Its pretty simple.

    1. the rules will be what you were dealing with prior to the change. I did run into an old couple that had missed the 72 hours pre test by one hour. They were made to quarantine and then go home. It was ridiculous because they missed it by one hour

  13. Aloha BOH … The CDC announced new terminology … this is directly from the CDC website:

    “Up to date” means a person has received all recommended COVID-19 vaccines including any booster dose(s) when available.

    “Fully vaccinated“ means a person has received their primary series of COVID-19 vaccines.

    So the phrase in Maui paragraph in your article above describing “… fully vaccinated (meaning with booster) …” may need to be changed to align with the new CDC terminology.

  14. I see a lot of comments about how unconstitutional vaccine mandates are.
    And I see many of you have made it to this site which is here to promote Hawaii. So don’t like the rules to get to Hawaii Don’t Go!

    1. Don’t worry, many people won’t go to Hawaii. I see fares already stuck below $100 to the mainland and $40 inter island (even without aloha airlines)

      1. Funny they were saying that in June when I went. There were no shortage of visitors. Again in October tons of people. No one seemed to have a problem. I am ok with anti science people going elsewhere like Florida. Again I say. Dont like the rules fine by me. I for one will do what it takes.

          1. It occurs to me that unless the Constitution and other various laws have been rendered inoperable or Hawaii has left the Union, he has the right to be just about anywhere he chooses – including Hawaii.

            “Contempt is a weapon of the weak.”
            – Alice Miller

          2. How silly to think a state isn’t allowed to have it’s own regulations geared to it’s unique situation. What’s next, someone from Nevada suing Hawaii because we have lower speed limits on our highways?
            You people trying to force your will on Hawaii from out of state are really out to destroy what makes Hawaii unique, aren’t you. Please take your SWA frequent flier points to Orlando or Las Vegas.

          3. Michael L that’s a weirdly dramatic statement. Nobody has ever suggested injecting anything into anybody against their will.

  15. My husband and I are supposed to come to Oahu on February 26th. We are fully vaccinated (2 shots) but not eligible for the booster for another 5 months. Does this new mandate mean we need to postpone our trip?

    1. Diane C: IF the new booster rules go into effect AND you do not qualify for the “vaccine exemption” because your vaccine card shows the two primary vaccine shots but the card does not show a booster shot, Then I imagine you can complete your trip as scheduled by getting proof of a “negative” COVID-19 test from one of Hawaii’s “trusted partners” 72 hours or earlier before your final mainland-to-Hawaii flight segment. That is what I would do in your situation.

    2. You are just fine. The forcing of additional shot(s) is based on the timing dictated by Pfizer et al. and FDA. For now, that is six months. Probably it will go down to 6 weeks at some point. but, for now, six months.

      According to the Blog guys, this was the hold up. They want an automated way to determine if you have to have 3 or more shots. Seems easy enough to me, but this is a government web site.

  16. To the Beat,

    I have an unvaccinated friend who plans to visit Oahu on Feb 16 or 17 for a week.

    1. What will he need to get into Hawaii
    2. He lives in Florida, will he need anything to leave Hawaii
    3. Can he avoid quarantine while in Hawaii

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Rod.

      He just needs to comply with the within 72 hour testing exemption of Hawaii’s Safe Travels. That means correct test and from a trusted partner. Let us know if you have any questions on that.


  17. Deb C the problem is unvaccinated are filling hospitals and icus. So if you or one of your loved ones need cancer treatment or surgery for example they may not get it or may be delayed so there is a consequence to people choosing not to be vaccinated. A very few have legitimate reasons not to get a shot but most are not thinking of others and only themselves.

    1. Peter please stop spreading falsehoods about that. No one, including the President, has produced proof of anyone being turned away from a hospital because of unvaxxed Covid patients. The truth is that the hospitalized Covid patients are fairly balanced between vaxxed and unvaxxed.

      1. MJ for the record, the unvaccinated make up the vast majority of the hospitalization’s for COVID, In addition, in an even greater amount, they are the patients that are dying. Many of the vaccinated numbers are actually patients with other issues and happen to test positive. Bottom line though is the vaccinated suffer much less. You mentioned Ireland elsewhere I believe? They said they are only able to ease restrictions because of the many people boosted. That’s what made the difference.

        1. yup but those anti vaxxers grab on the fact they are dropping restrictions in Ireland who has almost 80% of the population fully vaccinated where as here in the USA we are still sitting at 63% fully vaccinated.
          So to those wanting this get your vaccine already!

      2. Perhaps it is worse.

        “Man Can’t Get Heart Transplant Because He’s Not Vaccinated Against COVID”
        WBZ4, CBS BOSTON, Paul Burton, January 24, 2022

        The family says he was at the front of the line to receive a transplant but because he has not received the COVID-19 vaccination he is no longer eligible according to hospital policy. Ferguson says his son refuses to get the shot.

        By choice, not capacity.

        This is where our fear has taken us.

        What and who is next?

      3. MJ you missed my point. The point is if you have covid you will probably get into hospital and icu. If you need other treatment surgery cancer treatment etc. you may not get in icu because it is full of unvaxed covid patients.

    2. Actually the numbers have been skewed from the beginning. Where i live they just started reporting true hospital numbers – those truly in hospital because of Covid and those admitted for other things and just happened to test positive… over half of hospitalized not there because of Covid. Also 50% are Vaccinated. So you cannot claim that unvaccinated are the only ones in the hospital – that is false. Staffing shortages at hospitals have been going on since before the pandemic.

      1. Deb. When you say vaccinated make up 50 % in the hospitals are “vaccinated” you leave out the fact that many are there for other reasons and also happen to test positive. The patients that are hospitalized solely because of Covid are mostly unvaccinated. Very few fully vaccinated people are dying from Covid and the ones that do generally have multiple comorbidities.
        A lot of lies are being spread to support the anti vax position.

        1. John,where’s your proof that only vaccinated are admitted for reasons other than covid?that is just not true. There are plenty of vaccinated getting sick enough to be hospitalized and yes even dying. I am vaccinated and boosted for Covid and I get my flu shot-this ‘vaccine’ is just like the flu shot-they tell you every year it won’t prevent you from getting flu but MAY reduce symptoms-i’ve ended up in hospital with flu even after shot. my unvaccinated spouse had covid- no hosptial and still here

  18. I’m not sure it’s even constitutional to prevent crossing over state lines because a person is not vaccinated and boosted. Certainly couldn’t police this in the 48 contiguous states. Asking a person to test and even quarantine-yes- but no shot, no travel, seems like a stretch. I think Hawaii will experience some angst with this decision. Your leadership is so wishy washy that it’s hard to keep track of the policies. So, a couple who is vaccinated can come, but not their young kids? Ridiculous.

    1. You are correct, interstate travel is considered interstate commerce and is regulated by the federal government. That is why Hawaii does not have any travel restrictions. They have restrictions once you land. You can fly with a test, without a test, vaccinated, or unvaccinated. But once you arrive in Hawaii it is within their states rights to require a quarantine depending upon your status.

      1. Eric V, one more thing. I think a reasonable person would probably consider your scenario as akin to blocking interstate travel. Hiding behind a technicality isn’t appreciated in court.

  19. I’m double vax’d not yet able to boost visited Maui last October trip planned for Big Island in May.

    When Delta arrived it made sense to finally get vaccinated with Omicron I don’t feel the same about boosting.

    My ability to vacation on the Hawaiian Islands falls very low on my list as to why I should get boosted. At this point unless a more deadly variant like Delta appears it’s highly unlikely I’ll get boosted just to visit Hawaii.

    My May trip is fully refundable, so I have time.

  20. Our family is fully vaccinated and boosted, and we were planning on coming in July. We are so glad Maui will only allow vaccinated individuals to visit the island. Even though there are breakthroughs, we will feel safer. Kudos to Hawaii!!! Too bad the U.S. mainland won’t go the same route!

    1. “We are so glad Maui will only allow vaccinated individuals to visit the island.”

      Sorry to burst your thought bubble, but this is a false statement. Maui cannot stop US residents from traveling there, including those that live there. The state of HI has a mandatory quarantine (down to 5 days). To avoid the quarantine, you can show proof of vax (soon to be double secret probation vaxxed) or a timely obtained negative test from “trusted partner”

    2. No one has to be vaccinated to visit Maui. All the vaccination does is exempt you from quarantine upon arrival and all the booster does is allow you to dine indoors and go to bars and gyms.

    3. you know you can still get covid?? the “vaccine” does not prevent spread – only possibly prevents you as vaccinated from becoming severely ill and that is still a “may” prevent. I know several vaccinated including my self (boosted too) who became even more ill than non vaccinated. You need to give up the pipe dream that this shot prevents you from getting or spreading and stop putting those down that choose to not get the shot.

      1. It’s called states rights Deb.
        Florida doesn’t have any rules or regulations for those that don’t care about covid.

        1. I’m not a Floridian but recently I have taken to traveling there. I didn’t find Floridians failing to care about Covid – they do. It seems Florida, as is their choice, have adopted policies that respects the individual’s responsibilities and choices in protecting and caring for themselves to a degree more so than some other states.

          Florida has all the anti-Covid tools Hawaii possesses. From my perspective, Florida just deploys and uses the tools in a less controlling manner.

          1. Florida is not an island/s in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Having an uncontrollable pandemic on an island could wipe it out. There is nowhere to go, nowhere to hide for the people who live there. I believe that is why they have gone above and beyond (not overboard) in trying to limit risk and control as much as possible. Florida can do what they want. People can easily get in a car and leave.

          2. Florida had many many more deaths per capita then Hawaii. They had the hospital space to accommodate that choice. We didn’t nor would have chosen so if we did. Not a judgement call, just an observation.

          3. While for some statistical purposes it may relevant to examine a state’s Covid-19 mortality rate, perhaps a more important metric is how a state permits survivors to continue to live their lives.

            I think the push back we are witnessing abroad, and now in the U.S., is not so much a judgement of good or poor Covid-19 policies, but rather the measure of the value of human freedom contained in each individual. I also think this to be the most important discussion of the outbreak.

          4. Heyward B. So you can have your freedoms others with compromised immunity will have to be prisoners in their own homes. If you think 850000 deaths are just a statistical you need to grow up.

          5. Good Day PETER W

            I am totally disabled sir- for some sixteen years. I am the prisoner you write of. Despite this, I hold a passion for freedom. You see, in my many years I’ve come to believe it is much more precious to have it and not be able to fully use it, than not to have it at all.

            And no, I don’t use deaths as a comparison statistic – I leave that to others here. I view each a tragedy and we should honor them. But I also believe it equally important to count and honor the living.

      2. Thank you for trying to educate these people. Sadly it’s a lost cause for most of them because they have been so brainwashed by the fear mongering.

        And for the person that said “don’t come”. Some of us still own property in Hawaii and we miss our home.

        1. The brainwashing is all on your side. We believe in Science I am saddened that your more concerned with the fact you own property there and feel entitled to not follow the rules or at the very least complain about them. I do what it takes to go where I want to go like Hawaii. I have been twice in the last year and plan at least one trip this year. I will do what I need to do to get to my favorite island paradise.

        2. The person who said, “don’t come,” is typical of some residents who resent tourists and their money. I’m a former resident and it’s not exactly Hawaiian hospitality with some folks.

  21. State and county rules, navigating the SafeTravels website, its very confusing. Fully vaccinated boosted people can carry, transmit and be sick. My wife and several friends were knocked down by the booster for several days with fever and flu symptoms. For healthy, low-risk people, maybe natural immunity is a better option.

    1. Hawaii is merely asking that visitors be as protected as possible. Being fully vaxed and boosted means you are 9 times less likely to be hospitalized and end up in their icu. If they fill the icus then what. Flu shots wane over time as does natural immunity no different with covid vaccines.

      1. Being fully vaxed and boosted doeesn’t mean squat. I’m not sure where you got the “9 times less likely to be hospitalized and end up in the icu” from. Currently those hospitalized that have tested positive for Covid are about 50-50, vaxed and unvaccinated. Most of the people that I know that have tested positive for Covid in recent weeks were told to go home, get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and take Tylenol.

        I still have plenty of Covid antibodies a year after having Covid.

        1. Goldie,
          I am sorry but you are just wrong as wrong can be. THE CDC in a new full report said that. My sister is a top emergency medical nurse at several PDX hospitals. She tells me 99% who come in too late, infected with covid and dying are unvaccinated.
          Wow how many people around you have covid? You go ahead and ride those natural anti bodies you think you have. But get vaccinated and further protect yourself.

          1. you are wrong and your sister is lying.Everyone i know who has had covid recently is vaccinated, including myself and where i live the numbers for hospitalized are about 50% vaccinated and 50% unvaccinated with the deaths among those 65 and older with at least 4 comorbidities. So please stop making the unvaccinated villians. The only people who truly need the ‘vaccine’ are those most at risk. no different than flu shot.

    2. Well said Chris B. That’s why individuals with fragile health need to protect themselves so that healthy people can live and thrive and not have mental health issues like suicide due to isolation and despair.

  22. All international traveller’s have to have a test within one day of travel to Hawaii. Not sure why US citizens don’t even though they have some of the highest covid case rates in the world. Odd that.

    1. Peter, well Hawaii is not a foreign country for the rest of the USA. I’m not sure Hawaii actually has the right to even put restrictions on the other residents of states and territories.

      1. Rod,
        Get google Earth. Then google your location. Then zoom to Hawaii. Its a small spec in the middle of the ocean. Its not like driving from Oregon to Washington. 2814 miles from land. So I take it you dont believe in states rights?

      2. Then you would be mistaken. California sets its own fuel and environmental standards. Florida swings the door open for Covid to spread without regard to its population’s health. Just about every state has different rules about how people can behave (traffic laws, zoning, and now voter suppression). I’m afraid that you only appreciate the 10th Amendment when you agree with the exercise of same.

  23. We are vaxed and boosted for our current trip, however, Omicron has proven that vaccines may lessen symptoms but they don’t prevent the spread. Given that fact, I just wonder how many boosters will be enough to satisfy the Gov.? Why should people be forced to inject vaccines in to their bodies when they don’t work, and the more shots you have could possibly do more harm than good if your body builds a resistance to them, similar to what happens if you take too many antibiotics. Enough is enough.

      1. Paul, you wrote: “Rod, Get google Earth….So I take it you dont believe in states rights?”

        Posed it as a question not an assertion. But, since you mentioned it. Let’s got to the US Constition: “The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.” To me, that’s freedom of travel.

        “As a fundamental right inherent in American citizenship and the nature of the federal union, the right to travel in the United States is..see follow-u post

        1. You would be wise to quote and know the purpose of the 10th. Fearing that a strong central government at the federal level could impose on states making their own decisions for their citizens, it states:

          “Any powers that the Constitution does not give to the federal government are the responsibility of the states themselves. Expressed Powers are sometimes referred to as “enumerated powers”.”

          States cannot deny transit, but states can set requirements in times of emergency.

      2. The whole quote: “As a fundamental right inherent in American citizenship and the nature of the federal union, the right to travel in the United States is basic to American liberty.”

  24. Booster requirements, testing, vaccine passports, quarantines, mask, no schools, and other such manner of things will not cease until people stop, take a moment, and reflect upon the certainty that if they do not spend their lives themselves, someone else will do it for them.

    “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.”
    ― Dr. Seuss

  25. .
    Tha cdc had acknowledged that natural immunity is far greater protection than the waning cvaccines.

    Also it is documented that vaccinated people get sick over and over. Why isn’t hawaii following the science?

    negative covid tests are enough and natural immunity can also be proven.

    Thank You

    1. But, if you want to visit Maui, you need to be boosted or tested. So there are now two intelligent reasons to get boosted.

      1. Not true. Maui’s rule is you have to be boosted to eat indoors, go to bars and gyms. You do not have to be boosted to travel to Maui.

    2. Perhaps they are too busy helping “pivot the language” to bother with science.

      “What we really are working to do is pivot the language to make sure that everybody is as up-to-date with their Covid-19 vaccines as they personally could be, should be, based on when they got their last vaccine.” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, Covid-19 Response Team Press Briefing.

      I don’t think most non-up-to-date persons are anti-vaxxers, they just want one that works for a while.

    3. Natural immunity not greater than vaccine. Wane at approximately the same rate. Hawaii wants people vaxed because unvaxed are 9 times more likely to be hospitalized than vaxed according to cdc so they are following the science. Limited resources so not like they can just ship people to another state 5 hours away.

      1. Yes Peter it is. As my PhD son (who researches new vaccines and treatments) explained to me…natural immunity you develop immunity to the whole virus where a vaccine is only a small portion of the virus. Your body can react better and longer. It is also why the Spanish flu died out.

          1. He says you have a better chance of beating it because you gave immunities to the whole virus…and the whole virus does not mutate. Whereas the vaccine targeted protein could mutate and you would have zero immunities

          2. So talk to your son again. There are three stages of mutation.

            1. Mutation. When a virus replicates, and the end copy has differences (in DNA or RNA), those differences are mutations.
            2. Variant. When you accumulate enough mutations, you get a variant.
            3. Strain. When you can prove a variant truly has new biologic capabilities, then you can call it a strain.

            It’s the third (Delta and Omicron)that have distinct biologic differences. That’s why “natural immunity” is impossible for influenza.

      2. Peter you do not even know what you’re talking about natural immunity is a lot stronger and lasts compared to vaccines which is just a very small part of a virus and your statement that unvaccinated are nine times greater to be admitted to the hospital that’s not true either vaccinated people because of breakthrough end up on respirators just as well and die. And since you really have no to research or studies to back you up you shouldn’t be making statements as you are !!!!

        1. When published, please read my post on the distinctions between the stages of mutation and the effectiveness of natural immunity. Natural immunity, if you have been Covid infected, + vaccination is the recommended approach. Since you wanted citation and sources:


      3. Not true Peter W. I had Covid in Dec 2020 and I recently had a blood test to determine if I still had Covid antibodies. More than a year after having Covid I still have plenty of Covid antibodies. I am unvaccinated and plan to stay that way. This is not a true vaccine, it’s a therapeutic (at best) because it does not stop, kill, or prevent you from getting and spreading Covid. How many shots are you willing to take that don’t do squat to protect you????

  26. My booster shot was last August. I am moving to the North Shore (my sis lives there) sometime in February for the rest of the winter. Will I need an additional booster? I am planning on it, but the exact dates might not align perfectly.


  27. Totally insane. The Island of Ireland cancelled most Covid restrictions today and a rogue mayor (without authority) announces new ones! I can see the reservations dropping off now, not because people don’t want the vaccine, but because they don’t want the perceived hassle at the airport and hotels. This whole thing is unraveling quickly and those who depend on tourism are the ones who suffer from the politicians whims

    1. Exactly! While many European nations are how fully rescinding ALL Covid mandates, masks, vaccines, etc., Hawaii in it’s infinite stupidity is doubling down.

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