Hawaii Safe Travels

Starting February 18: Hawaii Safe Travels Booster Requirement + More

Hawaii Safe Travel Covid rule changes. Official source reveals target date as Oahu, Maui, Big Island align.

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557 thoughts on “Starting February 18: Hawaii Safe Travels Booster Requirement + More”

  1. It appears that the pandemic is coming to a close, now we’ll all see the true colors of government officials willingness to follow the science and give up their emergency covid mandate powers.

    Won’t it be nice to go back to commenting about who has best happy hour and Mai Tai’s or lowest condo and rental car prices, plus over tourism and new government fees will again be a hot topic.

    Ah the good old days.

    1. Richard, I have no confidence that elected officials will return emergency power (any power for that matter) to the people.

      Only those running for those offices and repeatedly promising to do XYZ will actually follow through (some of the time).

      Hate to be so pessimistic, but the way some elected officials jumped at the chance to invoke uncertain solutions to a health issue doesn’t give me much faith in their motives.

      1. Rod,
        The supreme court time and again have upheld emergency powers. No one likes this. No one wants to really wear a mask and go thru all of this but if living is the ultimate goal one does what one needs to to survive. I salute the Hawaiian government for doing what they feel is best for the tiny spec in the middle of the ocean that are the Hawaiian islands.

        1. Paul, well it doesn’t seem as though they upheld the large employer mandate. And, more mandates will fall.

          But yes, the governors have the right, indeed the duty, to protect residents and visitors to their states – within reason. And, acting hastily and beyond reason is not a good way to operate.

          For the first time during the pandemic, Gov Ige is showing smart leadership by delaying a decision on boosters.


          1. The SCOTUS held:

            [1] That the executive branch, via OSHA, did not have authority to mandate private employer worker vaccinations absent congressional authority.


            [2] That the executive branch did, without approval from congress, have the authority to mandate that medical service providers be vaccinated in order to accept Medicare payments.

          2. “For the first time during the pandemic, Gov Ige is showing smart leadership by delaying a decision on boosters.”

            Not at all. Ige is very progressive-authoritarian, and happy to require as many shots as Pfizer-Moderna demand. He just got stalled by web site “difficulties”.

            The odd one IMO is that Kauai Mayor Kawakami, by far the most COVID-authoritarian for the first year+ of this crap (remember “bubble resorts”), has not required vax-ports, let alone boost-ports. Not yet, anyway.

          3. Once again. Google earth your location then Zoom to Hawaii. The islands are a tiny spec in the middle of the ocean with very limited hospitals available. Grow up and stop with the paranoid rants.

          1. How quickly we forget we live in a society, not an island of individuals. We have lived with what the young or unfamiliar view as “mandates” for as long as man decided to live in a community instead of the steppes. WW2 restrictions, seat belts, DUI, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, and hopefully now tropical diseases with the help of mRNA technology as recent examples.

            Unfortunately, some of the Greatest Whining Generation have devolved into the same shadows occupied by an earlier deniers.

          2. You are incorrect in your premise. All previous have been conditional mandates. Seat belt if you want to drive, MMR if you want your kids in public schools, etc. When you start saying mandatory to buy food you are approaching Nazis, communists, etc.

          3. Yeah, the U.S. government “mandated” that Japanese-Americans be shipped off to internment camps during WWII. In many instances, they were forced to relinquish their farms and property. How did that mandate work out?

          4. To MJ

            So, the whiners make the same claim about the restrictions imposed by choosing to infect rather than vaccinate. That’s fine if you refer to them as conditional mandates. Please don’t fly, dine in restaurants, send your kids to get an education, workout in gyms, go to concerts, etc. I am fine with conditional mandates if that’s what you prefer.

          5. To Curtis C. The U.s also mandated that its citizens only buy gas on certain days, relinquish the use of essential wartime metals, grow their own victory gardens, and black cloth windows at night. Wasn’t much whining from the Greatest Generation.

            As for internment, what goes around…Look no further than the southern border.

          6. To James, you’re missing something. My point was invasive vs. protective. Jabbing someone’s arm against their will is different from rationing, defense procedures against bombing, etc. And the FDR administration was wrong and overreaching with internment without cause and forcing parents to both inject and send kids to public schools. America means freedom from totalitarian governments. I am vaxxed and flu shot but I won’t force you.

          7. I have been two Hawaii twice this year. June after 2 years of waiting to get there. then again in October. Neither time did I have any issues because I did the right thing filled out all the paperwork and didnt complain one single time and had a fantastic time on Oahu.

    2. Indeed.

      Our political leaders may well soon check their political windsocks and declare that due solely to their daringly brilliant actions they are beating Covid into retreat.

      However, they will also state for your safety it is necessary the powers they ever so reluctantly assumed during their single-handed fight need remain with them.

      “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”
      ― William Pitt the Younger

  2. The supreme court ruled the fax mandate is unconstitutional but Hawaii governors think they can still mandate
    Natural immunity.

    1. Maria, that’s not the worst of it. I’m a small govt contractor, make that tiny (not even a rounding error) and, as near as I can tell, I’m still subject to a mandate because of my status as a govt contractor.

      So, in my opinion, many of those companies with 100+ employees will still be subject to the same mandate I’m in fear of if they are govt contractors.

      I’m too small to even be able to afford an attorney to figure out my requirements under the mandate. Executive Order 14042.

    2. actually no the supreme court did not rule on states rights to impose vaccine mandates. Please get your facts straight.

      1. Paul is correct. Agencies cannot issue edicts, only elected officials can.

        On another note, effective Saturday Ireland has rolled back almost all Covid restrictions.

    3. Oh Maria, That was an employer mandate over 100 employees and its only been stayed not ruled unconstitutional but whatever.

  3. Maybe, just maybe, little Iggy is trying to do something correctly in not jumping the gun as the Maui mayor did about the booster crap. The numbers are literally going down everywhere such that the UK has said enough already. A wait and see attitude might just end up with even him saying no to the booster nonsense.

  4. Today our President went on and on about spending our tax dollars to send out masks (too late) & tests. But across the pond in the UK, their leader ended the mandates for face masks everywhere & vaccine mandates/passports. He even stated the evidence shows that masks don’t work at stopping transmission. Gasp! I’m happy for the UK and hope we will follow! The WHO has also come out to say boosters should not be given to children. And many countries have now stopped giving Moderna to those under 30

    1. I am downright scared about the young soccer player who fell dead on the field just a few days after getting a booster shot!!! And the sports teams are keeping quiet about other healthy athletes who have gotten very I’ll from the booster.

  5. One doesn’t need to study the news too far to figure out the guys and gals in Honolulu have once again fueled up the Covid Control Clown Car with political gas.

    At this pace, Covid will be morphed into a single sneeze before they ease up on their day late – dollar short requirements.

    And best of all? The yet to come but soon to be released Boosterized Covid Confabulator Visitation Demodulator software.

    “Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and conf

  6. I have a flight in 3 to 4 weeks and already have the “green (cleared)” QR code. If the rules are change, would my QR code no longer be valid?

  7. Isn’t the entire purpose of a vaccine passport crushed by Omicron? The point was that vaccinated individuals are less likely to spread. Not the case anymore. Also, are we really willing to jump through all these hoops long term? If you are not willing to do this indefinitely, I would say stop with all restrictions now.

    1. I don’t care what the rules are if I want to go to Hawaii which I love I’ll jump thru whatever hoops they want me to. Go to Florida and stay away from Hawaii please.

  8. Do you know how international visitors traveling from mainland will probe his vaccination status?. Are foreign countries vaccine cards accepted?.


    1. Hi J.

      Yes, they are. Anecdotally we have been told that you will not get cleared before arrival, however, when the vaccine is not from the US. The state says “All vaccines approved or authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and vaccines listed for emergency use by the World Health Organization will be accepted.”

  9. Thanks for the update on the current issues with boosters.

    You say that Safe Travels only supports Negative Results or Primary Vaccine. Does Safe Travels support Exemptions? I thought there were 3 methods – I am referring to your earlier post on exemptions being accepted by the state.

    Thanks for clarifying.

        1. Are you saying you applied for an exemption based on the state’s rules and it did not work??? I know someone who is getting tested so she can apply for it.

  10. “As of last week, the governor intimated it would be days, no[w] it looks like it will be weeks or longer.”

    Works for me.

    “Neither boosted nor fully vaccinated. Quarantine for five days. Wear a mask for five days after quarantine. Get tested on day five”

    Good luck with that.


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