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Find Out What Will Be Open in Hawaii for Grinds

The Hawaii Agriculture Association and the Honolulu Food and Wine Festival have just partnered to bring you the most up-to-date information you’ve been asking about. That is, when you do return to Hawaii, what can you expect to find open when it’s time to eat.

“Food-A-Go-Go is a free community resource with the latest information on restaurants that are open for takeout, delivery or curbside pickup during the C0VID-19 pandemic, and where to find local produce and food products.”

Beat of Hawaii: We are, of, course, awaiting information from the state on whether or not they still plan to open tourism with pre-travel testing, and without 14-day isolation starting on August 1. The issues are 1) the recent explosion of cases on the mainland and 2) the lack of testing materials that may invalidate Hawaii’s ability to secure adequate, timely pre-departure testing. Please stand by for that update.

Once on the Food-a-GoGo website, you can browse, search by island, or drill down to see what’s happening with your favorite places to dine. This is a great resource for visitors and locals alike.


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3 thoughts on “Find Out What Will Be Open in Hawaii for Grinds”

  1. I am looking to rent a place for three months there in Kauai for work What are the restrictions of letting people come in now?

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