161 thoughts on “Lt. Gov. Just Called for 72-Hour Shutdown in Hawaii”

  1. With everything up in the air I’m glad that I’ve postponed my trip until 2023. Right now I just don’t feel comfortable traveling anywhere where the cases are high. It has been my lifelong dream to come to Hawaii for my vacation & I’m getting very excited for whenever I do come!! 🐢🐠🌺🍍🥥🌏🏖🏝🛩🌞🌈🌊🎉🕶👙🛍🩴👒📅 Stay safe everyone & be blessed…psalms 91:11😇

    1. That’s my question as well. Our trip begins on October 18 for 3 weeks. I don’t want to cancel but if I don’t do it soon, I’ll lose money. We are fully vaccinated as well.

  2. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    Here’s the issue with current Delta variant of covid, lockdowns or not once it’s gotten a foothold in a community there’s no stopping it.

    If Ige was in his first term looking for re-election he’d lockdown in a New York second, but at this point would do little slow the spread.

    That’s why Josh Green is advocating for a Labor Day holiday lockdown. He knows it will do little to stem the tide of covid spread might even make it worse, but is a good look for his campaign to be come governor.

    As I’ve posted here several times there’s no hiding from this pandemic at some point your community your state is going to have to deal with a covid surge.

    Hawaii is in the middle of their covid surge it was unavoidable.

  3. Aloha Rob and Jeff.
    I can’t imagine how you guys get anything else done with all you do for all of us out here. This plethora of daily confusion is unnerving, to say the least.
    Mahalo for continuing to keep everyone informed on the latest information coming from our “leaders”
    Y’all are fantastic 🌺

      1. Aloha, we’re following you to keep informed about travel to the islands for our customers. Mahalo for all of your efforts to help with this! We love your state and wish you the best with fighting Covid. Please stay safe!

  4. WOW, these two just can’t they’re stores straight. Ige and Green wiggle more that a bowl of Jello. Just hoping that in Nov, voters vote out all the incumbents and start fresh. Need representation for the hospitality sector that will support the multi billon dollar industry.

    Without the US military and tourism, investments from Japan, Hawaii is just a bunch of islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that don’t like mainlanders. Just be careful what you wish for. You may not like the outcome.

    1. Hi Mark.

      Thanks for some levity. We can always use that. We appreciate your many comments.


  5. When you hear it from the Governor, it’s official. Any, other comments are speculation, suggestions or rumors. I like Josh Green, but he doesn’t call the shots.

  6. I understand that vaccinated people can still transmit this horrible deadly disease, but I don’t think stopping travel or shutting down restaurants is the answer. Get vaccinated. I’m ok with having to show proof of a vaccination card for indoor restaurants. I have not fact checked. , but from what I understand tourist only make up 2% of the confirmed cases. I understand it’s people’s right to not take the vaccination l, but it should also be my right to visit your beautiful state. Mahalo and much aloha.

    1. Sometimes the simple answer is the easiest….

      Get Vaccinated and/or wear a mask = Less cases and No lockdown.


    2. Not trying to argue, but why should it be your right to visit? That’s not how “rights” work. Your “right” to visit doesn’t supersede the state government’s “right” (and responsibility) to protect its resources, which include its population and medical staff, equipment, medications, and hospital beds. It’s an archipelago 3,000 miles from the nearest landmass and help.

  7. We sit perched on healthcare disaster. Kaiser has already postponed elective surgery. ICU beds are full or close to full, depending on which island and which hospital. We cannot sustain the status quo.

    The numbers here are already beyond ridiculous for what our healthcare system can sustain. The current numbers do not reflect the 300-400 illicit gathering of college students this past weekend; it will be a couple more weeks before this super-spreader event is reflected in the totals. Nurses and respiratory therapists are being imported from the mainland. Despite the assertion that only 2% is tourists, since they are largely vaccinated and not testing, there is no proof to the assertion. If vaccinated locals can travel to the mainland and bring it home, then vaccinated tourists can, too. Yes, unvaxxed populations here are responsible for certain pockets of community spread, but every person who resides or visits here plays a role as well.

    Test all travelers to HI, resident, non-resident, no exceptions. Perhaps this will slow people traveling. The airlines need to stop running sales to HI for the time period in which our numbers are exploding.

    *Everyone* needs to take personal responsibility for the role they play. Tourists need to consider their impact on our infrastructure, and if they come, stay in their resort, or better yet, reschedule till this virus is under control here and on the mainland. Residents and tourists need to mask, vax, stay within their family bubble, stay home instead of going out. Get groceries by pick up or delivery. Order take out instead of dine in. This is not the time for sightseeing tours.

    I can only hope that the powers that be start to make some forceful decisions to disrupt the current status and get us back on track now, because waiting until later is a recipe for true disaster.

    1. I like Lt. Gov. Green and will likely vote for him, but he needs to recognize he is not the Governor yet, and he needs to follow the chain of command when speaking on behalf of our state.f

    2. It’s a healthcare disaster that could have been prevented. Hawaii has had over a year and a half to increase hospital, ICU, and ventilator capacity. Unfortunately, they declined to do so.

  8. More pressure from those with short term economic interests – keep those tourista dollars coming while
    the undereducated and unvaccinated clog up the medical system, likely not having to pay any of the medical bills,
    and infecting the visitors who are claimed to be 98% free of infection and the entire bunch dont have to observe any
    quarantines…. I guess the hope is that this thing just burns through the population quickly AND we dont get more variants
    as a result… after all, we all know that this thing is just a HOAX and there is no long term harm done to people with Covid…
    Now that’s what I call the Aloha spirit… more like an addicts fantasy…

    1. Thank you for your post but it really is not the tourists fault for the current spread of the virus. The numbers I have seen reported… show only 2% of the case are from tourists. Please get the vaccination.

      1. How can you say that unless visitors are tested upon arrival? It is well known that vaccinated people can get and spread the virus.

    2. Yes, I’m sure that all the people who died from the virus are in heaven singing the Hallelujah chorus, and their mourning families and friends would agree! NOT. Do you have any idea how many arrive the hospital and beg fore vaccine, or rethink their previous “it’s just a flu” position and beg others to do so?

      Stop listing to FB posts and Faux News and start following science and medical news. And please, stop spreading the lies in forums like this one.

      Get real, get masked, get vaxed, and be part of the solution instead of the problem.

  9. Mahalo for your coverage and best wishes during this scary time. The mixed messaging is problematic, particularly since there is some evidence that the case surge has been part of locals gathering, rather than brought in from visitors. They must convince locals to socially distance, vaccinate, and limit gatherings, even ‘ohana.
    There must also be consistent messaging from the mayors and rules consistent for all visitors. A lockdown with no visitors is not enough. Have to have the locals buy in and do their part. The last year shows that tourists will come back in numbers. Hawaii must get it under control so that openings and closings don’t linger on.
    I hope this happens. We miss the islands and were planning on coming back for the second time this year in the near future.


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