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112 thoughts on “Greedflation Smacks Hawaii Worst Among Destinations”

  1. Sorry, but this is all based on the $6.6 trillion that the administration has dumped on our economy. You’re going to get greedflatiron as people have a lot of money to spend with price being no object. This causes inflation which creates higher interest rates. It’s simply economics 101. Sorry, but you got what you voted for.

  2. My wife and I loved staying at the same hotel resort on Oahu for the past six years before Covid and we did all the things one does when in Oahu But doe to the high cost of flights and hotel rooms we are planning to stay home until the greed of high cost may come down , the company’s responsible for this problem should remember dont bit the the hand that feeds you . Please and Thank You. Jerry W.

  3. Greedflation has been going on for years, but definitely has gained more traction. I’ve always said no one is worth the amount of money these executives receive. Most times, companies have record profits due to price increases on consumers then pass on the profits to execs via stock options, special benefits or raises. Should that executive run the company into the ground, they reward them with crazy “golden parachutes”. I honestly don’t know what the answer is, but you can’t just blame the president because it’s not inflation – it’s greedflation.

  4. We were in Maui recently and when it came time to pay our bill at a restaurant I believe 25% was the minimum Tip %. But I was more shocked to see 30% and 35% as the other pre calculated options. The service was not great either…

  5. Indeed…we just returned from our month on the Big Island. While our timeshare fee has gone up slightly (and does each year because of costs like electricity)the car rental has taken the biggest bite out of our budget. We manage to find airfare that has been pretty consistent in pricing over the past few visits…but overall, this last trip was almost $2,000 more than in the past. We now have a time in the summer, and have never been to the Big Island during that time, so we will do that in 2024. But we are looking at putting our units into a trading program and going elsewhere in the world where we will get more bang for our buck. And it’s sad and it hurts, as we love our time in Hawaii…

  6. BOH, I think you might think about renaming your comments section as Beat On Hawaii. I’ve never read so many messages from angry, entitled people. Why are they even commenting if they so dislike everything about Hawaii? It boggles the imagination.

    1. They’re commenting on the article, not on Hawaii. I doubt they’d be commenting at all if they “so dislike everything about Hawaii”. More of a deep sadness if anything….

      1. Actually my comment was regarding the BOH comments section in general. No one is happy it seems, for a wide variety of reasons.

  7. I used to live in Honolulu back in the 90s. My 25th anniversary is coming up next year and I really wanted to show my husband my old stomping grounds, but I’ll have to go elsewhere since Hawaii is not visitor friendly anymore. Mexico here we come.

    1. That just proves that Hawaii is not for every one. The 1st time I visited Hawaii was in December of 1989 for a belated honeymoon and I fell in love (not with my now ex husband, but with Hawaii!). We arrived in Honolulu and also visited Kauai and Molokai and when it was time to leave, I was soo sad, but my (ex-)husband said we would come back. However, it took almost 7 years because he said it was too far (living in Washington, DC with relatives in Europe), so he “tried” to convince me that there are other places like Hawaii …we visited Florida, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Costa Ricca, Bermuda, Bahamas, Cancun and Acapulco and although I liked Costa Rica, it was not Hawaii! So, now I live and work in Maui and I am very happy!

  8. I do not mind paying a fair price for accommodation etc. However, greedflation on top of all the other New charges Hawaii is implementing is the reason my family will not return to the islands. As others on here my family is now finding other wonderful places to vacation. Bonus has also been shorter flights! Where are you choosing to go instead of Hawaii?

  9. I’ve traveled to Hawaii Multiple times a year for the past 20 years. I know the islands and have many friends there. I always try to travel with a light foot print. I also like to get out of town and spend my money in smaller family run places in other parts of the island. As this greed inflation causes prices on rooms to skyrocket the booming profits wont trickle down to the mom and pop places. The big hotels will skim more and more off the top leaving everyone else to fight for the crumbs. This is corporate greed, local government allows it and in some cases supports it and the family owned business will be impacted the most.

  10. Seems the Hotels are not the only ones practicing greedflation, I was shocked at the famers market this spring over last spring High Priced Papaya’s specifically. While I generally choose to support local economy I opted for Safeway and Wal Mart papayas, taste as good for much less I also opted for several other items at Costco over farmers market just because of the overpricing on the papayas. I did not appreciate the attempted gouging. Ethically speaking regardless of how much someone is willing to pay it doesn’t mean you should charge it- where’s the Moral Compass. No hotel on this plant worth a $1000 a night let alone $300 a night. Plenty of amazing places to see at reasonable rates, like Spain & it’s amazing beaches.


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