Watch Hawaii Airfares Climb As Southwest + Hawaiian Learn Co-Existence

Hawaii: Cheapest 2023 Airfares In U.S.A.

It seems odd to us that Hawaii would continue to have that distinction. After all, once on the ground, Hawaii is usually more expensive in every way when compared with the mainland. But not when it comes to airfares, and at least not for now when you travel interisland.

This all comes as another fare war was started today between bellwether Hawaiian Airlines and still relative Hawaii newcomer Southwest Airlines. The lowest mainland price now begins at $119 each way from the west coast, and we predict they can go lower.

So why does Hawaii get the cheapest airfares in the USA?

By their very nature, Southwest and Hawaiian aggressively compete, especially on coveted interisland service.

You might remember in a past update that the pilot head of SWAPA (Southwest’s pilots’ union) has described their Hawaii expansion strategy this way: “Predatory and opportunistic—which we like.” A photo of a shark labeled “Southwest” sits in one of the company’s offices.

$36-$39 Hawaii airfares are the cheapest in the US. Deals extended into 2023.

It’s been months since Southwest announced $39 for every seat on every interisland flight through 2022. That was shocking in itself and is unquestionably a loss leader. Hawaiian Airlines immediately stepped up and largely matched the fares, at least on flight times that competed with Southwest. The cost for any airline to provide interisland flights is multiple times these ridiculously low airfares we love. The lowest fares (other than ultra-low-cost Spirit or frontier) on the mainland start at $49 from San Francisco to Las Vegas and climb to $69 from Chicago to Dallas.

The $39 airfares were, in theory, to end on December 31.

Earlier this week, we checked and found the lowest priced airfares interisland were poised to start at $55 each way in January. But as December 31st looms, that’s simply no longer the case. We aren’t sure who started that, whether it was Hawaiian or Southwest. We suspect it was Southwest. They are offering $39 airfares again in 2023 with these current but quickly changeable caveats.

  • Southwest is pricing interisland at $39 each through January 2023, then at $49.
  • Hawaiian is pricing most interisland at $36 each way into May 2023, then $48 in May and $59 after that.

How to get the best deals on Hawaii flights.

If you are traveling interisland in 2023, try to book those seats now for $39 if you can. We’ll see later if Hawaiian and Southwest can agree not to disagree. That would allow prices to rise to a higher and more sustainable level for the airlines.




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11 thoughts on “Hawaii: Cheapest 2023 Airfares In U.S.A.”

  1. We recently took a SWA flight to Honolulu. Absolutely never again. Absolutely horrible flight, no snacks, late, crowded and of course their constant “thank you for your patience “. .

    1. We had the opposite experience last week . Flew to and from Los Angeles to Honolulu and they had 3 snack /beverage services . It sure made for a constant line to the bathroom haha

  2. WHT would be for higher prices. The average traveler is priced out of Hawaii now, due to the taxes and fees. I used to visit yearly from LA. It is no longer affordable to pay more for a car rental, parking and fees and taxes, than a hotel room. Hawaii I live you but can no longer afford you.

  3. Please help!
    Purchased roundstickets on Southwest for 4 in November for May 24 Sanfrancisco-Oahu ,return flight Oahu to Las Vegas May 30.
    Is there any way take advantage to get a price reduction
    on our tickets?
    Thank You in advance.
    Again Thank you.

  4. Yes, from what I’ve been reading SW wants to be the biggest airline when it comes to traveling to Hawaii. However, SW is having their problems with that plan. Their aircraft are completely sold out and card service is completely goofed up when it comes to boarding the aircraft. IMO, they are trying to implement their plan before they have everything in place and it’s going backfire on them. I’ve also been reading that there is going to be a cool down in travel to Hawaii.

  5. Oh Boy! Thank you Southwest for providing affordable fares between the Hawaiian Islands. We definitely appreciate you being here in Hawaii. Aloha!

  6. Noticing as of late, Hawaii seeming way less appealing… reports of $50. Surcharge, visitors “hassled” on Public beaches”. ( these are documented on your local news. How about having to show Hawaii drivers license to use public beaches during certain hours. Reservations to be made for visiting Diamond Head and sunrise on Haleaukula . Makes it turning into a Disneyland Park. My dad is buried at Punchbowl National Cemetary. He served in USN in World War II in response to Pearl Harbor attack. I would like to visit him before I can no longer travel as I am 75 and have terminal cancer. Will I have to make a reservation to visit him also ? I fear the tourist industry in Hawaii is imploding.

    1. EllieC
      Arranging a visit should be no problem. As for reservations, while popular tourist sites have in some cases been regulated to limiting over crowding. Even the most popular sites are manageable to visit with minimal effort in planning. Go on line to check the Punchbowl, I’d suspect it would require much less planning than your airline ticket. Hotel, transportation, or even dining out.


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