How Adaptable Are You? | Hawaii Vacations Before Tourism’s Lighting Return

Hawaii Flight Prices Take Off, Meeting Stratospheric Hotel Costs

Fewer Hawaii flights and much higher airfare prices lie ahead. There are still things that can make a huge difference in island-bound travelers favor.

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24 thoughts on “Hawaii Flight Prices Take Off, Meeting Stratospheric Hotel Costs”

  1. add it all up folks.. it’s just not worth the spend anymore. Add in the resentment the locals feel for tourists, and the constant ploy of the state government to find revenue streams that we all know will never be used for infrastructure and still cry about it. I’m a 20+ time visitor, and my trip in May will be my last. Place has lost its “mojo”. Hitting Croatia instead. Significantly cheaper and you have all of Europe while your out there.

  2. Let’s not forget rental cars. I guess it’s easier to rent 500 cars at $100 a day than rent 1000 cars at $50 a day.

  3. I usually book very early for flights going to Hawaii, and late for the returns since I’m pretty flexible there. Seem to work for me.

    Best regards.

  4. Been going to Hawaii for 20 years but will not go back ever again ..the price gouging on everything connected to cars food flights is offensive. There’s many other places to go visit that are warm and tropical that don’t steal from their visitors…Mark

  5. High airfares?
    Just one more the coffin of ever escalating price of visiting Hawaii.
    And just one more reason to visit Mexico, the Bahamas, or Central America and get a big bang for the buck.
    Just booked 6 nights , one block from the beach,in Puerto Vallarta, with airfare, $1400.

    1. It will always be cheaper to travel to an economically depressed country with massive poverty and human rights abuses with very few liveable wages as well as a thousand plus miles less distance to fly in fuel costs. Although cheaper, I am actually surprised Mexico costs as much as it does seeing how their common citizens live and how short a flight it is from most of the mainland US. No thanks, just went there, dipped my toe in the water, cold and dark, not really that enjoyable water and seeing the poverty while riding out of the tourist area to go off-roading; really sad to see how so many of the people have to live.

  6. BOH;

    If the airlines are not using cookies anymore the dynamic pricing model must be relying on the “law of large numbers” in their algorithm. What I think we need to do is start searching for flights on random days throughout the year . If enough of us do this often enough and repeatedly we can crash their pricing model.
    We could then declare ourselves “hackers” in a noble cause.
    Just a thought.

    1. Hi Mike.

      Yes I guess we are all hackers in that way. As you may know, one form of cookies, third-party, are being eliminated in the next few months. Things replacing them include first-party data (details you leave on an airlines’ websites), device fingerprints, contextual targeting, Universal and mobile ad IDs, among other things. We start flight searches on Google Flights in nearly every case and rarely visit airline website. Then only go to them when it is time try to book. Southwest isn’t on Flights, so that’s a different beast.


  7. The airlines seem to “know” when I’ve been looking for ticket prices. Even with entering no personal information at all, if I look for the same itinerary a few days later, they have jacked up the airfare prices, again. Does anyone know if this is a real thing, or not? Should I do a repeat airfare search using different computers or browsers? Thanks!

    1. All airlines have buckets of fares. The cheap fare bucket tend to be smaller and can sell out in a day or two. Also some cheap bucket might sellout on one leg of a round trip so the trip you looked for yesterday only has one cheap leg remaining while the other leg is now in a higher fare bucket.

  8. Seems like Hawaii is getting what they want. Higher prices to drive more tourists away. Much less expensive places to travel.

  9. Makes it sound like the airline has no costs itself… Rising oil prices, rising aircraft costs, rising labor costs, generally high inflation for everything that is purchased to run a business over the last few years, planes grounded (Boeing issues, Pratt and Whitney engine issues) and so on, those all get passed to the consumer as in every industry, I wouldn’t label the airlines as the bad guys here, there are root causes that are well beyond the airlines and beyond control of the airlines.

    1. No crocodile tears for the major airlines from me, with their lack of customer support & price gouging, especially during Holiday travel!

  10. Hi friends,

    My unfaltering faith answers most issues, but this one is a bit of a puzzle.

    Seems, with diverted flights, aircraft losing parts, problems with aircraft safety adding to those, high cost of accommodations, “they” want people to stay home.

    Another control ploy.

    🌺 🌺 🌺

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