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28 thoughts on “Hawaii Flights Designed For Visitors With Dogs?”

  1. To bring your 4 legged Babies to Hawaii is a Very Long process. Because Hawaii is rabies free certain requirements need to be met. A Fur Baby(Babies) needs a special blood test that a Veterinarian needs to submit; in my case it was sent to Kansas State University. The test is to check for rabies antigen. The results take anywhere from 2 weeks – 1 month. A Negative result & associated paperwork is sent back to the Vet & is good for 5 years. Prior to bringing your Babies, Hawaii, like most places require updated vaccines & cleared by your Vet 14 days prior to travel. If that’s not enough Hawaii requires a payment of around $250 per pet. Active Duty Military go through the same process. You can verify by contacting Humane Society.

  2. I would like to travel with my Havanese to Hawaii but I’d be concerned that she may be hurt or frightened by larger aggressive dogs.

  3. I can’t think of a worse flying experience than sitting next to someone’s dog. Yuck!
    My first reaction is to keep dogs out of the passenger cabin period! Not a bad idea to have a dedicated flight as an option so I know what Not to book.
    The problem with the current model where the dog supposedly fits under the seat in front is you don’t know if you may end up sitting next to the mongrel, and have no recourse other than to suffer through a horrible flight sitting next to an animal.

  4. This is the most amazing news and I am so happy to finally hear someone has a sensitivity to pet parents…It is excruciating for most of us who loves to travel and have no other option for the four legged familly members but to leave them with family or worse — strangers to house them. I have been struggling with this issues since 2019 when I rescued a large size dog (Weimaraner)..Thank You and see you very soon (Heart)

  5. Thanks for bringing up this topic. The misuse of “therapy animals” excuse for allowing animals into airline cabins has gotten “above and beyond” out of control, for years. This should absolutely be restricted to people with legitimate physical disabilities, due to animal smell, behavioral, & restroom issues, and the affects on other passengers who choose to not fly along with their pets in the cabin.

  6. I would be interested. We have not moved permanently to Hawaii because we own two Golden Retrievers. One is two years old, but the other is 15 years old. We do not think our 15-year-old, still healthy, could endure cargo travel to Hawaii, and we have concerns about putting any dog in cargo. We couldn’t do that to a valued member of our family, perhaps to a not-so-valued type ;>) but that would not be a canine.

    1. We moved with an 8 year old lab and 9 year old boxer. Both had to travel in the cargo hold, which was no doubt stressful, for the period during which they were waiting in the noisy cargo shed and even noisier ramp. Once they’re loaded on board and the cargo door is closed, it is relatively dark and quiet, and most dogs sleep during the long flight. But upon arrival, they one again have to endure an extremely noisy ramp and cargo facility. Both our dogs made it ok, but looked very defeated when we picked them up.

      Luckily dogs are extremely resilient, and were back to their happy-go-lucky selves within 48 hours.

  7. Follow the Money .. Money Talks. They say that Money can’t make you happy but if you have Money then the world is your oyster.


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