28 thoughts on “Hawaii Hurricane Douglas Update: C0VID, Shutdown, Now This…”

  1. Aloha Southwest Airlines Hawaii
    The cancellation of your flights out of Kauai have stranded the team taking inventory at our stores from Rgis Inventory Specialist. The storm is 48 hour out of Kauai. Why the decision to shut down? Hawaiian is still operating, but flights are booked. Our team is stranded. What is your plan to take care of your customers.

  2. Sending prayers from Mississippi to all of you and your beautiful islands.

    Your updates have been so helpful and informative, especially this year for those of us with travel plans to your beautiful home.

    Looking forward to the day we can come visit your beautiful state again. Y’all stay safe !


  3. Sending aloha and good vibes (visualizing storm strength decreasing and path veering away) your way!

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