“We are unaware of any progress by the State and counties to develop a plan to reopen tourism.”
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“We are unaware of any progress by the State and counties to develop a plan to reopen tourism.”
Get Breaking Hawaii Travel News
My husband and I were set to visit HI in early October ’20, and travel with family based in Oahu to one of the other islands. However, due to the total uncertainty of and the sure impossibility of meeting entry requirements (tests within 3 days or quarantining 14 days), we just cancelled our entire trip. Where I live, we can hardly get a test, never mind get results, within 3 days.
I was looking forward to enjoying family AND supporting Hawaii tourism, hospitality, and the airlines as well.
As a business owner living in another state, I don’t know how any operation can sustain inactivity, or how anyone employed can financially survive, for this long. I really feel for all living in Hawaii. There must be a balance between health safety AND fiscal (and emotional well-being) safety or else people could eventually rise up and protest in desperation. The state government needs to make concrete decisions, so the state’s economy and its people can move forward instead of fall further backward. Recovery is going to be harder and harder as each day passes.
Thanks so much for keeping us up to date on what is happening–or rather not happening in the plans for reopening. I worry about the people, like our cousins, who cannot work from home as our kids can. I worry about the businesses that are closing for good. In our city in WA state, we’ve seen numerous businesses closed permanently, because our own governor keeps backtracking on full opening, but at least he has a plan. Our favorite Hawaiian run restaurant has managed to stay open, thank goodness, but many have not. It’s hard to believe that that Governor Ige and his team have not been able to come up with a plan in 5 months. I’m glad we pushed back our family visit until next March, but I wonder how many of our favorite restaurants and stores will still be there.
Hi Lee.
Seems to me now it all hinges on preflight testing and in particular rapid testing….
Kind of ironic that many of the people complaining about the need to reopen and restore the economy
are often the same people still saying masks don’t work or violate “their” rights. The reality is if everyone had worn a mask and practiced common sense social distancing we likely wouldn’t be having this discussion.
So sad that Instead of listening to medical professionals and scientists who are highly qualified to make the call we let the conspiracy nuts with no qualifications other then owning a keyboard and a computer have so much influence.
My take is the lack of leadership on a national level did more damage then any shortcomings at the state level.
WHAT!! Please, spare me,you have a nice day, Thank you
My Family and I want to come back to our beloved Hawaii and I believe you all want us to come back let’s make it happen . soon
Hi Craig.
I know this may be unpopular with some past commenters, but I think that the only viable plan is for Hawaii to reopen only to travelers originating on non-stop flights from places where the virus is under control.
Right now, sadly, those places are all outside the U.S. That’s just reality, and science and logic need to prevail over any emotionally-driven ‘but that means Hawaii is rejecting being American’ type of reactions (which aren’t true anyway.) *Any* island population and limited medical capacity needs to be protected from the inevitable results of the type of free-for-all that is likely to ensue with a ‘just open up’ approach that some seem to expect.
And (again sadly) the most likely people to travel under a scenario like that no doubt include those least likely to take the steps necessary to protect themselves OR others.
And yes, the HI state government needs to get their act together in terms of a viable plan on arrival and contact tracing in addition to any pre-arrival testing requirements, not letting them off the hook there. But we all just need to let go of thinking that what country we’re citizens of should be the primary concern.
Thanks as always for the opportunity to participate in the conversation, and Aloha!
Hi Carolyn.
The state of Hawaii cannot legally bar US citizens from traveling to Hawaii (see: US Constitution). They can only determine how to deal with them when they arrive. There are even legal questions regarding the restrictions being imposed by statutes. Lawsuits are working their way through the courts in all states including Hawaii.
It is only the flu.. lets not be so scarad. yes, it does take-out thoese vulnerable,ie, breathering issues, diabetes,maby like on a’banana, but if your strong ,just like every other year in the past.The virus is beatable … lets regroup. Fight for what is right!! And not for the citizens to go bankrupt.. Thanks
This is exactly why we need to Impeach Ige now! Let Josh Green run the show. Sign the petition here: https://www.change.org/p/the-office-of-hawaiian-affairs-impeach-governor-david-ige
Hi Sophie.
Thanks for your comment.
Maybe it’s time to vote out all the current politicians in office, Duh… They obviously don’t care about the residents interests.
All for a virus with a 99.7% recovery rate.
The governor of Hawaii is the only elected official who has seen fit to protect the people who permanently live in his state. All other US governors have opened and closed their states and finally realized that changing the rule is just infecting more people.
Governor Ige …congratulations for serving the people. No one should disagree with you on keeping your residents safe!! Thank you
I have visited your state numerous times and am awaiting the visor to be under control
Thank you
Thanks for your compassion and understanding.
Thank you for your always informative posts. I don’t blame Hawaii for not having a plan in place; there is no precedent to work off of and no forecast for the course of the virus. Hawaii is in a unique place. I doubt that the powers that be are sitting on their hands and whistling. What might help is some transparency and disclosure of the options being considered. Mahalo.
Hi Kitri.
The Democrat regime has been and continues to be a complete and utter failure on dealing with the effects of the COVID wrt the State of Hawaii and it’s citizens.
Everyone needs to vote very differently, don’t pull the same old lever now and in November!
I don’t know if the Democrats are broken or the Republicans. What I do know is Hawaii has one of the worse voter turnouts in the nation. It isn’t rocket science…if you don’t vote you deserve the Government you have and secondly, you have no right to complain.
We pray for you at this time and that when it does open all will be good. Cannot wait to visit!
Thoughts and prayers for Hawai’i’s political leaders to get a plan in place to help save Hawai’i’s economy, if at all possible.
Beat of Hawai’i has been consistently covering every moment of this debacle. It’s a shame that government officials don’t put half as much thought into a plan as those posting here do.
Blessings and Aloha to all, and mahalo to BOH for the incredible coverage on these issues.
Hi Pam.
PS…. You guys need to put pressure on your government, who obviously is inept and beyond the pale of shameless to get a plan. I might suggest a rally at the Capitol steps, and at every city governments office… It’s insanity that they can’t walk and chew gum at the same time and come up with a plan!!! What are they going to wait for another year to pass? The vaccine which may or may not work? And people may or may not choose to put into the blood streams? Put pressure on your government to build some temporary hospitals fly in some help etc.. My friends daughter flew into Manhattan into the heart of their insanity because the local medical staff refused to show up to work. I’m sure there be planes full of people that would fly to Hawaii to help out if need be. Each day that passes, each hour, each minute, each second, the people of Hawaii are going to extend their suffering for God knows how long. Many prayers of wisdom for your pathetic government leaders. I hope you guys can replace the fools, with the ones I know that are there in Hawai’i already who have common sense, courage, and wisdom
Aloha Nita C!!! Your remarks are LOADED with common sense which, unfortunately in HI, is in short supply. Likewise, so is the notion of being PROACTIVE when it comes to bringing in more health care workers or having the Army Cops of Engineers set up hospitals similar to what they did at the Javitz Ctr. in NYC. Lock downs & quarantines are their answer to “controlling” the virus. Ironic isn’t it that HI has the lowest number of deaths in the U.S. & we’ll also be the most economically impacted if things don’t change. Paradise is just a misnomer when businesses are shuttered forever; folks are losing their homes & food lines go as far as the eye can see.
My wife and I have reservations to visit Hi in late Nov. We are trying to figure out how to get a covid test and arrive within 72 hours. The present time for test results is 4 to 7 days. Please take into consideration this issue when making a decision on reopening. Thank you!!
Hi Don.
Donald, you need to start thinking of cancelling your plans. I serious doubt that Hawaii will be open in November and if it is with tests, you will be unable to get that required test in time, if you can even get it or not without covid symptoms. I’ve already cancelled for late September. It is a shame.
Open up, you’re going to have to eventually. Once you open you’ll see an increase of Covid like everyone else. Hawaii is just prolonging the inevitable. The only way out is to go through it.
Travis, that is so true! They are just delaying the inevitable.
I feel bad for the people that live in Hawaii. Sure it’s nice having such a beautiful place all to yourself, but reality is you need cash flow and that is tourism in Hawaii. Governor Ige has had 5 whole months to come up with a plan. What has he been doing????? Maybe he should ask the people of their great state their ideas. Apparently Ige has none.
Unfortunately this is so not surprising. This entire situation has been handled so poorly. 5 months …..plenty of time to come up with some kind of progressive re-opening strategy. The longer the shutdown the more unforeseen health and economic disasters there will be. Someone needs to post the statistics on the number of overdoses, suicides, bankruptcies, domestic violence cases, child abuse cases and violent crimes for the shutdown period as opposed to the same time period as last year. This is no longer about all of us “low life” , “privileged” tourists who supposedly come to the islands to destroy them while we are paying thousands to get there, thousands to stay there and thousands to keep the local businesses afloat. This is about the destruction of not only an island’s economy but the destruction of the lives of those who live there and have no choice but to stay. Those of us who have come there for years will find other places to go, not because we want to but because there will soon be nothing left of the islands we have loved for so long. The governing body of Hawaii is quickly taking it to the point of no return. For those who say keep it closed….I hope you are ready for what you wish for because it is not going to be pretty, and it is not going to become the Hawaii of yesteryear. It is going to become the Hawaii of the homeless, the drug addicted and the unemployed.
Open up the state With common sense protocols, such as masks in public places we are not able to socially distance. Let the airlines figure out testing before boarding. I’m sure they don’t want to have any bad publicity so they can handle that- Bring in the MERCY ship to handle any overflow of hospitalizations…BUILD a Hospital like the one they did not use in New York. Adjust the plan as needed. The long-term devastation of the citizens of Hawaii are going to be way worse than any fatalities; my brother-in-law runs a hospital I know the facts- Again, isolate the vulnerable on the island if they choose to do that (obesity is number one killer, second is diabetics)… Look at Sweden who use common sense and is now on the other side of things. Yes, people will die of Covid and 100 other things. Life is a risk. Use common sense, and minimize the destruction, devastation, and loss, which is guaranteed on soooo many levels. We have no cure for tons of extremely deadly viruses, mankind has continued to encounter throughout our existence. We need to follow countries where commonsense has worked and get on with our lives.
Prayers for all the Hawaiian citizens!
I think it’s difficult for anyone one State to come up with a plan when the other 49 States don’t have one either. There needs to be a starting point at least.
Ige was on a call with various Hawaii scientists who implored him to do pre-travel testing, a 6-day quarantine, and a follow-up test. How this will implemented is unknown, but we all know mainland visitors are wandering our islands soon after landing with no testing. If Ige doesn’t listen to local scientists who can see the writing on the wall, then what hope is there. Schools will open and soon after close. Community spread will happen quickly. Where is the DOH?
Is there a covid testing agreement with CVS? My wife and I are excited that this may be a way to slowly bring tourists back to the most beautiful place on the earth.
Hi Jerry.
Not that we have seen. We’ll let you know as soon as there is more information.
There is COVId testing at Select Walgreens nationwide.
Right and Trump has nothing to do with this mess. Is it demon sperm or alien DNA at fault? Deflect much?
Stating the obvious.
This is horrific news! The Governor must work with city officials of each Island and figure out a plan quickly to get tourism up and running. Even if hotels, condos, tour companies etc begin booking at 50% capacity, it’s better than no business at all!!
remember when the Mayor of Amity wanted the beaches opened, no matter what?
Do you really want Covid 19 to sweep through the islands and wipe out hundreds if not thousands of Hawaiian residents and overwhelming your already limited medical facilities?
Look after each other!
I visit my elderly mom and my sibs on Oahu twice a year. I live in California. I have booked and cancelled twice since April. Now I think I won’t be returning in 2020. I’d like to, but I think the mayors and governor would be committing political suicide if they allow not just deaths, but even cases of Corona virus.
Thank you for this newsletter.
Hi John.
Such a shame that the State Gov’t hasn’t been able to come up with a plan yet. Especially since tourism is vital to Hawaii. Are the citizens of the state voicing disapproval with their elected officials?
My question is as a timeshare owner with upcoming reservations in late November into December…can I obtain a COVID test on my own and if negative, will I be allowed to bypass the 14 day quarantine? A friend of mine just traveled to Alaska from Indiana and did just that. He tested within 72 hrs and no quarantine required. Why is it so difficult for the leadership to implement this. Thank you.
Hi Kim.
We do not know the answer yet.
You can test negative and not be shedding virus yet. That’s the problem with only testing once.
Hawaii is on the brink of economic disaster and Ige and the island mayor’s are totally at fault. They have fear mongered about this virus until they have over half the population convinced that if they get Covid that they will die. They are also blaming the tourists for not quarantining and the locals for not complying with the Draconian mandates rather than admitting that it’s their ineptitude that has caused most of the problems. I don’t foresee Hawaii reopening until 2021 and by then I fear that it will be too late.
I suppose Im not surprised that the federal government seems to be staying out of Hawaii’s mess. Does the governor not have a clue that he is on the verge of ruining the economy of his state by his inactions??? What do Hawaii’s US senators have to say?????? It just blows me away that they have no plan to re-open the state.
since Hawaii is talking about a travel bubble that excludes the mainland it seems pretty hypocritical to cry to the federal government don’t you think?
Communications director for Governor Ige, Cindy McMillan, responded that state Department of Health Director Bruce Anderson is in the process of determining “trigger points” that would define reopening plans.
May I ask, what in the @#LL have they been doing for the last five months?
Thanks for the wonderful and informative emails. This is truly horrible in Hawaii and for Hawaii.
But you (probably wisely) never mention the politics of this. I will attempt to — we see the same in Michigan, and Nevada, and many other Democrat run states. Your governor (Ige) is very smart and an engineer by training and education. HE knows or can figure out a way around this but is choosing not to do so and acting kind of brain numb while doing nothing. HE IS A SMART MAN. So this is all unwarranted.
Except keep the economy ruined in all these states and in continual shut down — does several things and all because ORANGEMANBAD — keeps the unemployment rate high, economic numbers in the gutter, and poverty up. Our current president will be blamed for all this come the election (whether right or wrong) in a naked attempt to get Biden elected and get the big money handouts to each of these destroyed states. It appears obvious (at least to me and my friends and we all love Hawaii) they are doing this — I live in the 2nd strongest state in the country (lowest numbers of ill, deaths and unemployed) and we are wide open and prospering but there is just ONE state with even lower numbers than we have (but a trashed economy now) and it is Hawaii.
It does not make sense unless you look at the politics.
Hi Danny.
Thanks for your comment. Correct, we try to not take a political stance.
Hawaii, like all other states needs to develop a plan to live *WITH* Covid. It’s going to be around for years before it can be completely eradicated. It seems that Hawaii’s focus is the fantasy that it can somehow be avoided. Recent case counts show that this thinking is futile, pointless and a waste of time and resources.
Meanwhile, Governor I’ve is doing his best Macaulay Culkin imitation thinking that it somehow helps.
I used to love your information. Lately it is all negative and putting Hawaii down. Are there new writers? I love Hawaii. I visit when I can. Some family lives there. Get out of the clouds. It is difficult times but you don’t have to put everything down like the world is ending.
Please vote Governor Ige out of office! He is not good for the people of Hawaii or those of us who love to visit. I feel sorry for all those suffering in Hawaii due to the lack of leadership.
We in California are facing the same unknown future. One day we’re open then the next we have to close. Our “leaders” need to get it together and realize what they are doing. Thanks for this information and keeping us informed. It’s truly appreciated!
Hi Denise.
Thank you.
It is disturbing that a medical professional such as LG Green is apparently deciding to put off dealing with the clear damage to mental health that will be the result for years to come of this lockdown. Very short sighted. More Hawaiians may ultimately die from that then the disease itself.
Hi Jon.
Sounds like good news for Canadians… if it happens.
Thank you for all the updates. Prayers for Hawaii to be safe.
Canadians Can Visit Hawaii Without A 14-Day Quarantine Starting In September
So, when can you hop on a plane to the islands? Westjet’s non-stop flights from Vancouver to Hawaiian destinations will start back up on September 5, while Air Canada will resume their trips to the state on September 8, CBC reports.
Hi Bob.
That is incorrect information about Canadians being able to visit in September without quarantine. No one can unless and until that is announced by the state.
We need to develop a plan
We live in San Diego
Also have several properties in hawaii .
Visiting seems impossible ??????
No confidence in the Governor or Kauai Mayor to define specificity or metrics for re-opening.
Are their any reports on suicides rising on the islands due to this delay?