Hawaii On Brink of Disaster With No Plan In Sight

“We are unaware of any progress by the State and counties to develop a plan to reopen tourism.”

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176 thoughts on “Hawaii On Brink of Disaster With No Plan In Sight”

  1. Nevada has opened just fine. Jobs are back, hotel & casinos open, restaurants, parks, camping fishing and hiking. Masks are required in public. We have a governor who knows how to take care of the public and also business and jobs. Each state is different but they all need strong leadership and ideas to deal with the situation. Hawai’i could already be on the rebound but has no leaders who understand how to manage their state in a responsible manner to ensure jobs and safety. The citizens of Hawaii are suffering job loss, business is trying to survive before bankruptcy strikes and the state governments are on the verge of having no tax base before collapsing. Unbelievable in so many ways. And now the governor has extra policeman patrolling the beaches to arrest those citizens who stop on the sand. Wow

  2. Everyone would like a clear path forward, but as we continue to learn more about the disease our path forward must evolve to reflect our new knowledge. This is why we get changing and sometimes conflicting directives, not just from politicians but from epidemiologists too. We crawl, then we walk, then we run. This is the normal and necessary process of learning anything at all; the frustration we feel is because we expect to be experts before we’ve gone through the necessary learning process. And because, in this case, so much of our lifestyle and standard of living are also impacted.

    I don’t expect first year med students to be neurosurgeons, nor first year math students to be economists, nor first year haumana to be kumu hula. We all learn in our own ways and at different speeds, but something we all have in common is that we don’t learn anything at all if we ignore our ignorance. We don’t learn anything by miracle. And we don’t learn anything by complaining about others’ ignorance in an attempt to make us feel better about our own. Instead, we all have to risk the painful awkwardness of facing our lack of knowledge directly, and make a concerted effort to learn.

    We learned early on that the pandemic is spread person-to-person. Then we learned that the pandemic can live on surfaces, so the person-to-person contact can be indirect. The obvious way to address the pandemic then is to stop person-to-person contact, both direct and indirect, until this goes away. That means all of us staying at home for several weeks. Yes, total shut down.

    Politicians have to represent all of us, not just those we agree with. So their response to the pandemic has to include both health concerns and economic ones. I don’t have to agree with them to acknowledge that they are in a tough, no-win position; my fear is that a political focus on economic and lifestyle impacts costs lives.

    1. Obviously, Robbos put a lot of thought into their post. I agree with 80% of it. However, the biggest hit in Covid-19 deaths has been in nursing/long term care facilities. Nobody is “staying home” more than these folks are. I live in an agricultural area of Central California. The food services area has been especially hard hit. Food processors, farmworkers, and truck drivers. You know, the folks who put food on your table. How can they possibly “stay home”. How are you going to get fed? Our area has suffered as many drug overdose deaths as Covid-19. There is danger in people having no hope.

      Again BOH is giving a great cross-section of comments and recommendations. I always click on it when it comes up on my e-mail. Mahalo for the good work!

  3. Aloha…well the extremist/conspiracy contingent is hot and bothered……. China did this, Fauci doesn’t care about us, …..it’s less harmful then a mosquito bite…really???? It’s amazing that Fauci has actually had to hire security because people have taken offense to his putting out facts without any political undertones….

    Here’s the reality. the virus is spreading in Hawaii because the anti mask/I don’t believe it’s serious segment of society
    have contributed to large groups getting together without masks and spreading coronavirus in Hawaii. Period.
    We are close to overtaxing our capabilities to treat people when they get to the point they can no longer breath on their own.
    We( society) did this, the state is simply doing what they have to do to react to how we handled the situation we are in.
    The haters throwing stones simply can’t take responsibility for being wrong about not taking this seriously.

    1. So Portland, Los Angeles, NYC, Chicago, Minneapolis, etc. etc.etc. peaceful protesters who burn down buildings, attack police, destroy property, riot… are immune to your “anti-mask” rant?
      Hawaii will depend on a Federal bailout, I hope they do not get it. This is the governor of Hawaii’s fault that the state is pushing away tourists for years to come. Hawaii “needs” tourist dollars. Period. Wear masks, wash hands, open business, open resorts, open restaurants and quarantine the OLD & SICK only.

  4. Does Hawaii understand that this is only the FIRST virus that China is going to unleash on America and the world this year? Hawaii is willing to destroy themselves and cannot grasp that a vaccine may be years away. A second virus probably coming months after the vaccine… You all are going to have to join the USA and continue to work.

      1. You probably are really old or too young to understand the virus originated in China and was unleashed on the world. Calling it the “Trump virus” also identifies you as a foreigner to America as real Americans back their President during pandemics. So Kevin, I’m not sure if you are from Russia, Cuba, Venezuela or China, but here in America we do not rejoice in this terrible virus that has killed 716K people worldwide courtesy of China. #USA1

        1. Bob… real Americans don’t necessarily back Trump during a pandemic… or ever… let’s not paint with a broad brush.

          1. Dominique, Actually Americans “do” support the President. If you were informed you would too. But, those that allow hate and bias to cloud their good sense, often make bad choices. I would encourage you to do your own research. Quit listening to tv stations that knowingly promote lies and deceit in order to accomplish their own destructive agenda. You don’t have to like Trump but it’s in your best interest and in the best interest of your family and loved ones to vote for and support the person best suited to forward the direction of our great country. Personality really shouldn’t be
            the total deciding factor at a time like this. No matter what you think of Trump he is our President and he without a doubt loves America with all his heart. He is a true patriot. Bringing jobs back to America, bringing the production of essential medications back, highest rate of both employment and home ownership for both black and Hispanic in history of America is something to be proud of. I could go on and on. If you wish to educate yourself regarding his accomplishments, and i must say in spite of the 4 year witch hunt he has endured, then go to the presidential website and take a looK for yourself.

            We live in the greatest country in the world. Start giving thanks instead of constant damning of our beautiful, amazing United States of America! God Bless America!

            Mahalo & Manila

          2. Disagreeing with both of your statements does not make a person uninformed nor unamerican. In fact, the ability to disagree is what makes this country great. Some might even say dissent is the highest form of patriotism. I am plenty informed, educated, and still have come to different conclusions than you, and guess what: that’s okay! And I give plenty of thanks 🙂 Wishing you both the best, and a little more aloha.

          3. Dominique, real Americans back their president during a pandemic. I never said to “back Trump” specifically. This virus was delivered to the world by China, not Trump. If Biden wins and is my president, I will back him for the few months he is in office and then back the VP who would take his place. Americans need to start acting American again.

  5. It is absolutely insane that this has been allowed to happen to our economy here in Hawaii. The percentage of those that die after contracting this COVID-19 virus is minuscule- less than 1/2 of 01%. This whole thing is a farce! A much larger percent of those that contract viruses from mosquito bites die. Same with the yearly common influenza. They don’t close the economy down for that. Same with auto accidents – Huge percentage of people die from that – they don’t say “ ok, nobody can drive a car anymore”. Etc, etc. Are we all blind to this ? It is amazing how the entire country has been brainwashed into thinking this is some sort of hugely deadly plague. It is not. This is all a farce. We are being systematically, economically destroyed by those who want to destroy us. Open the economy back up. It will not change a thing. We Must check the facts. Please, check the facts, before it is too late to fix our economy!

  6. Democrats have held solid control of nearly all government functions in Hawaii for 60 years. Today it is probably the most dysfunctional governments in the country. Elections have consequences.

  7. It’s as if they don’t realize how far the lack of tourism reaches. A Hotel is closed, so their employees are out of work. What about the employees of the companies the Hotel gets it’s food, beer,liquor and all the other supplies they need? Now these employers have to lay off workers because they are not getting business from the Hotels. More people out of work!Now, all these people that are out of work don’t have money to spend in the local businesses. It’s just sad.

    1. Agreed – but then the Democratic plantation can have more slaves on welfare & then they own you & your freedom & independence. #plandemic

  8. Old Wall Street problem– The Market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. New Ala Moana Blvd problem–Gov Ige can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent(not go broke).

  9. Totally inept leadership in the state. We all knew the education system was substandard,but now it is very evident everyone in an elected and appointed position lacks the ability to think critically and get the job done. They are very happy hunkered down in their rabbit holes and enjoy watching their citizens livelihoods disappear. What a true disgrace.

  10. Hi Guys
    I just read that tomorrow there’s a good chance the government going issue a second stay at home order for Oahu.

    What do you know and how do you feel about this?

  11. Aloha Guys!

    “Communications director for Governor Ige, Cindy McMillan, responded that state Department of Health Director Bruce Anderson is in the process of determining “trigger points” that would define reopening plans.”

    WTH…over 5 months, and and the “Communications Director” is putting out a message saying that the DoH Director is just NOW in the process of determining “trigger points”?!?!?

    Does anyone else find this utterly appalling and disturbing (putting it nicely)??? 😠

  12. I love Hawaii but am so sad that I will be adjusting our plans for November. I just cannot take the chance that there still will be a 14 day quarantine in place. We are just unable to make plane arrangements or car rental plans at this point. I understand that the locals must be protected but I also have sympathy for the businesses that will be lost to the lack of leadership of your governor. We hope to return next year. Bless you all and good luck to all of those who may have lost their jobs and livelihood.

  13. Hi Beat folks, I’m so sorry this has happened to Hawaii. It’s just plain wrong! Reading your notes over the last 5 months have made it clear that government officials there are sticking their administrative heads like ostriches in the beautiful sands of your awesome beaches. Can y’all maybe say RECALL?!?

  14. We have a condo rental on Maui. When we are able to return we plan on tipping the hard working locals as much as possible…..because we have not received a confirmed list of those who are “lazy” and don’t want to return to work. That list does not exist.

    1. I have a niece and nephew who make more money staying at home because of the extra $600 per week stipend that the Feds are dolling out. I have a friend who manages a hotel, on the mainland, that said their workers will not come back to work, even though they are now needed again, because of the extra $600 a week stipend that the Feds are dolling out. So it’s out there. However, I agree not everyone is wanting to take advantage of the free money and would rather get back to work.

  15. It is disheartening when you see how many local people are hurting against the backdrop of no progress forward. We can have hope when we know there is a way out, a path and a plan. I have no hope.

    The State has a plan for Tsunami’s. Why isn’t there a battle plan for how to react to a pandemic? Going forward, the likelihood of future pandemics is a reality. We have to get a handle on this. The world can’t shut down forever.

    In our own personal situation, we own rental property and pay the City and County of Honolulu property taxes as a hotel which is 4x higher than residential. They require us to pay this with penalties if we don’t, while shutting us down with zero income. Getting deeper in debt to pay the State isn’t fun, especially when it drags on with no end in sight and with no solution in sight.

    1. If monthly property taxes have moved you into debt, you should reconsider your investment choices. You basically gambled that rental income will fund all expenses, without additional investments or savings.

      1. I agree. These rentals earn thousands/millions of dollars for the investor because of their locations. They drive up the cost of living for the locals. They should have saved for a rainy day. Zero sympathy for people who have investment properties.

        1. Not a lot of sympathy for investment properties about now. It’s the people who live in Hawaii that are the important ones right now.
          The haters on here seem to miss that. The state has to do what is best for the people that live here. You folks pining about not getting to come to Hawaii right now are putting yourselves over the people that live here. I know I know we need tourism and it will come back. A lot of people have taken a financial hit but they have also gotten a lot of support.
          Tourism will come back with a roar when the state can safely open up. Until then it’s not worth the tremendous amount of pain suffering and death that would occur if the virus got out of hand here. It just isn’t. People on vacation in place with rampant covid would not exactly be having the trip of a lifetime.
          Business will come back and the tourism industry will be stronger then ever if Hawaii can maintain its place as a safe haven from covid. (relatively) It all hinges on getting the virus under control here and elsewhere. There will be a breakthrough in testing, treatments and vaccinations, not if just when. A lot of smart people are working on it.
          We all need to hang in there and support each other and keep in mind this is tough on everyone.

  16. I hope the great state oh Hawaii can get it all figured out soon. Hawaii is at the top of my list for post covid travel. Thank you and a heart felt Aliha to Ll of Hawaii.

  17. Doctors that actually treat patients are risking their livelihood, everything, to tell us that Hydroxy chloroquine works in preventing severe symptoms. Henry Ford Hospitals in Michigan, a Yale Professor, France, and most recent, America’s Frontline Doctor’s Summit. What is more important to you: your businesses, livelihood and Lives or your (to sensitive to repeat). A new Drug will line pockets but not yours or mine HDQ is pennies compared to a new drug that hasn’t had decades of use.
    Mahalo for the opportunity to express my opinion.

    1. Completely agree. I was in Hawaii last year around this time and have beat if Hawaii to thank for that amazing trip. It saddens me to think of all the wonderful small businesses we stopped at throughout our travels potentially closing. They are the soul of Hawaii. I believe these governors need to put the will being if their citizens over their attempts to create political turmoil and allow the use of HDQ and open the state to tourism before all is lost! Hang in there Hawaii!

    2. HDQ works but it’s not going to line anybody’s pockets with money, that’s why Dr. Fauci and the CDC are trying to undermine it.

  18. To: Reynard D. I would have to respectfully but strongly disagree with you. To say that there is no basis to safely reopen is as you said “criminal negligence and outright obstruction”. Both of those statements apply fully to Hawaii’s Governor Ige. He has shown zero leadership to his Hawaiian constituency. He has led them right off the cliff. The U.S. response to the pandemic has been to provide each of the 50 states with the needed equipment to handle their needs. Considering that the “previous administration” left the “current administration” with no emergency stock on the shelves. Now … in my option that in itself is criminal negligence. Thanks to our current administration our shelves are now stocked and ready for the next catastrophe. How the handling of the pandemic is handled is completely up to each state. Unfortunately, Hawaii has chosen to sit on their hands and do nothing. Ige’s news conferences are a blundering joke. He never has plans or answers. Those in charge of Hawaii act like they can’t/won’t reopen until there is zero cases. Is that realistic? NO it isn’t! My heart goes out to the people of Hawaii. I can’t imagine what their going through. There are obviously some that are happy things remain closed, such as you Reynard D. My guess is you’re retired and financially comfortable. Therefore, I believe that you not wanting to reopen is very selfish. Obviously your not suffering like those that need to work.Think about that.
    The extra $600 that the U.S. government was providing has now been exhausted. The government can’t continue to provide income forever. It appears that it’s the blue states that are choosing to remain closed. Let’s be sensible and realistic. These states can’t wait until there are zero cases of Covid as criteria to reopen. There are always risks but that’s life. It just needs to be dealt with until a vaccine becomes available, hopefully in the fall. The cure can’t be worse than the virus and that’s exactly what is happening to Hawaii.
    Prayers go out to all the people of Hawaii. Ummm … with the exception of Governor Ige. I think he’s doing just fine!

    Aloha & Mahalo!

    1. Hi TJ.

      Thanks for your comments. You undoubtedly saw that we have updated our comment rules, per a comment we posted last night in reply to a reply to your comment.


  19. While I hear about some people receiving quick results from testing, CA still doesn’t have it together. I have personal experience with a friend who received a quick test for sure but it took 18 days to receive the results. If Hawaii is expecting us to have results within 72 hours, it’s going to take a major change in how we handle testing.

  20. We have reservations in September and will need to cancel soon if we are not allowed to enter. Our plan is to rent a vehicle to go to Safeway and head straight to Bellows AFB for our one week of beach and relax. How disappointing if we cannot go.

    1. Aloha Kim,

      It’s not that you will not be “allowed to enter”. They can’t keep anyone from traveling to and from the state of Hawaii. However, they apparently can provide you with a military escort directly to your accommodations for your 14 day jail…errr quarantine confinement, as has been reported by some who have, or know somebody who has, gone during this time period.

      Also, it’s been reported that rental cars are not being allowed, if you are forced to do a 14 day quarantine, although I have no actual confirmation of this yet. I will soon, as I will be going (and doing my sentence, if necessary) at the end of September and coming home at the end of October. I can afford to do the 2 Weeks, as I can work on my Property for a few weeks, and have help getting what I need, from the wonderful neighbors I have.

      Personally, I wouldn’t suggest going at all, unless you have access to free accommodations (with some private property you can be outside on, and are spending more time than the quarantine period, or you will be seeing the inside walls of a building for the time you are there. If they reopen, and you can meet the requirements, it may be worth it; however, even then, who knows what the outdoor and business restrictions will be, as clearly this dysfunctional government has yet to be transparent with anyone, let alone its constituency?

      My wife and I chose to avoid our actual “vacation” to Hawaii this year, but unfortunately I have business to take care of on our property, so I still have to go! I will have fun the second half of my trip, where they can’t confine me though! Hah! 😁

  21. I have a 3 week trip to Hawaii planned for April/May 2021 and I’m interested in any information relevant to reopening. Getting required testing that is available to the masses who want to travel is essential. Please advise what is being done to put this in place, because it is taking over 2 weeks in my area to get RT-PCR test results.

  22. Aloha, So just a thought….. Since the Islands are ” closed ” and very few “outsiders” are arriving ( due to current circumstances ) and the Covid19 numbers are low Then Why are the local people ” Afraid ” to go back to work ??? If any business are still able to financially survive, then GO BACK TO WORK, — there’s no pride in collecting unemployment and welfare.
    Thank you

  23. So let me provide a data point if I may. We are CA residents. We are currently in Utah after traveling here for a wedding last Saturday. My wife had 1 of the Covid symptoms (headache) on Monday. She was worried enough about it that she wanted to get tested for Covid so yesterday morning she made a call to find out about testing facilities locally and made an appointment to be tested that morning. She did a drive through testing which took less than 15 mins and got instructions on how to access her test results through an app. This morning she got the results (negative by the way) just over 24 hours after she was tested. The test was completely free and they didn’t even ask for our insurance card.

    If Utah can figure out how to test thousands of people a day and get their results back in 24-48 hours why can’t Hawaii do the same, especially when travelers are critical to the Hawaiian economy? Seems like a complete and utter failure of the Hawaiian government.

  24. You really can’t lay blame. The situation here on the mainland is worse than ever and trending in the wrong direction. There simply is no basis for a safe reopening plan no matter how badly we all want it. The US response to the pandemic has been criminal negligence, outright obstruction, and denial. It really has come down to every man for himself. Stay safe my friends, like Clint Eastwood once said in a film, dying ain’t much of a living.

    1. To call the mainland response Negligent is a knee jerk reaction to the news and not correct. So many want to point at the ones who have this “under control”. If we all lock ourselves in the basement sure we won’t get it, but the moment you come outside and start living your area will spike. Japan is a good example, so many on this site want to let them start coming to Hawaii because “they are responsible and know how to handle this”, explain then, why Japan is looking to shut back down because they are experiencing a “second wave”?

    2. Aloha Renard,

      You say, “You really can’t lay blame”; Then, then you flip the script and say, “The US response to the pandemic has been criminal negligence, outright obstruction, and denial.” Then you say, “There simply is no basis for a safe reopening plan no matter how badly we all want it.”…are you for real??? Exactly what kind of senseless/warped logic is this? You sound like someone in government who can’t make decisions and (to boot) clearly would rather make them selfishly, with your “every man for himself” comment! 😳

      First…Yes, you absolutely can lay blame, and you did, in your warped statement… It’s the state Governments that have botched this debacle up, by not following the guidelines to reopening, which the “experts” in the Federal government documented (whether you agree with them or not). Not to mention, this is the entire reason WHY we have local, city and state governments (to help make decisions for “The People”, or do you not understand this process?

      Second…this situation is NOT “worse than ever”. People are NOT dying at an alarming rate, Hospitals are NOT (and have never been) over-crowded, in the vast majority of the country…and, in the handful of major cities that suggest they have (which is debatable), the survival rate is STILL above 99.8%.

      You might want to stop and “think”…actually use some critical thinking skills (possibly?), before you hit “send” the next time, rather than parroting MSM’s platform of instilling misinformation and confusion. It’s this kind senseless babble that keeps actual progress from happening, and it clearly makes for stagnant government response, as we’ve seen in the state of Hawaii. 🤔

  25. Aloha all.
    It is NOT ROCKET SCIENCE: Just need leaders who will lead and do the right thing!
    1. Set the standards for the test within 72 hours of departure. For example
    Diagnostic test, viral test, molecular test, nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT), RT-PCR test. People who are unafraid to travel and want to visit (and spend money) will do the leg work to get this done at or near their departure city. 2. Take temperature upon arrival as is currently being done. 3.Require printed negative results upon arrival! Same people who are currently checking paperwork at the airport can check this paperwork as well. If the passenger fails the temperature check or doesn’t produce the negative results (with the test administered within 72 hours of departure) must either quarantine for 14 days or return to their departure city. All systems are in place already to monitor this system. The ONLY THING MISSING IS POLITICAL WILL with the COURAGE to make decisions! These test do NOT Have to be administered by CVS. Leave that decision up to the visitor. Some will say, oh what if they forge the results. Anyone who does that would violate the current quarantine anyway. It will be very rare for someone to violate or falsify these requirements, and the influx will be gradual as half of the american public is afraid to fly right now anyway. We need leadership to save our economy! Step up Governor IGE, Josh Green, Mayor Caldwell et. al. and let Hawaii get back to work! The economy is severely wounded and will die if not resuscitated soon, and Washington DC will not bail out Hawaii and other high tax states. There is no Aloha in ruining peoples lives, destroying their businesses, instigating foreclosures (and ulitmately evictions) and depriving people of employment over a disease that primarily afflicts the elderly. Keep the elderly and infirm safe and let of get back to work!

    1. Sounds like a plan to me. You’re right Dan, it is not rocket science.It baffles me That the decision makers cannot see this.

    2. The Governor and Mayors have had over 5 months to put a testing system in place to support the most critical industry in their state. To date, they’ve accomplished nothing.

      Next election cycle, I think its time to find people who actually know how to lead and get things done.

    3. Aloha Dan-I wish that was possible but right now results within 72 hours is far from guaranteed. Who is going to risk the $ spent o a trip that hinges on getting those results in time?

    4. Aloha, and well put, Dan!

      I would add…If they can’t manage to do it, vit the voting booth and elect people who are at least willing to work at it!

  26. Aloha!! Your readers may want to know this. We own a condo on Maui and after 3 cancelled trips we decided to endure the 14 day quarantine and we arrived yesterday. Almost no screening or temp checks in Honolulu just collecting forms and they called my cell number to make sure it was legitimate. Nothing at all upon arrival at Maui airport. However we received A call from the Maui police dept quarantine enforcement division this morning confirming we understand the rules and threats of arrest for violating. Said they would call again to verify we were following the rules do they are taking this very seriously!!

  27. Its a problem for those of us who love Hawaii enough to invest our retirement money in property in the Islands.
    Mortgages,HOA and upkeep bills still have to be paid…We all need a sensible plan to reopen.We have on site people who are not earning at all. We must make a plan,and share it with possible visitors…They need to plan to arrange possible time frames and see required testing requirements…Its all complicated but not impossible to arrange.
    Leadership is work…lets see some!!!

  28. Major League Baseball apparently has the ability to perform the quick tests wherever the teams are playing based on how the outbreak with the Miami and St Louis teams have been handled, and to get the regular test back in a day. Realizing the scale necessary for even a partial reopening with arrival testing is exponentially larger, this still seems like a needed option for those not able to get timely test results on the mainland. Judging by other tourist areas that have reopened with minimal safeguards, Hawaii would be even worse off with an explosion of cases on Kauai and Maui and the Big Island. We pretty much think our safe trip in January is toast and reconsidering our May trip. When we get there, we will do our best to spend some bucks and be generous with our gratuities. Good lunch and safety to you guys.

  29. Mahalo for the timely updates. We cancelled our Nov/Dec vacation on the Big Island because of the uncertainty. The uncertainty of this issue is just too great a burden. Fortunately we have rented from a property management company who will keep us informed as to what is happening on the island. I don’t have all the facts for understanding exactly what they are thinking as to battling covid. Lt. Gov. Green surely is very knowledgeable. One thing is certain, masks do work.

  30. Calling NY Governor Cuomo, STAT! Wish he could be whisked there to help HI officials formulate and execute a cogent plan with verifiable datasets with actionable strategies. Things sound dire! I am so sorry. Thank you for keeping us posted!

    Warm regards

    1. Whole thing is ___ don’t travel there for a yr let the people that live there do what they have when coast is clear everyone can return. Not trumps fault if he would have shut everything down at start people would have screamed he is a dictator trying to control us don’t listen to him. Why is rest of world so mess up Trump was calling the shots there.

    2. You can’t be serious. Gov. Cuomo is the last person that needs to be called. Nearly 33,000 deaths in his state. He sent Covid-19 positive patients back to nursing homes to spread the virus to thousands of others. They are estimating that 10,000 patients and workers may have died in nursing facilities. Gov. Ige is a saint compared to that guy.

  31. Hey guys, thanks for the most informative Hawaii tourism site online. If only the Gov. and Lt. Gov.were reading this too.
    Thanks and Aloha.

  32. It is only the flu.. lets not be so scarad. yes, it does take-out those vulnerable,ie, breathering issues, diabetes,maby like on a’banana, but if your strong ,just like every other year in the past.The virus is beatable … lets regroup. Fight for what is right!! And not for the citizens to go bankrupt.. Thanks

    1. The virus is only “beatable” if everybody participates simultaneously. Seems to be the biggest issue for the “United” States of America – we can’t get united. It’s not as simple as you hope it would be not such a small group, and it’s not just the flu – it is NASTY for very many people.

    2. 39% of Hawaii’s population is at high risk, either over 65 or with health problems like asthma, diabetes, and heart problems,

      I know a healthy 36-year-old who died after recovering from a very mild case of Covid. A blot clot formed in his leg and led to a stroke. Doctors are seeing this and heart attacks in young people. Caused by inflammatory effects of Covid.

      A very fit and healthy young man here almost died but survived after 2 months in the hospital & is still recovering.

      Many survivors have serious long-term side effects.

      Covid 19 is highly contagious and very dangerous. NOT comparable time influenza!

  33. Rob and Jeff I enjoy reading your views on what is currently happening on Hawaii as it pertains to reopening to tourism. From everything I’ve read you guys seem to have the best grasp of issues confronting small business owners on the islands.

    Currently island sentiment on other blogs and websites is locals do not want tourism to resume anytime soon. Until the general population has a change of heart opening of Hawaii will be impossible.

    Fact is no matter how much testing or days of quarantine when large volume tourist activity resumes there’s going to be a surge in covid cases and deaths. Tourist will be blamed and their safety will not be guarantied.

    I’m a small business owner dealing with much the same issues as those on Hawaii, but “WOW” you guys have way more to deal with then we do.

  34. Hello-
    I’m an off-island Maui condo owner so am very interested and appreciative of the information shared by Beat of Hawaii. We rent our condo and depend on its income for upkeep, taxes, etc.
    With that as introduction, and as a person whose career was in Public Health on the mainland, I’m wondering if the U of H Masters in Public Health faculty/staff have been involved to advise about an opening plan for Hawai’i? In my mainland state, our Governor has maintained a tight, ongoing collaboration with our largest state University, medical school faculty, MPH College and the state’s Department of Public Health and Environment. Is such a collaboration functioning in Hawai’i?

      1. Yes, our governor collaborates very closely and daily with our state Dept. of Health. They collaborate with the University of Hawaii school of medicine and its public health dept. The governor also meets three times a week with the mayors of our island counties. He also meets with various economic and business advisors.

  35. Just yelling for everthing to open up and take your chances is short sighted and selfish minded. Here in Texas where our Governor opened up prematurely due to pressure from trump we are now out of control with cases. You are lucky to have a Governor that has had strict quarantine policies in place. Keep it up, don’t worry a vaccine and treatments are not far off. You can survive another 6-7 months without the tourist cash cow. Stay safe and be akamai.

    1. Just had to make it political now didn’t you girlie! Maybe your governor chose to start opening things because of how businesses are being devastated in Texas just like everywhere else and especially Hawaii! Only small minds immediately go political so have fun running with that crowd!

      1. I live in Texas and Robin is absolutely right.

        Just yelling “OPEN NOW!” does not protect businesses. If the virus is let loose with a 2% death rate, that means 6,000,000 Americans will die. Millions more will have long-lasting negative effects. Don’t you think that outcome harms businesses as well?

        Also, how do you know if Robin is a “girlie” or not? A bit presumptuous.

        To Beat of Hawaii, thank you again for your thorough coverage of the situation in Hawaii. Mahalo

        1. 2% of 3 million is 600K not 6 million. A big number to be sure. I’ve been watching the stats on this daily and the fatality rate is a fraction of 1%.

      2. When the virus has been turned into an political issue and called a hoax instead of following medical professionals who have been dealing with this their entire carreers the truth must be spoken.Sorry you don’t like reality. Wait until the islands are overrun with this virus then you’ll get to see what an epidemic looks like.

          1. Hi Maxine.

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      3. Hawaii cannot afford to do what Florida, Texas and others did. If the virus ran rampant here it would be a much
        greater disaster then waiting to reopen safely. Opening to safe areas first is obviously a pragmatic choice , working out a realistic
        preflight testing protocol would be great and judging from the posts here many would understand and support that.
        Finally, as far as the PR fallout worries, the people that understand the need for safeguards will come in droves when Hawaii opens as a relatively safe travel destination. If the “anti mask/it’s a hoax” crowd stays away Hawaii will be all the richer for it.

        1. From your lips to God’s ears. If you do not like what the medical field and science tells us about SD and masking by all means stay away. Thank you

    2. “you can survive another 6-7 months without the tourist cash cow” Really? I can tell that you have never had to worry about how to make next month’s grocery bill or house payment. The next time you are hungry, just wait a week or 2 and your hunger pangs will go away I am sure. Hawaii needs common sense in their government and that seems to be lacking.

    3. I work in the largest hospital in Houston…where are these vast numbers of patients,?
      Turn off the media and do actual research…real data is very useful. Mortality rate for this is .09% !

      1. I agree. Too many are listening to the mainstream media , who are determined to keep everyone in turmoil. Look at the real data. Protect the most vulnerable. Do what we have been advised to do and continue with life. Yes, there will be new cases, but the majority will get over it just like they would if they had the flu. The leaders need to consider a plan to open , while protecting the elderly and those with underlying conditions. As a nurse, one death is too many, but people are dying from depression, overdosing, suicides..because of lockdowns. God help us.

      2. Thanks, Debby, for your comments. I am in Texas, too, in the Dallas/Ft Worth/Mid Cities area. Today’s [8/6/20] totals for the entire state, all 254 counties, is 463,890 confirmed cases, 8,455 hospitalizations and 7,613 deaths. Texas is six times larger than New York City! Texas’ 5 largest cities are ranked by population in the 15 largest cities in America. Current totals for NYC are 223,473 cases, 56,433 hospitalizations and 23,563 confirmed and probable coronavirus deaths. There is no doubt the pain and grief of every one of those 7,613 families, but I agree that it would be very helpful if each of us does our research and then make comparisons before we stand on our soapboxes and scream “Bloody Murder” in agreeing with the media conglomerates who make their money by overemphasis and hyperbole.

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