Hawaii on The Cheap: Tips, Tricks and Research

When you’re planning your Hawaii vacation, don’t forget to research restaurants and attractions on the Internet for savings opportunities you might not expect to find.  For example, while drafting this post, I found the $30 off on the Go Oahu card below, a discount that I didn’t know existed.


Many restaurants offer discounts. Just call and ask or let your mouse do the work. For example, highly rated Hiroshi in Honolulu has a 4 course dinner available on Sunday and Monday evenings for $35. It’s found under “what’s new” on their site instead of listed under, “menu.” I just mention this because sometimes you have to go hunting to find the deals.

We recently wrote about the discounted menus at oceanfront Canoe House at Mauna Lani Bay Resort on the Big Island.

Don’t forget Blazin Steaks for $6 nightly which remind me of Tahiti . There’s also our lunch favorite at the pier called Nico’s. It offers excellent fresh fish for less than $10.

Tip:  Save on food for breakfast by purchasing cereal at the store, some milk and fresh fruit. Be creative.


Many discounts are only available on the WEB, such as these examples:

  • The Polynesian Cultural Center offers a 5 percent discount if you complete their on-line survey.
  • Big Island’s Mauna Kea Summit Adventures offers a 15 percent discount if you reserve on-line two weeks in advance.
  • Captain Andy’s has a $10 discount per person and free t-shirt if you book 7 days or more.

Tip:  It doesn’t hurt to pick up the phone and ask if there are any deals available.

Discount cards

Entertainment. Their 2011 Hawaii book is available now for $35. You can check online to see if their restaurant, attraction and entertainment coupons might be of use to you, before you plunk down your money.

Go Oahu Card. Smart destinations Go Oahu Card may be a good choice for visitors who want to pack a lot in and those who won’t have a car. Included are 35 attractions including tours, sights, and activities. It’s pricey at $47.99/day $159/3 day), so be sure you can take advantage of all it has to offer. If you’re a Costco member, you can get a cool $30 off the three day pass that includes a free bonus Luau, round of golf, or surf lesson.

VISITicket. This is another choice for all-inclusive touring. They offer one through five day Power Passes include an exhausting list of activities, cultural and historic attractions, museums, rides, tours and more. Prices are from $45 for one day to $165 for five days. There’s even a “meal ticket” option that adds three meals a day for $51.


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2 thoughts on “Hawaii on The Cheap: Tips, Tricks and Research”

  1. Aloha!
    FYI–I clicked on the Hawaii Entertainment Book and it is 15% off @ 29.75 with free shipping today! I was unable to determine if is is a good buy for Maui…most listings were in Honolulu. What do you think?


    1. Hi Melika,

      Great about the added 15% discount. You just further prove the point. I don’t usually find enough neighbor island deals in the Entertainment book, to make it worthwhile for me.

      Aloha, Rob

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