143 thoughts on “Hawaii Overload: New Rules May Include Entrance by Vaccination Only”

  1. Please, when is our governor going to wake up. Visitors are not required to be tested or show proof of vaccination before boarding the plane, if they test positive on arrival they are sent back. Result, 2 planeloads exposed. Let’s not wait till the horse is out before we close the barn door. Protect the citizens of HI.

  2. the dramatic rise in cases was shortly after they lifted the testing for all travelers

    its getting tires to see anti-science pushers like ige and green demonizing the unvaccinated travelers, when its clearly the vaccinated travelers driving the surge

    test all or test none

    1. In the case of your numerous, erroneous conclusions, I would say that your BS degree is not a Bachelor of Science. The unvaccinated carry an extremely elevated risk of not only transmission but adding a hospital visit to already overwhelmed medical systems.

  3. The vaccine requirement to enter Hawaii won’t withstand legal scrutiny. Hawaii is a state, not a sovereign country and cannot restrict entry to US citizens no matter how much they would like to.

    1. Actually, I would propose the opposite. When the US notes surges, it should ban travel to those states as a public health preventative. Go to FL or TX now and a good bet that you’ll be traveling with CV-19.

  4. Your ability to choose to be vaccinated is secure. You’re ability to choose your outcome? Not so much. Those responsible for rising infections are also part of the problem which keeps Hawaii from getting back to as close as normal as possible as soon as possible.

    Fact is Hawaii won’t get this behind her until all cases are managed.

    Hope 2023 is a good year for Hawaii, but it’s not looking like it.

  5. From what I gather the problem is locals and locals returning from the mainland not the tourists. If they implement the vaccination mandate (which I think they should) it must apply to locals: If a local is not vaccinated when they leave the islands, they can’t return until they are vaccinated. Tough love.

    We just returned from Iceland and if you didn’t have a 72 hour COVID test and a vaccination certificate or proof you had recovered from COVID you couldn’t get on the airplane. Hawaii should follow the same procedure.

  6. Mahalo for always giving me something to think about. I believe we should go back to pre-testing for all. They need to make a decision now as Ige would need time for the implementation for people traveling soon. In the mean time our numbers will grow and our hospitals and the exhausted and overwhelmed workers at our hospitals will suffer from inaction.

  7. Here is the proof, the vaccine helps by reducing the severity of covid or not getting it at all. I can remember in the 60s we took polio sugar cubes to prevent polio. When was the last time we heard of a polio outbreak. I respect your decision to not get the vaccine, your body, your decision, but think of others that you may come in contact with. You may feel fine, but you may be spreading covid and not know it. I don’t like it at all either, but I want to keep healthy and not windup in ICU, when someone else could use the ICU bed due to other medical issues.

    1. I respect your decision to get the vaccine, your body, your decision, but think of others that you may come in contact with. You may feel fine, but you may be spreading covid and not know it. you need to be tested the same as anyone else, since it is common knowledge that vaccianted people get and spread covid at similar order of magnitude

        1. lol, Harvey, forget? More like they conveniently leave it out, because it doesn’t fit the narrative. If you don’t know by now, the vaccinated can and do catch and transmit Covid.

    2. MarkR,

      The Polio vaccine was actually a preventative vaccine that keeps you from getting it, kind of a reverse cure, and these Covid vaccines have literally zero comparison (at this point), since the vaccinated CAN still contract and pass along the virus. Poor example to uses as your “Proof”.

      1. Well Jim, The bottom line is these vaccines greatly increase your chance chance of survival and comparisons to the Polio vaccine really doesn’t mean much either way…….and yes you can spread the Delta variant after being vaccinated but you are less likely to. This is a continually evolving situation and just doing everything we know that helps is the only thing we can do. Get vaccinated and wear a good mask correctly when appropriate. Then get on with your life and don’t be paranoid. If this hadn’t been politicized through the adept use of conspiracy theories a lot of lives would have been saved and we would be much closer to the light at the end of the tunnel. Plan for the worst and hope for the best, it’s just common sense.

        1. Well John, the bottom line is these vaccines do NOT “greatly” increase my chance of survival, when the survival for my health and age bracket is better than 99.9%. I can actually do the math and follow the science appropriately. My educational background allows me to know how to calculate odds, based on more than just global numbers, and what some random “john” (on a Travel Blog) believes he knows about this virus.

          🙄 I definitely don’t need you to preach from an online bully pulpit about what you think I should do with my health/life. I’m a grown man, and I know how to protect myself, and those around me. You don’t know me, don’t pretend like you do. To infer that I would be paranoid, or buy into conspiracy crap only proves my previous point. I’ve likely traveled far more than you over the last year and a half, and I’ve avoided contracting any variant, because I take care of myself, as well those I love, and those I may not know, who end up around me.

          As you say, this is a “continually evolving situation”, and you really don’t know “everything that helps” (like you may believe you do). The reality is that what you think helps today may not be the correct help tomorrow, so you really should stop acting like (or believing) you know what’s best for those you are clueless about. I’m also going to recommend that you stop trying to impart “common sense”, because you’ve already proven that’s not really your cup of tea.

          Good Luck! 🤙

  8. Disordered minds going on vacation during a pandemic that is showing cases going parabolic.

    I’ll wait another year and just visit my national parks here in California.

    I really do hope Hawaii is able to come out of this without becoming super expensive but most of all I hope that people there can go back to living like before once things clear up 🙏🏽

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