78 thoughts on “Updated: Hawaii Poised To Scrap All Travel Rules & Mask Mandate”

  1. The governments are feeling the pressure from the people who elected them. The truckers are leading the way, peacefully insisting that our constitutional rights be returned to us. Freedom is our right. Not being coerced to wear a mask that doesn’t work or get a jab that doesn’t work.

      1. What do you mean by “taken down” Paul C. From what I’ve seen the truckers are peaceful, working-class men and women. They are the ones who have put food on our tables during this pandemic. Don’t they have a voice?

      2. Paul C,

        So Canadians should be “taken down” when they exercise their right to petition their government for a redress of grievances.

    1. What is your definition of a jab/ vaccine working? If it’s to never get covid the vaccine only gives partial protection so you could say it doesn’t work. But if the vaccine is meant to save lives and prevent hospitalizations it is absolutely doing that!!

      1. I’m not sure what vaccine/vaccination currently means either.

        Apparently neither does the CDC. If I recall correctly we are on the third CDC definition of what a vaccine is/does since Covid-19 arrived.

        “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.”
        ― Humpty Dumpty, Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass

    2. I find myself getting really cranky when people complain about mandatory vaccinations taking away our constitutional rights. I don’t feel trying to protect the people from a plague is taking away my rights. I’m in my 70’s , have 3 shots now and personally don’t appreciate unvaccinated people being allowed to sit next to me on a 6hour flight even with a mask. Symptoms are not always visible and stats show it’s those not vaccinated dying from this. I lost 4 friends in a week this past month..

      1. Dear Kathy, oh no!! I’m very sorry you lost 4 friends 😪 read 2nd Corinthians 1:3-5 & Psalms 46:1-3 God loves you very much & your friends….John 3:16! Stay safe & God bless you….Pslams 91:11 ❤💕

      2. Maybe some people don’t want their right to choose their own medical decisions taken away. Mandates are essentially taking away our right to choose. Why is that soooooo hard to understand!

        1. I don’t understand why the need to vaccinate is becoming such a hotbed of discussion. Without vaccines smallpox, polio and a host of other diseases would be rampant. Because my generation vaccinated polio was virtually wiped out…Do you get a flu vaccine? same diff. The majority of covid deaths are unvaccinated. Yes. it doesn’t prevent it, but the chances of surviving it are greater.

        2. I certainly don’t want unvaxed Doctors leaving a Covid patient then seeing me. I can’t imagine a soldier disobeying orders because of what he read on facebook and refusing a jab. Just like vaccine requirements for schools are a very good idea so is the mandate in many circumstances. No one is forced to have it, but if you don’t you shouldn’t have the right to enhance spreading Covid anywhere you want.

      3. Without diligent due process or within a Good Samaritan Act context, I don’t think decisions which affect the individual’s health and life should be forced upon him by self-appointed experts who are not in a position to be required to stand responsible should they err.

        It is easy to demand if others are being forced to pay the cost.

        “Equity will not suffer a wrong to be without a remedy”, Maxim of Equity, Court of Chancery (England,circa 1596-1617)

        1. The problem is HEYWARD, the self appointed experts are what primarily make up the anti-vax argument. The research supporting the vaccine is from 1000’s of highly educated, lifelong professionals who have access to reams of data and could care less about politics or the number of viewers they can attract to their medium.

          1. Hello JOHNW,

            The issue I have is that the 1000’s of highly educated, lifelong professionals who have access to reams of data and care less about politics are beyond accountability to those they may (and most likely in some small number) have injured in expounding their “expertness”.

            Very simply, I seriously question the veracity of any expert whose opinion may cause egregious harm when the expert doesn’t have to answer for their wrong expert opinion.

          2. Just to be clear I’m talking about the experts behind the vaccine. It’s a safe and effective way to prevent Covid from killing people. Imagine what the deaths would be without what they accomplished. I think any harm you are talking about would be the political debate over mandates. That’s a different deal and the researchers are not the policy makers. But to my point again, the anti vax argument is sadly led by “self appointed experts” masking their political motivation with false claims.

      4. I would support flights for vaxed and nonvaxed. My entire family caught Covid from vaccinated friends who thought they couldn’t spread it. I would be happy to be on a flight of nonvaxxed so I can be assured that if they have covid, they would show symptoms.

        Imagine a plaque where you have to be tested in order to know whether you have it? Our forefathers would laugh in our faces.

        I lost 2 family members after they took the second shot, so I understand your pain.

  2. Last Sunday the pandemic ended when Snoop Dog with 70,000 of his closest friends partied at the Super Bowl without masks and then yesterday 3 school board members were recalled in of all places San Francisco and now Hawaii ending vac’s mandates!

    OMG is common sense starting to brake out in America?

      1. PaulC

        Please get your facts straight before tossing facts corrections at others

        Where in my comment does it say the 3 school board members got recalled for mask mandates?

        Answer: No where.

  3. This is the best news that I’ve heard in two years. Once Hawaii drops all these stupid mandates, I’ll be back. I

  4. What is the chance for the safe travels website to be lifted in mid march
    And the indoor mask mandate
    Lifted in April
    Keep me posted
    Keep me updated when the gov ige makes the announcement
    On the safe travels website being lifted

    1. Hi Greg.

      We’ve told you everything we know thus far. We should have updates on this soon.


  5. “Even a snail will eventually reach its destination.”
    ― Gail Tsukiyama, The Street of a Thousand Blossoms

  6. Lets see. They are going to drop the mask requirement. Yeah, the masks that don’t prevent you from breathing in a virus. The are also going to dropping the Covid testing? Yeah, that’s the test that is undiagnostic and whose results can be manipulated by how many cycles the tests are processed under. Do the test with the cycles in the 40s and you get A LOT of false positives. No “vaccine” requirement? Good, because it doesn’t prevent you from getting or giving Covid. About time.

    1. Visited dining places in Kilauea the last two nights and both still required masks. A shave ice shop in Hanalei required a mask to order, while another store said we could take off our masks today if we were comfortable. Another food truck we visited, the workers wore masks while mask wearing was about 50% for customers when ordering.

      1. If you are referring to Bistro and/or Palate (owned by same guy) in Kilauea, yes, they still do mask theatre (from door to chair, remove, and back on from chair to door). That’s it. The employees (we know them well) aren’t into masks; they just don’t want to get fined in case the inspector drops by. And he has in the past when “distancing” and “no mingling” were still things. AFAIK, there is no government mandate to wear them outside food trucks. I don’t, and I’ve never been asked to.


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