Cyber Monday Hawaii Deals:

Hawaii Retains Indoor Mandate As Airline Mask Rules Uncertain

Ige says masks stay on for now. Flight attendants too want masks to remain. But what do consumers say?

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62 thoughts on “Hawaii Retains Indoor Mandate As Airline Mask Rules Uncertain”

  1. Hi Guys!

    I am not surprised. Ige has changed his mind mid-stream since the beginning of COVID. In fact it has felt as if the rules change mid-flight from LAX-HNL, weekly. I’m waiting until after 3/26 to book AND fly. Never know what “dancing waters” or “Coconut Wireless” will bring. That’s why I depend upon BOH for the island updates.


  2. Not wearing one. Can’t wait for all restrictions to be lifted. It should be left up the individual, never mandated.Ever.

    1. Really?So you think it should be your choice to spread the virus to others? Pretty selfish way of thinking

  3. Aloha
    I have no issues wearing a mask. I’ve flown to Hawaii 7 times since January 2021. Always seem to catch a cold flying on airplanes. Haven’t had one now for two years. Will probably wear one when traveling by airplane, post Covid.

    1. Hi Sam.

      True that. It seems that almost no one has had a cold or flu since Covid.


  4. Omicron proved vaccines and masks don’t work. Everyone I know who got the virus had been double vaccinated, boosted and masked. I say let people do what they feel comfortable with. Don’t criticize those who are comfortable not wearing the mask and don’t criticize those who still choose to wear them. All the fear mongering over the past 2 years has likely done irreparable damage to some folks to the point where the mask has become a false sense of security. Very sad.

  5. th masks don’t work! everyone knows that. Florida is a perfect example fo freedom.
    we will be living with this man made virus forever.

    We breath our own carbon dioxide>

    Unions cannot be in charge of noir health. The cdc says masks are not effective. Governers should not be n chargrills of our freedom ot health.
    ice get over your controlling self

  6. It’s this uncertainty and inconsistent actions that caused the 17 of us to change our trip to the Caribbean. Masks are a joke. Sorry, the fact is they simply do not work. If people want to wear one that’s fine but I’m done with that nonsense.

  7. As someone who works on aviation, I’m all for the TSA keeping the mask mandate in place for passengers. It’s a good idea and should remain in place for a while longer

  8. I was wearing a filtered mask on planes before Covid19 to keep my nasal passages moist. And will continue wearing them now to avoid stuff of all kinds for other passengers. I do hope that the airlines keep up with the cleaning and air filter protocols, too.


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