101 thoughts on “Hawaii Travel: Feast or Famine”

  1. Thanks for another good article! I just find it funny that Maui Mayor Victorino is now bemoaning all of his island’s hotel cancellations when he himself called for a “pause” in tourism. I mean, what exactly was he expecting??? Be careful what you wish for, Mayor!

  2. Hawaii’s continuing efforts may be salting the ground its tourism economy grows upon. Consider just the one month impact of Hawaii’s newest anti-COVID restrictions upon tourism. Now extend this in light of the following:

    Michelle Cortez, (12 Sep 2021), Here’s What the Next Six Months of the Pandemic Will Bring, Retrieved from: msn.com/en-us/money/other/here-e2-80-99s-what-the-next-six-months-of-the-pandemic-will-bring/ar-AAOmGL2

    “For anyone hoping to see light at the end of the Covid-19 tunnel over the next three to six months, scientists have some bad news: Brace for more of what we’ve already been through. …

    “We’re going to see hills and valleys, at least for the next several years as we get more vaccine out. That’s going to help. But the challenge is going to be: How big will the hills and valleys be, in terms of their distance?” Osterholm said. “We don’t know. But I can just tell you, this is a coronavirus forest fire that will not stop until it finds all the human wood that it can burn.” …

    What seems clear is that the pandemic will not be over in six months.”

    The greatest problem facing Hawaii’s tourism is that the virus adapts faster than the Hawaiian government.

  3. Note to all hospitality and retail workers. Treat your patrons with respect and smile!! I will not tip for bad service or go back to a retailer that gives me attuned. Sorry if this offends some. I know all are overworked and doing the best they can. Don’t complain if you can’t make any money while you’re pissed off that you are working.


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