Pre-Summer Guide to 2021 Hawaii Travel During COVID

Updated: Hawaii Travel Uncertainty Following The Weekend Of Omicron

Updated 11/29/21. What a crazy Thanksgiving weekend with travel and Covid back in the news once again, in a way none of us expected or wanted. And this comes nearly two full years after it all began. As commentor Pam just said, “Welcome to the twilight zone.”

Since Friday, changes have begun to impact travel, but thus far mostly as it relates to international travel. But that is not the end of it. With cases popping up globally, more travel and other Covid rule changes appear inevitable, and Hawaii travel won’t be excluded.

The speed with which all the Omicron news unfolded is head spinning. So too was its immediate impact on travel. And not only is it unnerving at many levels, but the direction in which this may go is entirely uncertain. From the fear of a new and potentially vaccine-avoiding variant to contrasting news this morning, wherein the head of the South African Medical Association said that the symptoms are generally mild, short-lived, and treatable at home. Then NIH concurred, saying there isn’t data to suggest Omicron causes worse illness than previous variants. Yet, it is unclear how fast it can spread and whether current vaccines will help.

Even Hawaii travel is no longer assured.

We were settling into some kind of better normalcy here in Hawaii travel. In less than three days, many of Hawaii’s Covid rules are set to be relaxed. But that was all before we learned Omicron.

Something became clear to us again; that travel assurance can turn on a dime. Our prior assumption that things will be more normal, like Hawaii travel plans, is simply no longer guaranteed.

Hawaii officials tried over the weekend to assure travelers and residents. So even as Japan closed it borders for now,  and WHO just said, “the overall global risk related to the (omicron variant) is assessed as very high.” Honolulu’s mayor said, however, “we have no reason whatsoever here in Hawaii to worry about that other than it just being a concern.” And Hawaii’s Lieutenant Governor said “we really do not want to lock down again. We really do not want to restrict any activities. We really want to get back to normal.”

Hawaii travel during times of uncertainty: risks, rewards and key takeaways.

For many of us, travel has been on hold for what seems like a very long time. Recently, however, Hawaii travel has definitely been looking a lot easier and more promising. But now, there’s a wrench in the works. Here are some of the implications.

1. Travel insurance with cancel for any reason is at the top of our list going forward.

2. Hawaii deals will remain in focus for the foreseeable future, in part due to the travel uncertainty that has raised its head again. We feel certain that bookings are down and cancellations are up since Friday.

3. Flexibility is key. Reservations that can be modified easily at little or no cost make Hawaii travel much more appealing. Some examples are airfares that can be changed without penalty (on all but the cheapest tickets), accommodations that can be changed until close-in to Hawaii travel dates, and Hawaii car rentals or Turo rentals that can also be cancelled at the last minute without penalty.

How could the state of Hawaii react to Omicron?

1. It could change plans in terms of new rules set to start on December 1. We’ll know more about that in the next day or two.

2. If for any reason travel for those vaccinated were no longer to be deemed safe in the US, Hawaii could attempt to reinstate pre-travel testing for all passengers, in addition to vaccination. Thus far, Hawaii has not felt it could assert the need to resume travel testing since the CDC has taken the position that travel is safe for those fully vaccinated.

3. Further potential restrictions are possible but remain unclear at this time.

Does Omicron changes your Hawaii travel planning?


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61 thoughts on “Updated: Hawaii Travel Uncertainty Following The Weekend Of Omicron”

  1. Come on. Why not just do like what Thailand does?! They immediately set out new rule of banning travelers from specific countries that have had the new variant cases and anyone else traveling from Africa countries will have to be quarantine for 14 days. That’s it and live on…the doctors even said Omicron isn’t as scary either.

  2. I have reservations in two weeks for Mona. I have cancelled two previous trips due to Covid precautions. Am really hoping that I will be able to make it there this time!
    Please keep everyone updated and safe.
    Thank you,

    1. we bought tickets to Hawaii in Dec.2019 to fly May 2020.We were forced to cancle our trip and could not rebook our flight till Nov 2021.we were told we had till march 31 or lose out.We had no choice but go. Cost us 500 more and prices were going up.make sure you stay on top of the airline you use.They make changes and do not tell you.We almost lost our tickets and had to go when we wernt ready.

  3. Wondering about safety of 5 or more hours in a plane? I suggest you google the Reuters article, “61 people test positive after arriving in Amsterdam”. That number was over 10% of the passengers and at least 13 cases are confirmed the new variant. When the president has a news conference to say don’t panic, maybe it is time to reconsider risks of travel.

  4. Would Love to go in May they June Birthday flight My Daughter and grandkids live there.They just moved there a year ago miss them very much(empty Nest thanks Chat🙄🙃🍓

  5. My family and I have a trip planned to Oahu at the end of February. I’m hoping nothing changes and we can still make this happen. We are all fully vaccinated and have been traveling. Hoping for the best🤞🏼

  6. I have secured and paid for a vegas trip for the end of January. If things get screwed up it could be possible that travel might be shut down? If we do go could we end up being stuck up there? Whoever is making these rules better wise up. Why make serious changes but say itll go into effect in w few days? If just one person gets in within that window all this shut downs wont make any sense. Now they say the vaccine might not work on this variant. Wish i never got the shots

    1. Aloha,
      If every one got the shot, the virus will not mutate, rich country’s should help poor country’s with vaccines this will never end due to misinformation, stay safe enjoy Vegas I think you should be good,I’m in the medical industry.

    2. Mr Mike B… To the contrary – they are saying that two shots plus the booster will definitely work against this variant. Don’t know your source but mine is the WHO and Dr Fauci (like him or not).

      1. Hello BARBARA M

        “… they are saying … .”

        “They” said:
        15 days;
        vaccinated can’t get COVID;
        vaccinated can’t spread virus;
        vaccine is two and done;
        vaccine last at least one year;
        vaccine last at least nine months;
        vaccine last maybe six months;
        vaccinate again now;
        there is no acquired immunity factor.

        “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
        – Stephen Hawking

        1. In medical science virtually nothing is static. The body changes, environmental changes, disease and treatment changes. Recommendations change. Bottom line is to prevent deaths, reduce community spread & hospitalizations. You can pay attention to those recommendations or be part of the 30% that “I really don’t care” what happens to others. You then become a candidate for the Darwin awards. As a healthcare provider you want to protect others, respond and change your treatments & recommends

          1. Good Day TERRANCE K

            Medicine as regards Covid-19 is having a large hole blown in its credibility. Partially by the promises and actions of politicians and partially by its own its arrogance.

            The problem you speak of is not so much with those of “I don’t care” as with the increasing numbers of “I no longer trust”. The result of a litany of contradictory statements and actions, and false promises made them.

            Misleading and uncorrected erroneous information is a virus unto itself.

  7. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    As of this post stock market is up across the board, oil prices are up and Moderna’s stock is up big, plus Biden has come out saying not to panic about Omicron variant.

    So I booked a killer cyber Monday deal for the Big Island in May…of course it’s a fully refundable trip.

  8. We will be leaving on Dec.14,Tuesday
    We are having a hard time scheduling our 72 hr test. CVS are saying they can’t guarantee if it would get back on time. What do you advise?

    1. Thanks for your comment! We’re traveling December 14’th as well. My understanding is that since we’re fully vaccinated (with booster) we don’t (right now) need a Covid test before flying to Hawaii.
      Am I wrong?
      Naturally that could change any hour.

      1. @ Vincent – Can you schedule a rapid antigen at Walgreens? That is typically returned in less than an hour. We did that in June and was accepted at Maui.

    2. I’ve waited 5 years to return to Hawaii to visit my family and friends. It’s very nerve wracking just waiting what Hawaii will do next. I’m leaving December 3, I’ve delayed this trip for a year cause of Covid. I’m filling out the required application tomorrow. So I hope December 1st, won’t disappoint me. Mahalo

      1. LMARIE… Not all Walgreens do Rapid Testing – in fact, the Walgreen’s site is not accurate as it shows some locations doing Rapid when in reality they don’t. Walgreen’s had not one location in our state that did Rapid. Now it shows they do but when you contact those locations, they don’t!!!

  9. We’ve got flight reservations for Hawaii , Jan22-Jan 29, 2022. Should I be concerned? We plan on taking our 9 year old grandson.

  10. This possibility has been discussed over several months and is not unexpected. The fear is that the governor will once again use a variant as an excuse for delaying reopening. This is simply not sustainable and must end.

  11. At this moment, we are still planning on flying to Maui next week. Thank you for keeping us up to date on the latest possible changes!

  12. My greatest desire is to come back to Hawaii. I have planned trips twice over the last 2 years but cancelled both. Covid and variants of Covid will be with us for years to come. I would love to say that there could be an end to Covid, but it will be here for the long haul. Even with vaccines and precautions, this will be something that we will have to live with.

  13. Too-soon speculation and many will read this as “for sure” changes to be implemented asap. Omicron only “discovered” a few days ago and in another country. These stories of “changes coming” will be printed many times over before something concrete is decided and then implemented.

  14. Mahalo BOH for always keeping us up to date with these roller coaster changes. What if we already booked the trip and can’t get the Cancel for Any Reason insurance? Any advice on what to do? Should we still purchase Comprehensive insurance? Thanks for any insights.

    1. Hi Julianna.

      Check trip insurance policies. Most have gotten clear about not providing benefits when canceling for pandemic-related reasons. That is unless you have cancel for any reason, and even then it only covers 75%. Also check on what you’ve purchased to see as air tickets are generally changeable for example. And, don’t panic, until more is known. Everything might work out as you have planned. That’s the world. Many unknowns.


  15. Look we are an island we cannot do things like the rest of the mainland so it is hard to decide which direction to go money versus saving lives in a small place. We do not have the luxury you all do with getting in the car and traveling to another state. Frankly you don’t like it tough then don’t come here. If you are the type to come with an attitude please stay away that will not be tolerated here.

    1. Hi ERIKA

      No, you don’t have the luxury of driving away.

      But Hawaii does have the luxury of establishing goal-oriented reasonably consistent policies that protect natives and visitors alike while minimizing damage to its one trick economy. Hawaii’s current “every island for itself” approach does not exactly exude toughness, but rather may be viewed as indicative of leadership weakness, loss of focus, and confusion.

      Hawaii should examine its own warts before pointing to those of its guest.

      1. How can we find data on vaccine response of hotel employees. Mid February we will spend 7 days at Turtle Bay resort, followed by another week at Sheraton Waikiki. We don’t eat in Waikiki except at Royal Hawn and Sheraton pool restaurant. Hopefully all staff are fully vacced as we are!

        1. Rest assured! If your vaxxed your safe! An unvaxed employee is no more dangerous than a vaxxed. Catch and spread is the same either way. Your good!

    2. I worked in Ketchikan Alaska…which is also an island. The luxury that Hawaii has that Ketchikan does not is the close proximity of major hospitals. The one and only hospital there is comparable to the Veterans Memorial in Waimea. They do not implement draconian and confusing measures without reviewing all the science first. Hawaii needs to stop making such knee jerk responses that are only increasing everyone’s anxiety

  16. Defiantly making planning difficult. Hoping to use my reservation cancelled/rescheduled in 2020, in February 2022. Was feeling pretty confident until this week. Looking into travel insurance, but not sure if that will be affordable.
    PS: love the daily info you sent.

  17. “Does Omicron changes your Hawaii travel planning?”

    Not at all.

    For long prior to the appearance of Omicron Hawaii has remained far too unpredictable and inconsistent in its restrictions to warrant our investment.

    When Hawaii can articulate something more than a vaporous plan of what it believes are to be its appropriate measures we will certainly reconsider. In the meantime, we tire of Hawaii’s “whack a-mole” visitation policy game and look elsewhere.

  18. to no end, the symptoms described by the South African authority sounded more like seasonal flu. Another excuse to impose more restrictions and controls. Somebody is making a lot of money.

  19. OK here we go again. Rules keep changing. I’m a nervous wreck waiting to see if any more procedures are required to fly. My plans are to fly during the first week of December and I hope nothing else is required.

  20. WHO says this variant has mild symptoms including fatigue and most people are asymptomatic. People need to mellow out. There will be many more variants. I was just in Africa. They live on close quarters (many in shantys) with no medical care and no vaccines.

  21. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    A couple of things happened before the “New Omicron Variant News” Both Pfizer and Moderna applied for emergency approval of their anti viral covid pill treatments. How better to make that happen than to announce a new covid boogie man is on the way.

    Second I’ve done my research on this new omicron variant again it maybe more contagious, but as you stated symptoms are generally mild, short-lived, and treatable at home. if true that’s good news.

  22. We’ve never had experience buying travel insurance but are wondering about it for our Feb trip to Maui. Anyone has good ideas or tips?

  23. This is insanity. It will never stop. There will always be new variants. The vaccines are ineffective against Delta, which is 99% of what’s out there. So why do we care about a new variant that appears to be less virulent than previous ones. Virus gonna virus. It’s time to just go back to normal.

    1. Absolutely false that the vaccines are ineffective against Delta. Over 80% of those hospitalized in the US are not vaccinated. That means the vaccines are working very well – as well as the first polio vaccine.

    2. Trials show that the vaccine is 90% or more effective against Delta. ( ( Are you intentionally spreading misinformation or are you that poorly informed?

  24. Omicron is very mild, according to the African government. Are we seriously going to start freaking out over every sniffle, now? That’s not a way to live. Obviously, its up to us to put an end to the madness.

  25. I have two trips planned for next year and cross my fingers all goes according to plan, but I’m covered regardless. I don’t understand why Hawaii feels like they can’t reinstate testing. The USVI stopped allowing antibody testing and require testing for everyone. They are part of the US and follow CDC guidelines too but still require testing. Thanks for all the updates.

  26. A Virus is going to Virus-that is what it does. Stay tuned as the powers to be “won’t let a crisis/never-ending new variant” go to waste…look at areas of the World this “virus” is already in the rear view mirror- areas of heavily populated India, Africa, Sweden…etc…

    1. Aloha
      We are still going to Kauai on dec. 10 for a week. This trip was postponed from the last few years. We are looking forward to it.


  27. Once again – pins and needles – if they reinstate prior testing and still insist on using a “Travel Partner”, once again we’re screwed! No Travel Partner in our state offers Rapid REsults.

    1. Look into the Azova option. You get the test delivered to your home. You make an appointment for a video monitored test. Do the test and they upload the results to Safe Travels. It’s super easy, and not to expensive – around $90 per test.

    2. You don’t have Walgreens in your state? I used their rapid test twice, in May and again in June, to help my daughter and son-in-law move to Hawaii. I live in Tennessee and my only option for the rapid PCR test was Walgreens, but there are multiple Walgreens in my area that offer the rapid test. I had results in my email within a half hour both times and the process was smooth when I arrived in Hawaii.

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