Pre-Summer Guide to 2021 Hawaii Travel During COVID

Updated: Hawaii Travel Uncertainty Following The Weekend Of Omicron

Update from Hawaii officials. Hawaii travel could be impacted, that much is clear. Could rules change again? 

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61 thoughts on “Updated: Hawaii Travel Uncertainty Following The Weekend Of Omicron”

  1. This possibility has been discussed over several months and is not unexpected. The fear is that the governor will once again use a variant as an excuse for delaying reopening. This is simply not sustainable and must end.

  2. At this moment, we are still planning on flying to Maui next week. Thank you for keeping us up to date on the latest possible changes!

  3. My greatest desire is to come back to Hawaii. I have planned trips twice over the last 2 years but cancelled both. Covid and variants of Covid will be with us for years to come. I would love to say that there could be an end to Covid, but it will be here for the long haul. Even with vaccines and precautions, this will be something that we will have to live with.

  4. Too-soon speculation and many will read this as “for sure” changes to be implemented asap. Omicron only “discovered” a few days ago and in another country. These stories of “changes coming” will be printed many times over before something concrete is decided and then implemented.

  5. Mahalo BOH for always keeping us up to date with these roller coaster changes. What if we already booked the trip and can’t get the Cancel for Any Reason insurance? Any advice on what to do? Should we still purchase Comprehensive insurance? Thanks for any insights.

    1. Hi Julianna.

      Check trip insurance policies. Most have gotten clear about not providing benefits when canceling for pandemic-related reasons. That is unless you have cancel for any reason, and even then it only covers 75%. Also check on what you’ve purchased to see as air tickets are generally changeable for example. And, don’t panic, until more is known. Everything might work out as you have planned. That’s the world. Many unknowns.


  6. Look we are an island we cannot do things like the rest of the mainland so it is hard to decide which direction to go money versus saving lives in a small place. We do not have the luxury you all do with getting in the car and traveling to another state. Frankly you don’t like it tough then don’t come here. If you are the type to come with an attitude please stay away that will not be tolerated here.

    1. Hi ERIKA

      No, you don’t have the luxury of driving away.

      But Hawaii does have the luxury of establishing goal-oriented reasonably consistent policies that protect natives and visitors alike while minimizing damage to its one trick economy. Hawaii’s current “every island for itself” approach does not exactly exude toughness, but rather may be viewed as indicative of leadership weakness, loss of focus, and confusion.

      Hawaii should examine its own warts before pointing to those of its guest.

      1. How can we find data on vaccine response of hotel employees. Mid February we will spend 7 days at Turtle Bay resort, followed by another week at Sheraton Waikiki. We don’t eat in Waikiki except at Royal Hawn and Sheraton pool restaurant. Hopefully all staff are fully vacced as we are!

        1. Rest assured! If your vaxxed your safe! An unvaxed employee is no more dangerous than a vaxxed. Catch and spread is the same either way. Your good!

    2. I worked in Ketchikan Alaska…which is also an island. The luxury that Hawaii has that Ketchikan does not is the close proximity of major hospitals. The one and only hospital there is comparable to the Veterans Memorial in Waimea. They do not implement draconian and confusing measures without reviewing all the science first. Hawaii needs to stop making such knee jerk responses that are only increasing everyone’s anxiety

  7. Defiantly making planning difficult. Hoping to use my reservation cancelled/rescheduled in 2020, in February 2022. Was feeling pretty confident until this week. Looking into travel insurance, but not sure if that will be affordable.
    PS: love the daily info you sent.

  8. “Does Omicron changes your Hawaii travel planning?”

    Not at all.

    For long prior to the appearance of Omicron Hawaii has remained far too unpredictable and inconsistent in its restrictions to warrant our investment.

    When Hawaii can articulate something more than a vaporous plan of what it believes are to be its appropriate measures we will certainly reconsider. In the meantime, we tire of Hawaii’s “whack a-mole” visitation policy game and look elsewhere.

  9. to no end, the symptoms described by the South African authority sounded more like seasonal flu. Another excuse to impose more restrictions and controls. Somebody is making a lot of money.


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