Black Friday Hawaii Travel Deals

Hawaii Vacation Rental Tax Total Of 33% Proposed 

This controversial bill appears to be discriminatory against legal Hawaii vacation rentals. Read all the details.

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125 thoughts on “Hawaii Vacation Rental Tax Total Of 33% Proposed ”

  1. Hi ,
    Perhaps the push to prevent the local citizens to use their home for vacation rentals is being strongly advocated by the hotel industry to prevent the “small” businessperson from earning a living. Are Politicians getting “feedback” dollarwise, therefore not helping their constituents?

  2. This bill will further erode visitors who would like to visit Hawaii. Look at the loss of restaurants and the jobs already
    No jobs means no income how will that improve the local economy

  3. Our family has come to the conclusion that Hawaii does not really want tourists….. just our money. We have been vacationing in Hawaii since the 80’s and since COVID we have felt very unwelcomed. You want our money but you barely tolerate us. We will be vacationing in Europe from now on. Aloha.

  4. No more airbnbs.

    Unless host lives on the property.

    In which case it’s not a rental property really.

    Airbnb started as a place for people to share a hosts home now it’s just a bunch of greedy people buying up extra homes taking things away locals would use. Airbnb needs to be stopped tax them to death till they lose interest and it’s not worth it.
    Stop booking. Seriously airbnbs sometimes even rent regular apartments not just buy homes just to Airbnb it out its horrendous what we’ll do to make money in this country. Like who cares if locals have a place to rent and live and work. I hope locals all get pushed out and there’s no one left to serve all these tourists.
    Tax them to death.

    1. Airbnb has nothing to do with anything. There have been thousands of vacation rentals here since the 1950’s, long before Airbnb, even before we were a state. Why do you think you are able to remain here at all?

      The ignorance on these islands is astounding.

  5. Wow! I know that Hawaii wants our money but doesn’t really want us there but this is over the top.

    I wish some Visitor Education could become a thing; I’m a recycler, don’t waste water, am aware of which sunscreens are safer for the oceans, try to be culturally sensitive and aware, etc. Some people don’t care about these things.

    By the way, your pop-up ads cover a lot of your page content and are making the site increasingly difficult to read. But it’s the best true-facts Hawaii site I know of, mahalo!

  6. It is interesting that they are not addressing how the additional revenue wold be spent. If there argument is that homeowners are using there property as a vacation rental and not being used as a long-term rental well, it would appear to me that is within the owner’s rights. The state is already taxing the heck out of not only visitors but also their citizenry. Over taxation is only one of the issues. The residents of this state have really never exercised their rights in holding the state and local governments responsible and have just allowed them to do as they please. They truly don’t realize that there is power in numbers to make changes so that the state would not be compared to other “third world countries”.

    1. They are not overtaxing their citizenry. Hawaii is the #1 state for lowest resident taxes in the nation.

      At the same time, Hawaii has one of the highest accommodation taxes in the nation.

      Our visitors essentially pay us to live here.

  7. Just when you think you’ve heard the ultimate in lunacy/greed we hear yet another story that’s even more absurd. As pointed out, Hawaiian taxes are already the highest in the U.S. with every entity having their hand out to fleece the tourism industry. GET tax, TAT tax, County tax not to mention the already resident property tax and sales tax. Is there any end to the greed? And at what point to folks push back and decry “Enough”.?
    If the point is to continue to tax until tourism dries up and blows away, I’d say you are on the right track as we’ve read numerous contributors tell us that they are looking elsewhere for their next vacation solely due to the costs to take their family on vacation. Very bad thinking indeed.

    1. And at what point to folks push back and decry “Enough”.?

      Every election year you can push back! But you keep electing the same people over and over, you keep getting the same result. Insanity? Next election vote for “the other guy”. But until you change your government, things will always be the same. FYI, politicians, regardless of party, do not care about you.

  8. I believe that taxation is the wrong mechanism to achieve the desired goal. It would be far better to make it easier for counties to zone areas where transitory vacation rentals can be located. The objective being to allow residents to enjoy their homes without the traffic and activity being brought into their residential area and to allow those who find vacation rentals better meet their needs to enjoy the islands. As a personal belief I think enforcing a requirement that vacation rentals companies renting in Hawaii should be based in and operate from Hawaii and that way extra revenues could be gathered by the State.

    1. What makes you think the traffic and activity you see from short-term renters would be any different than the traffic and activity you see from long-term renters? In fact, parties and multiple cars in driveways are much more prevalent with long-term renters, and they won’t be leaving in a few days, so you are stuck with them. Not to mention the run-down appearance of long-term rentals, creating blight in the neighborhoods.

      Short-term rentals are very well kept up. They have to be to attract renters. Be careful what you wish for, and solve the right problems in the right way. Build more affordable housing!

      1. I live in an area affected by STVRs. They bring pretty constant traffic, loud groups and add nothing to the neighborhood feel.

        I like to stay in condos but only in vacation areas. Local neighborhoods are no place for holiday merry makers.

        1. I live in an area “affected by STVRs” too, and I don’t get it. How do visitors make More traffic and bring More loud groups than long-term renters, or even owners? Visitors don’t know anybody to bring!

          I love visitors to our islands. They are so eager to experience the advertised aloha, and I love seeing all of their happy faces enjoying their vacation of a lifetime. Makes me very proud to call this my home.

          1. PatG your right, but that is the problem at the same time, so Who is making up these incidents to support the closures of STR Properties by overburdening regulations and obscene taxation? Unfortunately the immediate “Who” in this case might be traced back to the Same People that Lied to residents and the Houseless about STR Properties taking away affordable housing from them, the County Commissioners. Done for voter support for their new plans against STR’S they needed Vocalized and Irate People to back them, thus the Lies! In the end, without STR’S, Who Benefits Most? Hotels/Timeshare/Resort Industry. Collusion is much more than a word in Hawaii!

  9. More Hawaiian Buffoonery!
    Our police are inept and corrupt.
    The state cannot police the police.
    The legislation cannot ever find solutions to simple issues such as these,as they are too busy worrying about their next pay increase.
    And so it goes,and goes and goes.
    Truly the most embarrassing state to live in in our entire union.
    They can double dip and rob the state & Hawaiians blind like they’ve done for 30 year’s.

    Your all fired!!
    Have your desks cleared by 4:00 and out of the building.

    1. What a perfect display of disillusionment, anger, and despair. Some will agree, like I, yet knowing it isn’t that easy to accomplish. The Voters could have, should have, begun replacing them several months ago but didn’t. That is the quickest and most direct way, now convince them to do it. Things won’t change, they may even become more blatant and worse, unless Voter’s mindsets can be. Then hold every politician accountable, force true and lasting change to government at Every Level. Accountability must occur!


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