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59 thoughts on “Hawaii Vacation Rentals With 90-Day Minimum Head To Court”

  1. If they can’t enforce 30 days how are they going to enforce 90 days? Granted the volume is likely smaller.

    If we did t have family on Oahu we’d never come because its too expense to stay in your hotels. Especially when you have a large family.

    Nice to know Hawaii is being run by big hotels but whatvekse is new. Good luck with that.

  2. Well, mahalo, this may explain why I’m having such difficulty securing a place in Oahu this November! I’ve had the strangest experiences on Airbnb, like hosts ignoring my request to book, ignoring messages, and sometimes upping the price after the 24 hour window expires, but not even offering it to me at the higher price. It seems like a zombie apocalypse hit! LoL I usually I get a positive response within an hour of requesting to book! But the past 5 days I’ve been looking everywhere on the island, hoping someone will respond. I even looked into a treehouse, but that was a 30 day minimum, and the owner told me I could book it for a week on another site, but then he ignored my request there!! Oh I hope this broken system gets fixed.

  3. I’m staying tuned to the real estate & housing rental costs becoming affordable for residents when this all goes into effect. Not sure who will be able to purchase them since the majority of families have members earning their salary from the visitor industry. Managing tourism for sustainability of the land & reefs is important. Also, important is the sustainability of the people preserving their incomes to achieve the goal of buying these affordable houses that are to hit the market.

  4. If I pay Thousands of Dollars to go on a vacation, the last thing I would want to do is have any of those funds being used for me to work while on vacation. Look up the definition of the word “Vacation”!

  5. At what point are these rentals no longer considered tourist stays and no longer subject to hotel taxes? Many years ago, I had a friend who owned a condo in Florida. There, if a rental was for more than 181 days, it was not subject to hotel taxes. He rented it to someone for 181 days, with the condition that they could only really stay there for 90 days, when he would go. There are other residency related concerns, such as when someone needs to get a Hawaii driver’s license and to be subject to Hawaii income tax. If people rent for 90, but only stay for 30, is this really increasing local housing stock or causing a wastage?

  6. We are going to Oahu in July of ’23 for 1 month. Been promising our 14 year old granddaughter since she was 2! We stayed in Hauula for 1 month back in ’04 & fell in love with Hawaii! I love condos/vacation homes. Refuse to do Airbnb’s! This will make tourism all but vanish, which is what I think locals want. Be careful what you wish for! What person goes on vacation for 3 months at a time? No one I know can afford that or has a job that offers that! Not all of us tourists are rude. I love the islands!


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