Soaring Hotel Rates in Hawaii Have No Place To Land Because of This

Hawaii Visitors Left Reeling By Up to 300% Cost Increases

State indicated Hawaii visitor spending up just 23%, but how is that even possible with prices through the roof?

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151 thoughts on “Hawaii Visitors Left Reeling By Up to 300% Cost Increases”

  1. We are still going back year to year because we own time shares but we have noticed how expensive it’s getting. We often add days to beginning and ending of trip and the hotels we favor have doubled in price in the last several years.
    It’s ridiculous. Our income sure didn’t double. If we didn’t have the time shares we would be priced out. On our last trip in May I befriended an older women who grew up on Kauai. She travels yearly and stays for a month in cheaper rentals. She said she won’t be back because she has finally been priced out. She’s a native Hawaiian who was priced out of living there and now she is priced out of visiting. It’s sad.

  2. My Husband & I visited Hawaii.. June 2023 .. didn’t leave until July.. We Love the Hawaiii .. We chose to travel like a local.. took DaBus everywhere,.. Aloha to my new. Family in Hawaii 🌺

  3. Residence Inn Kapolei, their average is around $240 a night. Where are you getting your figures for $700 a night? You can stay at Aulani for less than that!

  4. Hotel prices are rising through the roof. I have been coming to Oahu for seventeen years and most of visit I have stayed in the Outrigger Waikiki beach resort. Since Covid the rates have gone through the roof, so now I shop around for the lowest price possible.

  5. I bought a place near kailua kona about 5 years ago.
    I lived there and loved it for almost an entire year at the beginning of the pandemic. Next time I returned everything I used to do had gotten much more expensive, the traffic was worse and I did came to realize Its unlikely i will want to stick it out much longer.
    What i can’t stand is the state bureacracy, the endless rules, the complicated taxes, but most of all the absolute greed of the small businesses I’ve dealt with. I stopped renting the place out when I’m gone; if you can’t get the dmv or the water dept on the phone, how could you ever get you property back if you have to wait for a court orde to get an eviction? Hawaii has just become an expensive low trust place for me.

    1. I can surely understand.. I live on the east coast & we can not get government services
      Evictions, are a joke.. you roll the dice… its not worth renting to .. habitual scammers, move in one or two months security & they Own your home.. for a very long time.. not to mention the damage.. We love Hawaii 🌺

  6. I once owned two properties in Hawaii that were vacation rentals during the 6 months I did not occupy them. They became illegal, along with thousands of others. Cheaper bacation housing died. Hotel rates soared after the competition had been driven out! No surprise there!

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