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Hawaiian Airlines Lawsuit | Pilot: “Vaccine Mandate Violates Will Of God”

Flight Attendants, Pilots, and Others Head To Court As ACLU Says Vaccines Are Justifiable.

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64 thoughts on “Hawaiian Airlines Lawsuit | Pilot: “Vaccine Mandate Violates Will Of God””

  1. We are not in a crisis stemming from the manner of Coronavirus.

    We are in a crisis because of the manner in which we each have allowed Coronavirus to alter our critical thinking, our lives, our care for other beings, and our common sense.

    At the end state, the greatest of harm will be attributable to our own hands.

    “Danger takes from a man all power of thought”
    ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Hermann und Dorothea

  2. I can definitely see both sides of this issue. However, since passengers are basically necessitated to take the vaccine, it seems employees should do the same to protect us.

    1. You do not have to be vaccinated to board an airplane as a passenger and fly in the US. This is not now nor has it ever been a rule with any US based airline. I cannot speak for other countries.

      1. It certainly is the case here in Canada. We also have masking in all indoor public places and covid passports for places like restaurants, theaters, liqour stores, cannabis shops etc.


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