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Hawaiian Airlines Pilot Strike Update

More news today on this potential work stoppage. Find out whether this could impact your upcoming Hawaii vacation.

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110 thoughts on “Hawaiian Airlines Pilot Strike Update”

  1. Hello to the folks at BEAT OF HAWAII!!!
    I purchased tickets for travel from Oahu to Phoenix, AZ (2-7 Nov). Would you happen to know if it is too late to purchase travel insurance?

    Thank you for your time!

  2. Aloha,
    We have our flight scheduled (with points) 11/6-11/16 from New York to Honolulu. Will we be affected by ANY work stoppage? Please advise.
    BTW, I love Beat of Hawaii.

    1. Hi Guy.

      Thank you! As we continue to say, it is very doubtful there will be a work stoppage. Just a lot of loud posturing until it settles. If that is too nerve wracking, then perhaps get travel insurance. Check with the provider first given that you’re using points and not money. Likely it will still work as you are buying a coverage amount and as long as that is large enough to cover new tickets, chances are you’ll be fine. But check and be sure.


  3. I have a trip scheduled to depart from HNL on 10/16 and returning on 10/24. Based on these dates, does it appear that I will have cause to worry about a possible strike?


  4. WOW…an almost 50% increase??….Well… no wonder it’s taken a year!….Holly Cow…Congress doesn’t even do that for themselves!…..

    I love your website and all the information you put out for people to learn more about the Fabulous Hawaiian Islands! So Thanks and keep up the Great WORK!


    1. Nice job Richard G! Did you miss the fact that the pilots have not had a raise in 30 years? This is not a consessionary contract when the quarterly earnings of HAL have been in the hundreds of millions. But maybe you believe the management when they assured you that they attract the best and brightest to fly their aircraft when they get paid 50% than every other airline that is scrambling to find qualified pilots in an increasingly narrowing field of qualified candidates. Fly safe Richard G!

    1. Hi Kristi.

      Most all comprehensive travel policies cover a strike. You need to read terms and conditions as with any contract nowadays.


  5. We are traveling to New Zealand in mid October from Kauai. We bought our tickets with miles, do you know if we can get travelers insurance for miles?

    1. Hi Logan.

      You can always buy insurance. Miles get recredited to your account less a fee if you don’t use the flight. That out of pocket fee should be eligible. Check with the insurance companies just to be sure.


  6. Will the strike also include inter island flights? These are our only way to move around the state. Can the gov take action?

    1. Hi Fred,

      Any strike would likely include inter-island. We don’t really know what would happen or if there’d be any kind of intervention. The whole thing is posturing and seems extremely unlikely.


  7. We are flying to Ohau on October 16 and returning home on October 22. On October 16 will be flying straight to Maui, returning to Ohau on October 18. What are the odds of a strike in this time frame. Supposing there is a strike during the time we are over in Hawaii and we can’t fly home how do we handle that? You advice would be most appreciated. Thank you.

    1. Hi Ruth.

      Best suggestion is to either not give it another thought or to buy travel insurance for peace of mind. We’ve continued to say that the chance of a strike materializing is very very small. Should one happen, we don’t know what that would look like obviously. Since it is in the fall, you can just enjoy Hawaii. That is not a busy time of year.


  8. Regarding Travel insurance and possible pilots’ strike, the agents tell me that if the strike is ‘foreseen’ such as this one and insurance was purchased after the fact (for those of us who already have our tickets on HA), it would not be covered under trip cancellation or trip interruption. So it looks as if travel insurance would only cover if the insured had selected the very expensive “cancel for any reason” and chose to cancel the entire trip. So, I guess we gamble with our HA reservations.

  9. If a strike happens, does our air fare get reimbursed by the airline. If it happens while we are there will we get 1/2 of it??

      1. If a Round Trip flight has been paid for and the Airline can’t fulfill there obligation to it, what’s my recourse.

        I did buy nonrefundable Tickets, that means If I Bale.
        I did get Trip Insurance for that.

  10. Just wondering if it is yet possible to know when the earliest date is that the 30 day cooling-off period could commence? (Noting that mediation will likely end on Friday July 1st?)

    This would greatly help in planning a very important trip to Hawaii.

    Many Thanks

    1. Hi John,

      Very unlikely that a strike will actually occur. We’ll update as soon as we have more information.


    2. I much appreciate your speedy reply-thank you. I suppose I am just trying to calculate when the 30 day cooling off period could start at the earliest, if it ever did. Could it start by next week-end?

      My trip is complicated and very dependent upon timing. With mediation probably ending at the end of this week?…. are the airline and/or the pilots able to go straight to a 30 day warning, assuming arbitration is rejected, or are there some other hoops everyone has to jump through?

      Would government permission to leave mediation follow immediately at the end of this week?

      Perhaps this is an unfair question but I was hoping some past experience with these issues might offer a clue. I note that, unsurprisingly, no word ever comes out of mediation as to how things are going. Thank you for your great help during this uncertain time. I realise that you rate a strike as unlikely–but unlikely is not quite helping me with a very expensive decision involving many people. 🙂

      Thank again.

      1. Hi John,

        Wish we had more answers to your good questions. We’ll update as soon as we hear more.


      2. Maybe a suggestion would be for this individual to contact the airline itself and not the online info company that is simply providing the public with news.

  11. Good morning, I am flying Hawaiian Airlines from NYC to Honolulu on July 31. Have inter island flight on the 7th of August. Then back to NYC on Aug. 14th.. Just wondering what your feelings were on the possible strike.. I don’t have trip insurance but booked on amex card.. Please advise..Thank you for your website. Always very informative.

    1. Hi Patti,

      You will in all likelihood be fine. We have flights with Hawaiian in September ourselves. Strike is not at all likely. Our sense is that credit card would protect the money you spent but wouldn’t help you get alternative transportation. Thank you.



  13. Leaving from mainland to Oahu for family vacation between Aug 2-13. I’m worry bout HAL strike. Also, I did not purchase insurance.

  14. We are booked to fly to Hawaii on October 16 and fly home again on October 22. Should we go ahead with booking accommodation and tours etc. Your advice would be most appreciated. Thank you.

    1. Hi Kathryn.

      Yes we continue to reiterate that an actual strike is very unlikely. If you wish to purchase travel insurance or have accommodations you can cancel, that might be useful just as a precaution.


  15. We are flying to Kauai 7/27 then to Hilo 8/1, then home 8/17. Should we be worried ? We paid for our tickets on credit card that has been paid already!

  16. Hi,
    OAK to OGG 7/12 to 7/25 on credit card miles on Hawaiian. Looks like we will make it there but not home. Do you agree? Will get travel insurance but should I consider rebooking return on other carrier now? Thank you in advance for your thoughts. Your website is so helpful!

    1. Hi Carol.

      Thank you. We continue to feel quite strongly that it isn’t the right environment for any kind of strike to happen. It is going to be loud and nasty though before it is all done and we will continue to cover it. In the end, we think you’ll be fine. Trip insurance can’t hurt.


  17. I am planning a multi-island vacation in mid September. Should I consider booking with another airline for the inter island flights? How long can I wait before booking? Any advice would be great.


    1. Hi Louise.

      Hard to say what will be happening but we still aren’t convinced a strike will happen. It seems mostly posturing at this point. You can always books with Island Air as an alternative (depending on your route). Also, consider trip insurance.


      1. If there was more competition with HAL I don’t think
        The pilots would feel as confident to possibly strike.
        What I mean is that another airline would take more passengers away… But HAL is the big cheese in HAWAII. We need compittion. That’s the bottom line. Come on SWA- Alaska … Expand!! Hawaii needs you!!

      2. Aloha! Re trip insurance and the possibility of a strike at Hawaiian, not asking you to predict strike-or-no-strike but wondering: are we at the point where the insurance companies could call this a “known peril” and refuse to cover us in the event of a strike-caused delay or disruption? We are booked for mid October.

        Mahalo for any insights 🙂 Peter L

        1. Hi Peter,

          Good question. Suggest you contact Insuremytrip.com at 800-487-4722 and see what they say. At this point from our read it would not be considered a known peril, and that might occur should there be unsuccessful arbitration and one of the parties indicates either a strike or a lockout would be next. Since we aren’t an insurance provider, however, that’s just how it appears to us and it would be best to check.

          We believe that in the current environment a strike is not at all likely to occur.


  18. OMG – I hope a HAL strike doesn’t happen! Mahalo in advance to you guys for keeping all of us up to date. Don’t actually fly til mid Sept. Am keeping fingers crossed. Is flight insurance even available when using miles?

    1. Hi Val,

      Good to check with a travel insurance provider, but it seems that when you have adequate insurance to cover the cost of a replacement ticket, you will be okay.


  19. You’ve done an excellent job on covering the potential for a strike. People who have travel scheduled to Hawaii during a strike may lose a pending vacation trip, hence the need for travel insurance. The other bad scenario is for those locals and vacationers hoping to move from island to island during a strike. If you’re “stuck” on Maui, but have the balance of your vacation booked on another island, how will those thousands of people get from island to island in a strike? The other carriers will have little or no capacity to cover all those left stranded during a strike. Will Hawaiian call in retired pilots? How many days could elapse before Hawaiian could have alternate pilots ready to fly–if any at all? What would you project the options will be for those already on the islands if a strike is called?

    1. Hi Dan,

      We still do not believe that a strike will actually occur. In spite of that, caution is certainly in order especially when other non-refundable costs are at stake.

      Certainly if a strike did happen there would be a near complete collapse in Hawaii travel as Hawaiian carries the majority of inter-island traffic in addition to being a major playing in the trans-Pacific and international sector.


  20. Aloha !!

    Flying Hawaiian air tomorrow May 22 returning June 2 any chance I won’t be able to get home due to the strike ???

    Thank You !!

  21. We are due to fly to Honolulu from Brisbane on Sunday, October 16 and returning home on Saturday, October 22. Would these flights be in jeopardy – would someone please tell me. Thanking you for your attention to this matter and I look forward to hearing from you.

    1. Hi Kathryn,

      That is too far out to know really. Travel insurance is one possible solution and since you’ve probably charged on a credit card, that should provide some assurance as well. When we learn more we’ll be updating.


  22. I have flights booked for my family of 5 on June 27th and July 11th, will this be likely to affect us at all? Would it be best to get insurance?

    Mahalo in advance for any information!

  23. My family is booked to fly on Hawaiian Airlines on August 16th. How would a possible pilot strike affect us?
    Thanks for any thoughts in advance!

    1. Hi James,

      Since you undoubtedly paid with credit card that should be protected. Also since it is mid-August, were anything to materialize, availability on other carriers should not be an issue.


  24. Will they be on strike around June 23rd? I have first class tickets booked for our trip and I don’t want to be in a plane with “replacement pilots”. I hope they reach an agreement – I prefer to fly Hawaiian Air to the Islands than any other airline. Will I be safe to fly out then?

    1. Planning a trip to Hawaii in July how do we
      fly to see the Arizona? Helicopter or plane? Who do I contact to do this? Will people at the Hilton resort be able to help?

  25. If Hawaiian does go on strike what are our alternatives. We have a family of 7 booked on June 18th-have booked our flights about 9 mos. ago..what should be our course of action if we get the news on the 17th?

    1. Hi Judy,

      Almost no possibility of strike by then – if it ever even materializes.

      If you paid by credit card, you should be good in any event.

      We’ll update as soon as we know more.


  26. Any new information on the strike vote? Do you believe the vote will be “yes” to strike? I’m guessing it will as that will then put the ball in the pilots court. If they actually do strike the cooling off period would end June 17th. Typically does that mean they’ll strike the next day, the 18th or typically would it be a few more days or a week before they would actually strike? I’ve been trying to find this information out, but haven made any headway

    Have you heard how negotiations are going, or are they not negotiating right now?

    I’m very nervous about this. Taking my 30 year old niece to visit family meeting us there from another state. She had a stroke last year and now has many deficits. I really don’t want to tell her and the rest of the family we aren’t going. Very disappointed that I’m having to worry about this right now. Kinda takes the fun out of the trip.

    Thanks for your help!

    1. Hi TJ.

      The vote is in process and will conclude May 17. We have not heard anything further.

      Why not look into travel insurance?


      1. Yes, I’m signing up for travel insurance. Unfortunately that will not take care of the 5K that I’ll lose in a house rental. But good advice on the insurance. I’m just really anxious because we’re also meeting many family members. On the future when booking a trip like this I will first look on the internet to see if there is anything like contract negotiations that I should stay clear of. I know it will never happen but yup bad airlines don’t have to disclose that kind of information when passengers are booking. I’ll know to look next time. Lesson learned. I’m sure you’ll post any new information as soon as you get it.
        Thank you!

        1. Hi TJ.

          Suggest checking further on travel insurance. In just reading one policy, it seemed to read that strike based on when members of union vote to strike qualifies for trip cancellation/interruption coverage. Therefore it would appear to cover all insured expenses.


  27. Aloha! Our family of 4 Is planning to fly to Oahu from NY area Nov 28-Dec 9 on Hawaiian because of their credit card deals. Noticed their prices have gone up recently. Should we book now or wait? Not sure how strike talk would factor into that.
    Thanks for your advice. Sar

    1. Hi Sar.

      Wouldn’t worry about strike talk – that’s our feeling. Currently $871 but if you wait a savings of about $100 seems likely. Don’t have exact time frame for waiting but sometime between now and late summer.


  28. My family of 9 have booked reservations on Hawaiian Airlines departing Phoenix 06/23 with inter island connections to Maui returning 07/03/16. In your opinion how likely is it that they will strike? Has Hawaiian ever gone on strike before? Would you suggest that we book on another airline? I booked online and Hawaiian will require $200 per ticket to refund. We are meeting other family members and would be very disappointed if our plans were ruined because of a strike. However, $200 per ticket is a lot of money to lose. Hopefully you have some encouraging words.

    Thank you!

    1. HI TJ,

      We think the odds of a strike are quite low. One thing to check on might be travel insurance as an alternative.


  29. Hello !! My husband and I will be Flying from Phoenix to Ouahu on Hawain Air May 21st returning June 1st. I am so hoping this does not effect my plans 😩 What happens when pilots go on strike ?

    Keeping my fingers crossed !! Thank You

  30. Thank you for this information. I just want to clarify that, based on the above information, if the vote is in favor of a strike, and if arbitration is rejected, the earliest the strike would begin would be is June 18th because of the 30 day cooling off period. Please let me know if this is correct. Your help is greatly appreciated.

    1. Mahalo Kat for asking the question about the possible strike dates. We have a flight booked on Hawaiian May 28, so it is a relief to know we are outside the strike zone (our return flight is on Alaskan).

    2. Just want to say great I just booked tickets last night for July! After trying to decide which company to go with inter island flights.
      I’m with the pilots on this one! just wondering how it will effect my travel!

  31. So when would the strike begin – May 17th? We have flights booked May 12 and are supposed to return the 21st on Hawaiian…YIKES!

  32. I am wanting to fly out our family next yr to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary. Will be flying from either OKC or Tulsa. When would be best time to get the cheapest rate? With 12 people, every little bit helps!

    Thanks for any insight or help you can provide.