Hawaiian Sea Turtles: Unbelievable At Full Moon!

Turtles gathered at Poipu Beach this week under a full moon. Read our guide to viewing Hawaiian Sea Turtles on all of the islands.

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21 thoughts on “Hawaiian Sea Turtles: Unbelievable At Full Moon!”

  1. During Dec 2018 4 generations of my family rented a house up a side street from Poipu Beach. One night everyone except me walked down the block to see the many honu on the beach. One of my everlasting regrets is that I didn’t go. Don’t they haul out to avoid the feeding sharks at night? After 40 plus years visiting Kauai I may not return, but the island has beckoned to my oldest son who will return frequently. Unfortunately he’ll not see it as it was 40 years ago. A hui hoa

  2. Your story on the turtles was wonderful except that you forgot to add some crucial information. What you did not write could further endanger these endangered turtles.
    What needs to be understood by locals and tourists: These turtles are protected by U.S. and state laws. Getting closer than 10 feet or walking between them and the shoreline can get you fined of several thousands of dollars!. A tourist from the Midwest U.S. swam behind a turtle while holding on to its shell. The tourist returned home, posted an underwater photo taken by his friend, and was reported to authorities by people who saw the photo. An investigation followed and wildlife agents appeared at his home. He had to pay thousands of dollars and probably can never return to the islands. Thank you for your understanding and for caring about our island!

  3. Love to snorkel at either Lawai Beach or Tunnels and almost 100% of the time run into sea turtles….great to watch as they swim in the surf…missed being there this year due to C-19. Will find a way to be there in 2021!

    And BTW, love receiving your newsletter!

  4. I am trying to figure out from which angle at Poipu Beach this was taken. I’ve been to Poipu Beach many times and the background does not look familiar.

  5. Beautiful photo but it appears that the photographer used some lighting. On Kauai, we strongly discourage the use of any lights at night on our honu.

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