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14 thoughts on “Helicopter Crashed On Secluded Kauai Beach At Na Pali Coast”

  1. Unfortunately, there have been previous helicopter mishaps at Honopu. The first one took place in the early 1980s. I saw a picture of the pilot, Ross, who is no longer with us, with his Hughes 500D lying on its side further up the beach.

  2. Governor Green, his administration and vocal locals have made it clear about how they feel towards tourism. STRs were okay until they weren’t. During Covid Green was a big advocate to bring back tourism but now he seems to have a change of heart. Now publicly taking to profanity to show his distain to outsiders, very unbecoming for a politician. West Coast visitors seem to be singled out in many anti-tourism articles.

    I came here to thank my west coast friends and commenters here for all the great suggestions to more welcoming and reasonably priced destinations. You have opened my eyes

  3. Sadly, this was not the first helicopter incident at Honopu. The previous one happened in the early 80’s. The pilot, Ross, who has since passed away, showed me a photo of his Hughes 500D also on its side but farther up the beach.

  4. Do you want to hear the honest, unvarnished “truth” about many (most?) sightseeing, tour, and many MedEvac helicopter operations – and their management, pilots, training, and maintenance? This is coming from a former Director of Operations at a large, well funded helicopter operation decades ago in Texas when I was furloughed between airline jobs …

    These “tour operators” are IMO (1st hand experience) some of the most low-quality, borderline unsafe operations that the FAA will license and allow to fly for commercial purposes – until something happens and then we have the usual backpedaling and excuses by all involved.

    You fly with them at your own risk. Personally? Not a chance …

  5. The article mentions two types of helicoptor in the same sentence then follows with the statement: “That is the craft that is believed to have crashed today.” Please be more specific. Your statement could be taken to mean either the MD500E or the AStar.

  6. The scariest aircraft ride in my life was aboard a scenic chopper along the Napili Coast, Kauai. Wickedly strong updrafts as we crested a canyon cliff tilted the copter on its side and the girl next to me gripped my arm in terror never to let go. Our headphones flew off in every direction as the pilot somehow righted the ship. We bounced down the ravine to the Napili shore only to get hammered with more gusts so intense no one cared about the view anymore. The pilot shouted out “We are heading back!” We landed safely and I spent an hour composing myself at the FBO. I thanked the pilot for a job well done and went back to the hotel. Haven’t flown in a chopper since.

  7. I’ve been on 3 helicopter tours around Kauai. On the first trip the weather over Princeville was so bad our pilot diverted us over the Alikai Swamp and back to Lihue along the south shore. We got to see a couple of things not on the regular tour. The other 2 times were with family members, their first trips, and went as planned and were great. Yes, I would do it again. I also spent the big money and flew on Niihau Helicopter to the Forbidden Island.

  8. It appears that the eco-terrorists have taken over from anybody that has any brains in Hawaii. Tourism restrictions will continue until the nuts will destroy the real-estate market by restricting short-term rentals, destroy the restaurant business by restricting over-all visiting and destroy the activity market by restricting all the fun activities in the islands.
    The ones (hotels/condos, restaurants, activities) that remain will increase prices significantly. Getting less for more money will be a Hawaii vacation. We are not returning; it’s cheaper, quicker and more appreciated in the Caribbean.

    1. Ive always hesitated about the Caribbean because it is so much farther away from California. And, some worries about safety. Where have you found it to be safe?

  9. Yes, I would take another helicopter flight however I am very stringent on weather conditions (time of year too) and the ratings the pilot has. VFR is inherently more dangerous. I think it is important that potential passengers realize that flying in Helicopters at low level in a tropical climate with tropical weather patterns is dangerous. That said many activities such as driving on highways are dangerous. What is important is the people realize this and then make a rational decision. If there is changeable weather forecast, approaching fronts or any possibility of visibility restrictions I would pass on that day.

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