Lihue Airport Kauai

Help Plan Kauai Airport’s Future | 4.5 M Passengers Anticipated

The state is forecasting 4.5 million annual passengers at Lihue Airport Kauai. How will that work?

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15 thoughts on “Help Plan Kauai Airport’s Future | 4.5 M Passengers Anticipated”

  1. For Lihue Airport before continuing any construction.
    A termite inspection should be done on the termite eaten beams which supports the flooring of the Airports Administration Office. Below this flooring houses Hawaiian Airlines.

  2. If elected Mayor, I will do everything in my power to stop the expansion of the airport. The corporate and United Nations Agenda to takeover this island must end.
    This is not in the best interest of the local people or the County.

    1. What about just making more seating options for passengers waiting, and having a baggage claim with air conditioning. And more places to sit and eat. That’s it.

  3. Great, let’s fix up terminal, but please don’t expand the capacity. There’s enough visitors, we don’t need more.

  4. Affordable restaurant food, better signage that tells visitors they must go through agriculture check before checking luggage. Attitude adjustments to TSA employees and meet FAA runway length minimum requirements.

  5. 1st – replace the TSA agents with “user friendly” people. I recall one interaction I had with one person who asked how I was doing. I said, “Fine”. His response, in a less than friendly manner, was “See that it stays that way!”. Really? Had I been able I would have fired him on the spot. It left a rather negative feeling in my mind, and we’ve now been to Hawaii about 27 times (most of them to Kauai).

    2nd – Kauai is crowded enough already. At about 3,000,000 visitors a year. Increasing airport capacity to 4,500,000 per year would be intolerable. Kauai would cease to be the relaxing place that it is already in danger of losing. Improvements to the terminal to increase passenger comfort (leaving, arriving is fine) would be welcome

    1. Excellent idea to replace TSA-employed screeners with ones employed by a private screening contractor. This is done at 22 airports in the US under the Screening Partnership Program, the largest ones are at SFO and Kansas City. They are held to the same standards as the TSA employees and generally are rated as better at their jobs (as well as having higher customer service scores).

  6. At Kauai’s Airport, I would love to see:

    • Local food vendors, and possibly the opportunity to pre-order on-line to allow passengers to bring a boxed lunch or dinner on their flight.

    • Proper signage so first timers know to do their Ag check before getting in another line.

    • QR codes with current info on where to pick up groceries (with store hours), farmers market info, etc. for arriving guests.

  7. Hello,
    My wife and I are frequent visitors and condo owners on Kauai with family living on Island. The airport upgrades should be for safety compliant runways, a remote parking lot, and expanded gate seating areas which are currently cattle pens. Since island is already stretched on infrastructure, just concentrate on enhancing quality of visits. Less stress on the island itself, the local population, and buoys prices while maintaining quality of life and experience on island for all.

  8. We love Kaua’i, but 4.5 million visitors per year would be intolerable for such a small island and it’s resources. It’s too crowded now, and we go in the “slow” season.
    Aloha, BOH!

  9. The first time I flew into Lihue airport (2010), my impression was very favorable. It was charming with the open-air baggage claim and Hawaiian music. Departures can be challenging for all the reasons mentioned. We normally fly out after 10PM and have noticed the only restaurant is fairly small and always busy. As for gates, they can get cramped and uncomfortable. We sometimes travel out of the Sanford-Orlando airport where there is one waiting area for several gates. When your flight is called, you proceed down to the boarding area. It’s different, but it makes the best use of limited space and the waiting area is never crowded. We love Kauai and hope that any changes are for the better.

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