10 thoughts on “Jellyfish Invasion As Groundbreaking Research Determines Cause”

  1. Many years ago while swimming in Waimanalo my young son came screaming out of the water with jellyfish bites on him. A local guy said my husband should urinate on impacted areas, which he did, and my son calmed down completely! Don’t know if this was standard practice in the past, but it worked!!

  2. We have seen tiny jellies while snorkeling off Maui in the fall/winter. Learned about the lunar jelly activities long ago so would watch for them during those days. Never snorkeled at night; saw them during the day. Beautiful … so graceful.

  3. Being stung by a box jellyfish causes pain like no other. Please avoid these at all cost! The intense burning sensations are horrible and lasted for hours. If you get stung and are allergic, please seek medical care immediately!

  4. I got hit yesterday morning surfing Sui’s, 5/25. My arm looked just like the picture in article

    Run the hottest water that you can stand over the affected area when you get home
    Instant relief
    Then hot water soaked wash cloth. Works amazing.

  5. Aloha Beat of Hawaii!
    A couple of observations about life in Hawaii.
    #1 Signs matter
    #2 Jellyfish are only in and near water.
    #3 Refer to #1.
    Sorry, not sorry 😂🤣💕🌺
    Mahalo for all you do

  6. I work at a condo complex on Sugar Beach on Maui and our guests have had several jellyfish stings in the past week. This is helpful to know what is going on!

  7. Quite the unpleasant thing to have happen. I swam in to some.and got stung on my forehead. Fortunately my mask was covering a lot of my face so not near as bad as what happened to ex2 and her ample cleavage but I’ll leave it at that. And yes, I have been vacationing in Hawaii for over 30 years and anytime I was there during that 8 to 10 day period they were out in abundance, and also sometimes outside of those days too.

  8. and just like the anti maskers people will ignore the warnings to stay out of the water and end up getting stung or whatever jellyfish do. I saw it personally right in oahu. Signs, lifeguards etc dont go in! But my freedom!

    1. Ahh yes…the infallible science regarding strapping cotton to your face. How dare they question it.


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