Kauai Resort Bubbles

Kauai Not Reopening Travel Soon + Kauai Resort Bubbles And More

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524 thoughts on “Kauai Not Reopening Travel Soon + Kauai Resort Bubbles And More”

  1. Thanks, will there be any different considerations for those that are fully vaccinated and can provide their record of vaccination?

  2. Apparently the Hawaiian Islands, Kauai in particular, don’t care about their business owners in the least. Such a sad shame, but I’m becoming less and less interested in vacationing in Hawaii. Too much hassle.

    1. Florida! They appreciate businesses, have great infrastructure, and know who to vaccinate first.

      Cities are nicer and the beaches are nicer, especially on the Gulf of Mexico side. They lack mountains and big waves, but are more welcoming to tourists. No stink eye or mask police. In fact, they really don’t care where you are from.

      You’ll also spend less. They don’t raise prices on tourists.

      1. Thinking about going to FloridA next year!
        Tired of Kauai being so anti tourist. Love the people of Kauai but their mayor sucks.

    2. Mexico! Rapid tests are $15 and they love vaccinated people down there! Great food and locals that are happy to see you! Forget Hawaii, especially Kauai.

  3. If one chooses the inter-island option, does that second test after 72 hours have to be a NAAT test from a CLIA lab in the Trusted Partners program or is there greater flexibility in the type of test and testing entity?

    1. Hi Mark,

      Yes it does have to be a trusted partner. We connected in HNL and used the approved testing outside of BAGGAGE CLAIM 31. Results in 5 hours. Whatever testing you use, make sure you print a hard copy of the results as it makes it much easier for the national guard and police to review.

      1. …easy for them to review, because they haven’t heard of QR codes or apps over there…but they are hoping to attract big tech? LOL.

        1. Kurt D,
          I have used them and the cost was 125.00. You can go online to pay and then it is walk in 9am until midnight. Goes pretty quick.
          The first time I used them I had results in 3 hours. The next 2 times the wait was more like 8-12 hours.

          1. Hi Christine,

            We are not traveling until June. Would it be wise to go ahead and pay now or wait until closer to time? Thank you!

          2. I would definitely wait. Hawaii can’t make up their minds as to what they are going to do next. We are dead last in herd immunity but if the vaccine works well restrictions may ease up. Also by that time Kauai may be forced to follow the state’s safe travels guidelines…one can hope.

        2. Hey Kurt,

          The test at HNL airport was $125 and took 5 hours for results. The testing company is the national kidney foundation of Hawaii. You can register for an appt on their website.

  4. No thank you Kauai we have found other places to vacation and spend our tourist dollars, you obviously do not want tourists to boost your economy good luck in the future. Hope you enjoy picking pineapples.

  5. My wife and I are planning to go to Kauai on March 2nd, and have reservations to spend 4 nights in Maui prior to that. The biggest challenge for us has been getting a “trusted” partner to test us on Maui and give us a better than 72-hour guarantee on turn around time for the test. If we stay in Kauai for 72 hours, then get tested, and have to wait another 72 hours to get the test results, we will be forced to spend 6 nights instead of 4 on Maui. Anyone know of a trusted partner on Maui that can do a more rapid test?

    1. From what I’ve understood, Kauai doesn’t care about “trusted partner” tests. A negative covid test is a negative covid test! At least they’re making that part easy!

  6. Long time follower of you guys and first time to post (Maui & Kauai overview): visited Maui 1/29 with 13 friends/family members for my wedding! We live in FL and used Vault for our test. There is no time stamp on Vault test results, only date stamp when the test is administered. Made sure the tests went out same day with the pre-paid UPS air overnight. Results were emailed in less than 24 hours. Safe travels trip uploads were easy. We flew our last leg from DFW to OGG and was pleasantly surprised how quick and easy it was to go through the kind screeners to make sure we had all of our paperwork and testing results in order. Honeymoon was planned for Kauai so we decided to fly to HNL to connect and take an approved COVID test at BAGGAGE 31 (outside of the building). We had our test result in 5 hours and off we went to Kauai. When arriving to LIH the national guard is there to review your Safe Travels trip info, negative test result, and to confirm 72 hours on HI before taking the test. A Kauai police officer is the gate keeper. They review all docs and will release you out of the airport. Kauai is very slow and the locals were so accommodating & hospitable. For the cost, stress, and unknown it was a lot easier than I have read. I don’t think we will ever see the beaches of Maui & Kauai so empty and feel like it was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

    Thank you for keeping so many informed with updates, it was very helpful for us to visit and respect the people of Hawaii in a safe manner.

    1. Hi Duane.

      We appreciate your being a reader and your first comment. Thanks for the feedback on your trip last month to Maui and Kauai.


  7. Thank you for the update on Kauai. With the proposal for vaccine time limits, we would have been good for our trip the first week
    of May. Unfortunately this new ruling now scotches a trip I’ve already pushed three times. Sad to say, we may not ever visit again.

  8. We have to say that this run around is getting so discouraging. I can’t imagine what business owners are going through. We will still try to come for six weeks in April, and will probably stay on Maui ahead of time, since we really can’t figure out how to quarantine in our condo in Princeville. To read The Garden isle, it sounds
    as if most of the residents are fine with this. The people we know on island really aren’t. What’s your take on the feeling of residents on the island?

  9. Mahalo for your information. I have heard from several people that Kawakami wants to focus on only wealthy travelers. It’s easy to research. His words: “We can’t compete with islands like Maui or O‘ahu as far as volume,” Kawakami said. “For visitors, they want to come to a place where they are safe and healthy, and these measures of inconvenience (to travelers) are only temporary.”

    Kawakami said Kaua‘i aims to market itself towards a demographic of wealthy visitors. “We don’t want to be a budget destination,” Kawakami said. “We want to offer that premium experience to people who can co-exist with our way of life.”

    So. Thumbs down to the average family that wants to enjoy the same beauty and experience as the rich. No wonder he’s willing to ruin the island. This is so wrong. What can we do?

    1. Hi Claudia.

      Thanks for your input. Kauai isn’t set up to be a luxury destination in terms of everything from accommodations to infrastructure. That’s just the reality.


  10. “In contrast, Maui transpacific arrivals averaged 3,443 per day during the same period which ended February 17, 2021.”

    30 people have died on Maui, 1 has died on Kauai. About 10x the number per capita. Prior to re-opening with a single test requirement, there were very few cases on Maui as well.

    You’re presenting a consistent view of this, but failing to fairly present the views of both sides here. The mayor of Kauai is not on some sort of power trip and is not trying to kill the tourist industry. There would be a clear cost (measured in lives) to fully re-opening now, as nearly every legitimate public health official has stated here.

    1. 30 people in a year! (a few of which died on the mainland I seem to recall)

      Fun fact per the Hawaii DOH. Maui deaths were 52 less in 2020 than in 2019.

      State of Hawaii had a whopping 54 more deahs in 2020 than in 2019. (which is consistent with year over year increases with an ever aging population.)

      How’s that for presenting another view?

  11. We had our original trip to Kauai (Hanalei bay area) condo in May 2020, Hawaiian Air refunded with no problem, condo booking company held out, until recently, they came through and we got refunded for that too. We will be back when things return.

  12. Late May? Are you kidding me? Two active cases on the entire island is way beyond “flattening the curve”! Mid 4 figures loss per month + high property taxes and this is a very challenging situation for my rental business. The State of Hawaii is getting “0” TAT and GE taxes from me if no one wants to pay to stay in a bubble and get tested twice and then move again to my condo. Does the Mayor really want the island to go down the tubes? If everyone gets both shots, wears masks and washes their hands, they should be fine. Lets get on with it already!

  13. The mayor is really testing us. We canceled our Jan/Feb trip in October. We understand the shortage of beds at Kaua’i hospitals.
    . Now we have our two vaccines but a negative test, sponsored by Hawaiian Air, within 72 hours isn’t adequate unless it’s on another island? The “resort bubble” is a money grab in my opinion. Someone needs to follow the money.
    We were planning an April trip (after visiting the kids & grandkids). I guess we’ll hope for next winter.
    Thanks so much for your continued updates.
    I ain’t getting any younger.

  14. Mahalo for your information. I have heard from several people that Kawakami wants to focus on only wealthy travelers. It’s easy to research. His words: “We can’t compete with islands like Maui or O‘ahu as far as volume,” Kawakami said. “For visitors, they want to come to a place where they are safe and healthy, and these measures of inconvenience (to travelers) are only temporary.”

    Kawakami said Kaua‘i aims to market itself towards a demographic of wealthy visitors. “We don’t want to be a budget destination,” Kawakami said. “We want to offer that premium experience to people who can co-exist with our way of life.”

    So. Thumbs down to the average family that wants to enjoy the same beauty and experience as the rich. No wonder he’s willing to ruin the island. This is so wrong. Class action suit? What can we do?

    1. If that is the case they got on their knees for the wrong airline. Southwest is a great airline as far as it’s business model. But if you are looking for a more well off visitor, they are not going to promote that.

      With $50 roundtrip West Coast fares in the beginning, what type of traveler did Hawaii expect?

  15. With all this said my heart goes out to all the people in hawaii and people wanting to visit hawaii that are against destroying the foundations of the state and America the free. I paid attention to civics in highschool and us history 1 and 2 in college. Ive also taken world history and i still think what is happening is tyranny of the state/govt in general trying really hard to push an agenda by eroding freedoms and destroying small buisnesses and making more people dependent on stimulus joke payments so they can then push universal basic income and further control the people and the nation for special interests

  16. The politicians need to take note: Kauai businesses want tourism reopened! Hopefully House Bill 1286 passes and Kauai must follow the same restrictions the other islands are following … it’s time for the state to step in ….


    1. That depends on how long you are on Oahu. You must be on the island at least 72 hours before you can test. There is a testing site at the HNL airport that can test you and give 5 hour results that is an approved partner. I remember that the cost was over $200 when I researched it.

  17. I saw comments about tossing the constitution out rhe window in Hawaii. To me this is clearly what is happening on many different levels, more and more each time, each day.

    I have some questions that may seem obvious but i want to ask:

    1) Why does it seem like Hawaii is making racism towards asians in America Seem more justified? Info: Hawaii is atleast 60 to 70 percent asian and so is the governor of hawaii and most of the leadership. All of the covid measures are extreme punishment on lower classes, but socialism and benefits for the rich.

    2)Why do Hawaiians seem much more willing to abandon Their rights and responsibilities in the us constitution that our entire country relies on as its most basic and important needs?

    3) Who will be held responsible for making Hawaiian residents homeless, destroying small buisnesses, raising up the states already extreme debt level?

    4) How does a few deaths justify destroying the livelihoods, the freedom and peace and culture of hawaii and the lives of the many? How does a few deaths harm Hawaii when it is already very overpopulated and so expensive to live there? Would these deaths change Hawaii if they were caused by car accidents or a disgruntled employee/homicide?

  18. This is very confusing and disheartening. The mayor spoke on a news show recently and said he was not going against HB 1286. And where does this bill affect these decisions? So far the bill has passed. Where does having the covid vaccine affect this? Kauai seniors and customer services personnel have already received vaccinations. How about travelers who have already had their shots ow does that play into this?
    It is very hard to plan for travel with these constantly changing requirements. We hear from the CDC on recommendations but they are not followed. Hawaii as a state is giving a different communication.
    Please reconsider the resort bubble. This is limiting visiting to only those who have large amounts of money to spend.

  19. Every time I read something about staying 72 hours on another Hawaiian island and then testing, I feel confused. On most islands, like The Big Island, there is no approved testing site that will get you same day results. This means to me that you have to be there 72 hrs plus the number of days it takes to get the results = 6 days seems to be the minimum stay. Why do all these articles never address this issue? Many people are being left with the impression that 3 days is all you need on another island.

  20. Did I miss something? Isn’t there a possible Bill being created to vote on all counties having same rules? Or is that not happening anymore?

  21. Still nothing on entry with proof of being fully vaccinated? This list of options is such a travesty to the middle class traveler. I Iove Kauai so much, but could never afford the prices of the bubble resorts to just sit in my room for 4 days. While I know safety is of utmost concern, these rules go beyond the scope of common sense.

  22. If Kauai is not participating in Hawaii’s safe travels, how do you upload your COVID results? I am living on Oahu and thought I would travel to Kauai to help the tourism industry there.

  23. So I assume that Kawakami, whose family once owned a supermarket chain in Kauai, has a brilliant plan to help the businesses that are adversely affected by these rules. I mean, he can’t be the most heartless leader in this whole state and letting the companies that depend on this business to rot or let the people who depend on jobs from there become homeless and poor.

  24. What’s the point just say your closed and save everyone the hassle. Who in there right mind would pay that and put up with the restrictions. Hi we are from the government and we are here to help. What a mess.

  25. I am opting to fly from the mainland into Kauai 4 days earlier than my timeshare reservation for a few reasons.

    1. I will be on Kauai for 5 to 6 weeks + at our timeshare property.
    2. I will be traveling solo, and my spouse will not be with me to help with logistics on travel day(s).
    3. My decision to spend four nights at a Kauai bubble resort feels less stressful than adding an additional travel day to my travel agenda.
    4. I did not look forward to being solo for three days on Oahu, Maui or Hawaii.

    My yearly visits to Kauai are normally 4 to 8 weeks twice a year. While the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many part time Kauai vacation owners to reconsider our options, I totally understand and appreciate the care for Kauai islanders health and well-being that your Mayor has constantly had to adjust and fight for.

    Mahalo and Aloha,
    Marta A

    1. From all that I read there has been ZERO positive test coming out of the bubbles! The only thing that the bubbles are doing is putting more Kauai business out of business!!
      We have been visiting Kauai for 15 years. This is heartbreaking what the Mayor is doing to these good people.
      I couldn’t disagree more with Marta or the mayor!!

  26. We have had reservations at a condo in Princeville since Jan 2019 for trip in May 2020. Obviously cancelled then were told August would be next target date, Cancelled again. So we are lucky that he owner of condo was flexible (we had already pd in full) and we were booked May2021, we were to stay for 28 days. My daughter & family were coming in May to hang with us for a week. She called 2/6 and asked had I heard of new restrictions in Kauai? I was so disappointed. I couldn’t believe it. We go to Kauai every other yr or so and have gotten to know many store owners and Restaurants and I couldn’t believe how frustrating for them to these new reg. Maui, Oahu, BI none had these same restrictions and WHY? No reason given. So now we have to pay 3-4 nights in a resort, pay for monitors and 200$ ea tests on top of money we saved for original vacation. We wanted to cancel, but I want to give homeowner and businesses still open and to not let them down by canceling. I don’t understand this. If all Islands did this that’d be one thing, but only one island were granted these extra restrictions and it’s BS for visitors and for businesses 😩. BTW we are both vaccinated, doesn’t matter. I would like to hope these restrictions would be lifted by May, but not holding breath. We now must come up with $2000 plus🤬 to stay in bubble. We’d still have to pay for 3-4 days on other Islands too, we would just be free to go to beaches and businesses right away as we wait for $$$ tests, then on to Kauai. This is a LOSE/LOSE for Kauai. So sad

  27. I have planned/paid for a trip for 6 adults and 2 infants March 5-12th. I then learned that the resort I booked is NOT part of the hotel bubble program.

    So my option is to book additional 2-3 rooms for 3 more nights, pay for 6 tracking bracelets, and 6 covid tests. And THEN we can proceed to our original resort for the remaining 4 nights.

    Sounds simple enough.

    Are any more resorts being added to the resort bubble list? Or are these restrictions being cancelled any times soon?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi Joven.

      We don’t know of any additional properties being added to the program, and there are no plans to change the regulations that have been announced or seem likely.


      1. We have reservations for the first two weeks of April. Looks like they will be cancelled. We have 4 weeks at a Princeville resort every year. We were there for two weeks around Thanksgiving, just before they closed again. This is just too much. We will probably let our timeshare go and not be back. It hurts to say that, as Princeville has become our second home and we have friends there. But this is the third time we have had to cancel and move reservations. We pay the maintenance fees whether we can come or not. The rest of the country and other islands can figure a way, but not the mayor of Kauai. Peoples lives are ruined and jobs will be gone for a very long time, if not forever. As timeshare owners can’t come and opt to let them go, there will be a severe downward spiral. I’ll never understand how politicians can enact cures that are worse than the sickness. This is utter insanity.

  28. I give up. I booked the Grand Hyatt for 8 days first week of April (last few days of March). They just called and said the hotel isn’t going to open. What a disaster. I seriously considered cancelling after reading about the state travel logging (had to log two trips since we are flying thru Honolulu), testing before, the cost of a ‘bubble’ bracelet/retesting, and was considering cancelling and then this. What a disaster. I’m vaccinated and that doesn’t even matter. Maybe somewhere else now….forget Hawaii.

    1. I have a reservation at Grand Hyatt for 3 nights starting April 7th – have not yet received a call or cancellation. Did they give any details on their reopening date?

    2. Hi!

      Don’t forget Hawaii altogether, if possible. I just got back from an extremely relaxing trip in Maui. I prefer Kauai, but Maui was really nice too. And the economy is struggling. So if you can make it work and help out, I am sure they would appreciate it.

      Anyhow, just my 2 cents. I hope you have a wonderful time wherever you may travel too.

  29. We recently returned from Kauai where we spent two weeks. We already had reservations at our timeshare at Hanalei Bay Resort, so utilizing the Bubble Resort option there was a good choice for us. As we were flying from Los Angeles to Lihue via Honolulu we opted to take a Rapid PCR test through Clarity Labs (a trusted testing partner), which we took at LAX on Friday before our Saturday departure. Very organized, we received results in 2 1/2 hours, and they were easily uploaded to Hawaii’s Safe Travels website. We registered on Safe Travels, which is necessary to get the QR code’s that get you through the checkpoints in both Honolulu and Lihue. We also registered on Kauai’s own travel page at Kauai.gov. We booked a ride on SpeediShuttle ($89 for both of us) which met us at the airport and delivered us to Hanalei Bay Resort. There we checked in and received our Aqua monitor which we were required to wear until we tested out. Since we arrived in Kauai around 5:30 pm on Saturday, we were eligible to test out on Tuesday after 5:30 pm; however as there were only a couple of us there at the time, we had to wait until Wednesday morning to test. Nurse came to resort to do rapid test, results were available in 15 minutes. We tested out, got our results entered into the system and monitors removed. Cost was $100 for the monitor and $200 for the test. For us it was worth it to enjoy to time in Kauai. Everything is uncrowded, local businesses appreciated us being there, and it was nice to enjoy dinner in a restaurant again. My advice is to educate yourself before you go, follow the rules, and then enjoy your trip. PS. There is also a form to complete when returning to LA; go to travel.lacity.org.

    1. Do you need to fill out the LA form if LAX is just a layover for your next flight to your home state and you have no plans of leaving the airport?

  30. Can someone clarify… Is a passenger flying from the mainland to Kauai via a couple-hour layover in Honolulu eligible for the EMQ?

    1. What clarification do you need? Everywhere it states you must be in Hawaii 72 hours. You can THEN get another COVID test to then travel to Kaua’i. A couple hour layover does not meet the 72 hour requirement.

      1. Will mentioned the EMQ which is the bubble resort option. So the answer to his question is yes, a layover in Oahu is fine. In fact it would be hard to avoid a layover since most non-stop to Kauai from the mainland have been eliminated.

      2. Christine R…

        After you get an attitude adjustment, please think about that your comment said. The question was (paraphrase) “do you have to get a second test if you have a LAYOVER in Honolulu”. A “layover” implies a change of planes with perhaps a 2-3 hour stay in the Honolulu Airport. What your response says is that unless you fly to Kauai non-stop, you cannot fly to Kauai without a minimum 3 day stay in Honolulu.

        I’m asking BOH to confirm that just changing planes (i.e., not leaving the airport) does not impose any further requirements other than the test results you will need to present upon arrival on Kauai.

        1. Hi Barbara.

          That’s correct. Also, as someone else just pointed out, there are so few direct flights to Kauai at this point that most people will of necessity be connecting.


        2. Barbra M
          I did not mean to offend you. My answer was in reference to the article mentioning staying on another island rather than in a bubble.

  31. In response to Paul C, who is clearly in favor of government mandates of every kind (for profit ofc) and a police state all over the world. I do these posts because I believe that HI should be free & fun/carefree, like the rest of America, before it is “safe”.

    I also believe as a long time resident that HI needs to fix its housing and low pay/job/unemployment. and another thing – educating locals that Hawaii being part of America is a great thing!

  32. The results are in! In a recent article, Mufi Hannemann, the former mayor of Honolulu and currently the head of Hawaii Tourism State wide, commented on the major negative impact of Kauai’s ever changing regulations for visitors. He quoted statistics for the visitor arrivals on Kauai for the week of January 13th to January 20th, 2021. To put this number in perspective, compare this number to pre-covid times. In January of 2019, Kauai welcomed roughly 106,000 visitors, an average of 26,500 per week. For the January week in 2021 mentioned above, there were 137 arrivals. That’s not a misprint, that’s less than 20 visitors a day. It is abundantly clear that Mayor Kawakami’s Covid policies have kept Kauai safe. He has done so by effectively eliminating tourism and the 1.9 billion dollars (yes, that billion with a b) in revenue generated each year here on Kauai. Also don’t forget all the vacation rental companies (not allowed for quarantine), house cleaning companies, landscape maintenance companies, handymen, restaurants, helicopter companies, ATV companies, Zip lining companies, boating companies, horse back riding companies…the list goes on and on, now shuttered, many permanently. It’s a disaster!

    1. Mufi Hannemann has zero credibility in this state; to show how much Mufi is loved over here, he ran for Mayor of Honolulu again in 2020 and came in a distant 5th in the primary…….something about his train to nowhere started in 2005 which still isn’t finished and cost how much???

  33. Since I believe that links are not allowed, please google “KHON 2 news: Kauai Resort Bubble program is helping, with very few drawbacks” for a story straight from one of the bubble resorts, it may be helpful to some of you. Note that the manager at that resort states that he has some 100% bookings in March already. It will give you an idea of what to expect. I have run into more and more “graduates” of the bubble resorts as time goes on here on Kauai.

    1. Puff piece for Timbers. But, goes to show how many people can afford to drop an extra $10K to start their vacation.

      “He said it is helping Kauai’s economy, a little. “I’ve noticed a slight increase, just in general, on the island. So is it enough? No. But does it help? Yes. We have 140 employees back at work. So, you know, that helps them,” Moore said.”

      Timbers is as high end as Kauai gets, so perfect for Derek’s master plan to be a playground for big spenders and off limits to coupon clippers.

      We are also running into released bubblers, as well as people flying over from other islands, mostly Oahu. Seeing more rental vehicles, and more people in restaurants. Nothing like BC, but every little bit helps some businesses. Got behind a three jeep caravan the other day. Years ago, it was all mustang convertibles. Now its all jeeps.

  34. Where should I look to find the rules governing Covid testing and travel to Kauai. We will stay in a resort bubble first starting 2/24/21 Thank you for all of your updates! Joy b

  35. Our family of four has traveled to Kauai every summer for the last several years. We spend between $10k – $12k for each visit. We stay between 10-14 days in one location on the island and, while we explore all over the island, we enjoy having a single home base our entire trip. We are scheduled to visit for 11 nights in July 2021 and at this point I’m pretty sure we will cancel. Besides the tornado of chaos Kauai has created with constant changes to their travel restrictions … we have no desire to deal with the extra costs & inconveniences of uber rides, resort bubbles, monitoring bracelets, food delivery, over crowded resorts (due to those on bubble quarantine not being allowed off site), no beach access and exuberant fees for covid tests. We will gladly take our money elsewhere. Tourism is the largest industry in Hawaii … the state of Kauai & its people are going to crumble with all of these outrageous restrictions.

    Thank you BOH for keeping us informed and up to date on all the travel restrictions! You are our “go to” site for the latest info!

    1. Hi Kathy.

      Thanks for the feedback and all of your comments. We hope you can return to Kauai soon, if not this time.


    2. I’m very doubtful that these restrictions will continue until May, much less July. Kauai has one of the fastest vaccine rollouts in the country (much faster than other islands), given that there is zero community transmission of COVID happening. All high-risk people and people in the visitor industry should receive the shot by April, at which point it won’t make sense to keep higher restrictions than other islands.

      1. “All high-risk people and people in the visitor industry should receive the shot by April, at which point it won’t make sense to keep higher restrictions than other islands.”

        This would be true if the goal was to keep hospitalizations zero to minimal. But the goal posts have shifted to “no one can catch the virus. Ever. Period. Not just high risk individuals, but even people who wont know they have it. Why take a chance!”

        According to the Fish Wrap: “Thursday’s case brings the number of active cases to two, with 210 cumulative cases. Kaua‘i’s cumulative case count includes 179 confirmed locally, one probable, and 30 positive cases diagnosed elsewhere, as they received their pre-travel test results after arriving on island.”

        Out of those 210 cases, 1 person is said to have died from it. 84 year old man with stage 4 (i.e., terminal) lung cancer.

        So, forget about “making sense.”

        p.s., we like it better without tourists. Don’t harsh our buzz.

        p.s.s., I should stop calling it the Fish Wrap, since there’s not enough newsprint pages these days to wrap a fish.

          1. No worries. Plan to return mid-April. Will likely opt for the “go to Oahu first” option, if the rules are still the same. The bubble option is dumb/expensive and I have an aversion to the idea of wearing a monitoring bracelet. But, people are doing it. Go figure! We are leaving the freezer and pantry stocked, just in case we go with the house arrest option, which is the least costly, and no tests or extra travel expenses. We are fortunate to have a big yard with unlimited yard work that can be done over those ten days. It’s called the Gardening Island, after all. Yes, you can go outside while in quarantine, as long as you don’t step off your own property or, heaven forbid, stick your foot on the beach. We’ll see. Who knows what will change between now and then.

        1. Sadly you are 100% correct, David B. And the “Fish Wrap” only is PR fluff for Kawakami. No real news about the true visitor count or unemployment.

          It is amazing that the majority of Kauai residents keep drinking the Kool Aid.

          1. You are correct that they simple print whatever the mayor announces. No questions asked. The few “reporters” they have probably don’t get paid much, if anything. So, we get our money’s worth! No advertisements, no on-line subscription fees needed. My wife buys it because she likes the crossword puzzles. But how many 75 cent daily crosswords can they sell? Probably not many.

  36. My mom is being moved to hospice in Lihue and not expected to live more than 72 hours. If I left Chicago right now, odds are I wouldn’t be able to see her because of this “bubble”.

    1. Very sorry about your Mom. I know I read there was information about asking the county for exemptions on Kauai.gov. I think it’s called Modified Quarantine Request. I hope you are able to make it to her side.

  37. So, if we arrive in Maui at 4 PM on Mar 12th and wish to depart on Mar.16th around 1 for Kauai, we have to wait 72 hrs. BEFORE we can take our 2nd test ?? I would not think that could work for us. doesn’t leave basically any time to get the test PLUS the results. HELP !! Thanks in advance for your info and advice.

    1. Hi Judy.

      We have posted the rules. You can test after 4 pm on March 15 and travel once you have those results.


      1. Thanks u for reply. Not what I hoped to hear. So if we test in Maui after 4PM on the 15th, is there any way we could get results from a Maui clinic by the next day ??

        1. Hi Judy.

          That is the work at hand. We don’t know and suggest inquiring then reserving in advance. Please let us know how it goes.


          1. My thought is that if a stay in Maui is preferred it is possible to fly to HNL to take a test and then fly on to LIH and this will be faster than waiting for a Maui result.
            Remember that Urgent Health tests give results in 15 minutes and are offered in Waikiki and another location a bit nearer the airport just not the airport itself.

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