304 thoughts on “Updated | Kauai Now Proposes 4 Day Quarantine – Will You Bite?”

  1. If I can’t go to a condo of my choce I sure as hell be forced to spend up to 1000,00 dollars a nite to quarateen who owns these sits the people on the board. Then after three days to go get tested how am I going to get there safely if l can’t rent a car the place where i want to stay at is of to me other wise the board should then pay the expense. I dont see this new rule working in othe words I’ll stay ome or go some where else and enjoy my stay .

  2. Any word on vaccinated people. I start my vaccination process next Tuesday and I’m scheduled to arrive on 5/19 at Lihue.

  3. My family and I love your beautiful garden island, Kauai. We live in CT and have visited twice in the past years. We have a third trip planned for mid-February (A Marriott Resort). For us, it is a very costly trip across many miles and we are saddened to say that it would not be worth it to be quarantined upon arrival for any number of days whether 10 or 4. We would not travel all that way and pay all that money to be confined to a hotel room for any amount of time. We are deeply saddened that we will likely have to cancel our trip. We sincerely hope conditions improve and that the restrictions may be lifted. Meanwhile, our thoughts are with everyone during this very difficult time: the local residents, hospitals, healthcare workers, employees and businesses who count on tourism. We wish everyone good health and safety. Our hope is that things will improve very soon. Aloha! Suzanne

  4. This does not seem equitable. Why must someone stay at one of the mentioned hotels and not any hotel if they are in quarantine? Why does Kauai want to treat its visitors better than their own returning residents?

  5. The bubble resort idea also discriminates against residents because resident only have the option of a 10 day quarrantine.There is a disturbing psychological manipulation happening on Kauai now,gaslighting.

  6. We have been coming to Hawaii every year for our anniversary. We even had a savings account specifically for making a purchase there once I retire. (Feb. 2021) But now, after watching Governor Ige’s leadership during this pandemic we have decided to stay on the mainland and have purchased a condo in southern Florida instead. We are both deeply saddened but, are confident with our decision after watching the steady, sharp, decline in the Hawaiian Islands economy.

    Thank you so much. This website has been a great resource.

    Pam H

  7. We had 2 weeks at a condo last 2 weeks of February. I am glad I canceled before I lost my money. Sill part is We have already had Covid.

    We are now staying in Oahu for our 2 weeks.

  8. I see a lot of comments about the vaccine. While I agree that every state with quarantine needs a travel policy for those who are vaccinated, we do not yet know if those vaccinated can still transmit the disease to those who are not, and for how long the vaccine will provide immunity (i.e., will it be like Polio and not need repeating once enough people have been vaccinated, or will it be like the flu and need to be done once a year?) Further, it will be the better part of a year before most who want to be vaccinated will be able to be, if all goes well…and so far it is only 2 million, not even close to the 20 million they thought would be done at the end of Dec.

  9. We have already paid for our trip and cannot change it. If they decide to quarantine us in a hotel for 3 nights, we will be double paying and basically, part of our vacation will be stuck in a hotel room with nowhere to go. We come to golf and go to beaches, both of which will not be allowed during this quarantine.

    Quite honestly if we test negative, it’s not going to change in 4 days. My husband is a doctor and will be vaccinated, but I will not be in time for our trip. Does a vaccine even count? What if someone has antibodies to SARS-CoV-2? Does this matter? When will it be safe for everyone to return to the island? They seem to keep kicking the can down the road.

    Too bad Kauai is taking a different stance than the other islands. This will drive people to the other islands and we may not come back to Kauai. I feel bad for the Kauai businesses that are suffering from these rules.

    We will most likely pass if we are quarantined for any period of time and try to get a refund of lodging and airfare, which only adds to the depression in the economy. We love Kauai, but it’s an expensive trip. We need to have fun for our ‘entire’ vacation.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Cynthia.

      Thanks for your input. Yes, there will be a plan announced in the next week or two for those who are vaccinated.


    2. Flying to quarantine is a non-starter for me. Also seems like some of the quarantine hotels are taking advantage in their pricing.

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