304 thoughts on “Updated | Kauai Now Proposes 4 Day Quarantine – Will You Bite?”

  1. Thank you for posting updates, we appreciate them. As much as we love Hawaii and it’s hospitality, it doesn’t appeal to us to pay a high price for serving a jail term aka quarantine. We cancelled our trip to Kauai and may choose to vacation there when things return to normal. We have to request time off from work way ahead of time, plan and book a vacation, which is not easy. When the uncertainty and cost are too high, it’s not worth it

  2. I could do 4 days no problem. Could I do it at my timeshare, Lawai Beach Resort?
    I was ready to book about 2 weeks ago then everything was changed.
    As visitors we really need to know what’s going on so we can make plans please.

  3. According to a statement from the county, you have to be staying at a bubble resort in order to qualify for the 3 day quarantine and second test. All other travelers, including returning residents, are subject to the 10 day quarantine. This is unfair to the county’s residents, creating greater burdens for them than those lucky enough to afford an expensive resort stay.
    While I understand wanting travel to open safely, it seems that if a 3 day quarantine and second test is sufficient, it should not matter where you are staying. This request appears to be more about filling rooms at bubble resorts than about a fair and safe way to open to visitors. Rules should be made that benefit the entire island and all people fairly.

    1. My thoughts exactly! This is arbitrary,discriminatory and unconstitutional. This new ruling isn’t based on science, and is once again catering to the hotel industry and the affluent. Clearly he is motivated by something other than trying to keep COVID numbers low…

  4. Thank you for your always up to date information. For me;I am concerned how this change will be applied to interisland travel,residents. —thank you and have a relaxing;peaceful Christmas.

  5. There is absolutely no chance I would put my family through this crap. February trip is officially canceled. It was a big enough hassle getting a Covid test before my last trip. The test cost nearly as much as the flight. Looks like the the other islands will be getting all the business. There will be zero recovery for Kauai with this policy.

  6. We are supposed to go to Kauai June 2021. If we have to quarantine for any amount of time, we are going to cancel. We rented a vacation home and see no point in coming if we aren’t even allowed to quarantine there.

    I do want to know, if we are vaccinated, can we skip a quarantine all together? At what point will you allow visitors again without making them quarantine… ?

  7. Unfortunately, we would not be willing to spend thousands on plane tickets and then thousands more on hotel rooms just to sit in some “Quarantine Hotel” for three or 4 or more days. Although we understand the islands reluctance to open up while this covid thing is ongoing, we will just wait until the mashup of different rules and regulations gets put to bed and we are all able to just visit, without having to be imprisoned on an island. We hope the best for Kauai, and hope to return for our 12th Anniversary of getting married on that beautiful Island.

  8. Aloha BOH,
    My wife and I own a condo at Islander on the Beach in Kauai. Would we be able to stay in quarantine at our own property instead of an approved hotel? This is technically our own home and are the residents allowed to return from the mainland to their own homes without first going to a hotel?
    Mahalo for all you do.

    1. Hi Richard.

      Thanks. So as not to provide incorrect information, we suggest you check with the county.


  9. “Any quarantine is a non-starter…”

    Oh well. COVID is exploding all over the mainland and on the Cancun area of MX (a place many who did not come to HI did go in the end.) Officials are begging people to stay home, don’t travel. So either get two tests and quarantine, or better yet, please stay home for now, because most of us do not welcome people coming here and potentially infecting more of us. It’s really not that difficult. This is a very poor time to travel, in general, in the entire world…not just to HI.

    1. That’s pretty short sighted. Why not allow people to visit who test negative? It’s working on the other islands. What makes Kauai so special? Or afraid? We test negative, wear a mask and socially distance. I think you’ll be fine and people can get back to work. Seems like a decent plan.

      1. My wife and I have switched to the USVI and their Safe Travel program and Portal worked quite well, enough so that we are going back in February which is generally when we go to our timeshare in the islands. Not worth the 15 hour flight as opposed to the 3+ hour flight and no quarantine if your test results come back negative before traveling.

      2. Mike, with all respect, you can test negative 72 hours ahead of your flight and be exposed and contract the virus before arrival…in-flight, at the airport, and in your normal life activities before travel. The test is a snapshot in time.

  10. What on God’s green earth is wrong with a two-test system – a pre-travel test and an on-airport rapid test – for all islands? The second test would essentially be three days or more after the first test. The proposed 4-day quarantine essentially means no visitors of any significance. I think it is time for BOH to explore whether Kawakami has another agenda that he is pursuing. Because the only rational explanation for his actions at most every turn since March is that the he wants to use this opportunity to severely curtail the visitor industry. Nothing he does even hints that he’s interested in finding a safe way to bring visitors back. His energy is entirely devoted to making sure they don’t. Sadly, he is getting his wish.

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