89 thoughts on “Kauai Proffers Its Own Reopening Plans, But Not So Fast…”

  1. In view of the different 11th hour reopening plans being presented by various island Mayors, I’ll bet visitors that may have already been on the fence about chancing a visit to Hawaii are probably deciding to pass. Hawaii has been in a constant state of turmoil since the onset of Covid. Visitors are already extremely weary about returning. Governor Ige has been totally inept the entire time and now the Mayors of neighboring islands have decided to throw additional gasoline on the already out of control fire. The proposals I have read about are no better than the original 14 day quarantine. Throughout this pandemic I’ve gotten the impression that those governing the islands would like nothing more than to keep the islands locked down until Covid is wiped from the face of the earth. Which … short of a miracle, isn’t going to happen. Are these lawmakers hell-bent on keeping the pedal to the metal until the islands are completely destroyed and visitors have no desire to return?
    It’s very hard to imagine that the elected democrat officials could possibly be this stupid!
    All I can say is God help the people of Hawaii. Hopefully they will give serious thought to who they vote into an elected office from this point on.
    Aloha & Mahalo

  2. Praying for my Hawaiian brothers and sisters for a safe opening – and hoping for good fortunes. We had to cancel our trip this past summer, but are now planning on visiting next summer.

  3. Can you please update us Canadian Travellers as to Covid Test requirements when flying from Canada — I haven’t booked flights yet but have condo reservations for Dec 31 to hope to avoid quarantine. Thanks so much. Don

    1. Hi Don.

      What others have said is that they are transiting via the US in order to obtain testing. We don’t know if mail in testing would work in time as a viable alternative. The state must be working on something for Canada soon, we hope.


  4. They just keep muddying he waters. I don’t know anyone that would book a trip to Kauai under this plan. If I want to gamble, I’ll go to Vegas.

    At this point, I have to wonder if all of this is an intentional plan to destroy Kauai’s economy.

  5. Mahalo!
    So here’s what can happen under the mayor’s rule. Think about it based on the clusters on the island in the past. Dad comes home and gets sick. Mom, brother, sister and auntie who visited recently test positive. Family of 5 now tests positive. Shut down the entire island. That will happen. One family no matter where they got it, complete shutdown. Is that an alternative for you? Would you book a trip to Hawaii in 2 months knowing that? Thats what I thought.

  6. Do you foresee there being more flights added in November of LAX-LIH? The options are few and very expensive right now.

    Also, is Hawaii (Kauai) requiring masks on the beach?

    1. Hi Bobby.

      Once travel resumes, flight schedules will be dictated by demand. So we don’t know what that will be and frankly neither do the airlines. No, masks aren’t required at the beach.


  7. Mayor Kawakami – or perhaps it should be Kamikaze as he’s essentially committing political suicide with these over the top, one-off requested restrictions – needs to realize that while there is risk in opening up and having cases increase, there is greater risk in there being no available income for a large majority of that island. Kauai is heavily dependent upon tourism and without it, the people there are suffering. For the love of everything holy, stop the madness.

    Please use some common sense and look to the other tourist areas of the world that have safely and successfully opened up. Some without ANY pre-travel test requirements. Please stop the bleeding that you’re inflicting upon those that you’ve sworn to serve and should have THEIR best interest in mind. Not yours.

    We’ve gambled and kept our reservations for 10/20-29 to come and enjoy Kauai. Hoping to be able to enjoy and spend money liberally to help the locals there. We’ll see if the gamble pays off.

    1. The mayor and the county government are not worried about the economy. Their jobs are safe….I have not heard about
      reductions in staff or salaries.

      Total, perfect safety is a pipe dream unless you turn Kauai into a modern day version of the Molokai Leper Colony.

      By all means continue the wearing of masks, social distancing etc.

      None of the mainland states have instituted such drastic measures and yes they have Covid cases but they are dealing with
      as best they can, not expecting perfection.

      Waiting for a vaccine is fool’s gold. It will not be available in the near future and it will not be 100% effective.

      We all need to learn to live with this disease (we have learned to live with the Flu) and mitigate it’s impact without completely
      devastating the economy.

      Mayor Kawakami needs to wake up and address the current economic condition of the island.

      Hoping for a brighter future for this beautiful island and it’s people .

    2. I agree with you, Nate B. Political suicide is a realty now for our Mayor. I’m surely not inclined to vote him back in after putting so many out of business.

        1. Poipu is NOT the plague, or anything like it – less so since this pandemic.
          ” … me tinks Drumpf Tower da bettah analogies, bruddah” 🧙🏽‍♂️🤔🙄😉🏝

    3. A vast majority of Kauai residents support our mayor. A two step testing plan has been developed and funded. Visitors who do not wish to take a second yeast after traveling through multiple virus hot spots included airports, planes, mainland restaurants should visit Oahu. Their beaches are spectacular.

  8. Thank you so much for this update! God bless you all and Lord willing we’ll all be free to travel to & fro to at liesure soon!! 💯 😃

  9. With each day comes a new plan. Travelers cannot plan a visit under these circumstances. I’m really sorry that we already committed to airline and accommodation payments for March, because I cannot be sure that trip will really happen. Somebody there needs to clear the lines of communication between Gov and Mayors, and get a plan that travelers can count on. As Dr. Fauci says, open up carefully or your economy will crash. What a mess. Thanks BOH for keeping us up to date.

    1. Hi Lee.

      Thank you for nearly 40 comments over the past years. We hope it works out for your March trip.


  10. Aloha-I agree with LG Green. If you don’t want to open say so. This plan is worse than any before. At least with previous ideas, and even a 14-day quarantine you know what you are getting into ahead of time. We have postponed until April. I hope they get it figured out by then.


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