198 thoughts on “Kauai Travel Will Reopen April 5: Details”

  1. We plan to travel on 4/14 from Chicago to HNL and a 2nd flight same day, different airline, from HNL to LIH. Will we need to be tested again in HNL? Or does one test on 4/11 cover both flights? Mahalo

    1. Hi JVJ.

      You need to test within 72 hours of your flight from the mainland to Hawaii only.


      1. That is true as long as you don’t leave the HNL airport… You have to remain in transit at the airport.

  2. Aloha,
    My family is planning a June, 2021 trip to Hawaii. We are staying on the big island for the first week and have not decided yet about the second week. It will either be Oahu or Kauai depending upon travel restrictions. Do we have to take the 72 hour test before the trip in Texas once or do we need to test before EACH island stay. Thanks for your response, Arthur

    1. Hi Arthur.

      You will need to test within 72 hours of your mainland to Hawaii departure. After that, it will be dependent on what the interisland travel rules are. They are likely to change before then to eliminate testing requirements. We’ll update as soon as we have more news.


  3. I value Beat Of Hawaii’s dedication in keeping us timely informed of the latest developments in Kauai as well as in all the other islands.
    Thank you for all you do.

    1. Hi Paul.

      Thanks for saying that and for your first-time comment. We hope to see you back here again soon.


  4. Linda
    The vaccines are not FDA approved and do not prevent Covid. The vacs are being administered under Emergency Use Authorization, EUA. It is thought, but not known fully, that they prevent severe covid.
    We are waiting to make our yearly trip to Kauai until one policy has been enforce for at least 6 months. We also want to see how much is open. I will say I am always surprised when people complain about the costs of the Covid tests. It seems to me that if you can afford a Hawaiian vacation, you can afford a test.

    1. That is just not true that it hasn’t been proven that the vaccines prevent Covid. Not only were full Phase III placebo controlled studies completed, there are now real world data that has been published in peer reviewed journals from countries like Israel (50% 0f population vaccinated) that the vaccines are working as predicted in the clinical trials. They are preventing serious disease with virtually zero people hospitalized who have been vaccinated. Yes, it does not prevent 100% of infections but serious illness, yes!

      1. Jason, reread my post, please regarding vac prevention of severe covid. Vacs do not prevent covid infections. Reread your first and last sentence. BTW, my major concern for the citizens of Kauai is that they will think a vac offers total protection when it clearly does not. Those who work with tourists are also more likely to be exposed to variants. Vaccines are not a panacea.

        1. What you say is still incorrect. Real world data does show that most people who are vaccinated do not get infected as measured by PCR testing of vaccinated vs non-vaccinated groups. There was a large study in the UK amongst hospital workers that demonstrated this conclusively as they were tested regularly. Yes, vaccines aren’t perfect but if everyone is vaccinated the world would be a safer place and we could get back to normalcy sooner. They also protect almost completely from severe covid and death…

  5. Hi guys, as usual, your site is a lifeline! Thank you so much for keeping us informed on the minute-by-minute developments. I am looking for your email alerts everyday for each change. My husband and I will be fully vaccinated by the end of March and are looking to come to Kauai as early as the end of April. Our biggest concern is the required COVID testing 72 hours before arrival. Testing isn’t cheap and results can be delayed. Have you heard any whispers about vaccination passports to bypass COVID testing? We would delay our trip to avoid the stress of hoping the testing goes smoothly right before departure. Thanks again!

    1. Hi Cheri.

      Per yesterday’s update, the governor is saying possibly not until the end of summer whereas the Lt. Gov. is saying this spring. That’s all we know for now.


      1. End of summer? That is missing a desperately needed successful high season ! Just allow visitors to show their vaccine cards & be done with it. The Governor is like a huge dinosaur, unable to move nimbly or make decisive decisions quickly.

        Ok, add in a 90 days vaccine requirement. Do whatever, just get this going! Roll out vaccine passport later.

        1. Hi JWU.

          Just wanted to say thanks for your fast-approaching 100 comments. What can we say – we just report it.


    2. I’m organizing (again) a trip for 21 to go this July. We had to cancel July 2020.
      So, I am hoping for things to be a little easier. I imagine most of us would be
      vaccinated by then, so that would be awesome if we would only need to present our vaccination proof. But, we respect whatever rule they set at the time. Good luck with your planning. xo

  6. My husband, 2 adult daughters and myself are elated by this great news. We had to reschedule our trip to kauai for this coming June!!! We were not happy that we may have to cancel again. Thank you for the ray of hope our vacation will happen!!!

  7. Thanks so much for all of this info! I’ve been reading this site regularly for months now and it’s been so helpful. Like another poster, we originally planned a trip for April 2nd – April 10th. We moved the trip to March 30th to allow for the 3 day quarantine. So I too am curious if there will be any wiggle room for travelers in our situation. As of now, we’re at the Marriott Lihue bubble resort from 3/30-4/2. Then we will be staying 3 nights at the Waiohai Beach Club in Poipu and then heading to a house in Hanalei. This is spring break for a lot of families so an April 1st date would be ideal to allow for travel to the island.

    1. Hi Sarah.

      Thanks. We can’t imagine a circumstance where the date would change from 4/5 to 4/1 honestly, and we have no idea how that date was chosen by the county.


      1. Sure wish it was 4/1 as we get there and currently have reservations at Hilton Garden Inn for resort bubble requirements currently. I’m patiently waiting for info regarding travelers who are “quarantining” during the new travel mandate! 🤞🏼

    2. We’re in the same boat as you Sarah. We were originally booked 4/1 thru 4/9 and moved it up to 3/29 to accommodate a bubble stay 3/29 to 4/1 prior to moving to our rental. My husband and I actually ended up catching covid last month, have since recovered and will now apply for exemptions with HI’s attorney generals office. We will have to bubble regardless because our young daughter didn’t catch it (thankfully) and has to quarantine and test out like everyone else.

  8. Hello
    I have a trip scheduled to arrive in Kauai on May 20th with 3 individuals I support. We have all had our vaccines. Will we still have to do the testing 72 hours before arriving ? Thank You for helping with this 😊

    1. Hi Karen.

      Travel exemptions for those who have been vaccinated are still to be announced. Please stay tuned.


  9. Thank you for your reply. Our travel will be in June so assuming to quarantine for Kauai. We will test prior to Flying from US to Kauai. Our plans are then to go to the Big Island. Will we have to test (as it stands now) on Kauai before going to Hawaii?

    Thanks so much for you help.

    1. Hi JoDee.

      As of today, you will not need to quarantine for Kauai (starting April 5) so long as you comply with the state’s Safe Travels program. Currently, you would need to test on Kauai within 72 hours of travel to the Big Island.


  10. Hello! This is a wonderful news! We have been checking your web daily about travelling to Kauai. Our plan was rescheduled twice already since last year and our next one will be on 3/5 to 3/10. This is our first time going to Kauai with the kids. Do we still have to do that resort bubble thing and quarantine for 3 days? Really appreciate your reply and you have a nice day. Stay safe always. God bless🙏.

    Thank you,
    Family from California

    1. Hi Rene.

      You will need to do a resort bubble or quarantine for arrivals through April 4. Starting April 5 that will no longer be the case, so long as you comply with the specific testing requirements associated with the state’s Safe Travels program. https://hawaiicovid19.com/travel/


      1. Hi guys,
        Wouldnt they still need to resort bubble and do the 3 day quarantine in kaua’I if they are traveling 3/5-3/10 since kaua’I isn’t rejoining the safe travels program till april 5th? Just noticed that and thought I’d mention it, would not want them to end up confused or upset at the wrong people. Thank you guys for all the information you provide. I read your stuff regularly…

        1. Hi Kanoe.

          Yes, we misread that as April. We edited it and thanks for pointing that out. We appreciate you being a regular reader too.


          1. Hi,

            I apologize for my mistake, I messed up on the date supposed to be 4/03 to 4/10. Thanks Kanoe for your concern! So,we still need to be on the resort bubble and quarantine for 2 days and get another covid test again? Thank you all for your kind response.

          2. Hi Rene.

            That’s so funny because we must have read your mind. We will need to see what the county says about those people who are caught in your situation. Nothing was posted by them yesterday and so far no clarification today either. We’ll update you with more information as soon as possible.


  11. If only we could get a vaccine. We are in California and are not 65 so not sure when it will be our turn to get a vaccine. Nothing on the horizon as of yet. This morning biden said all americans will be vaccinated by June. Hmmm. Don’t think so.

  12. What’s happening on Kauai now is a step in the right direction. I’ve been keeping track of what, Lt. Gov. Green is hoping for. He’s hoping those that have been vaccinated, will be coming to Hawaii with only proof of vaccination, he’s hoping for sometime in May. The numbers/statistics coming out of Israel for the vaccine are starting to look good. That one shot vaccine from J&J/Merck should also be helpful.
    Aloha Guys.

  13. We may try to reschedule our vacation now to Kauai. Can anyone tell me, I know we need to test 72 hours before we get there, do we need to do the same to transfer to the Big Island for a week? And then do we need to test to get back to the Mainland?

    Thanks so much!!

    1. Hi Jodee.

      It depends on when you travel. It is being proposed (but is not yet effective) that interisland visitors who are vaccinated not need to participate in testing, Otherwise, current rules are testing before traveling between islands, other than to Honolulu. Testing is required as well when traveling to Kauai from the mainland.


  14. Please confirm that if we are staying on Oahu for 6 nights commencing March 24 and flying to Maui on March 30 we will need to retake a Covid test on the 27th? We will, of course, have a negative test coming over. So many confusing messages. Thank you.

    1. Hi Beverly.

      As it stands now, yes you will need to test within 72 hours of your scheduled flight time to Maui.


  15. Aloha Guys!

    This is great news! We moved our Kauai April trip to Maui and rescheduled Kaui for October. So we get two trips now! Care to speculate how soon some of the bigger hotels (Grand Hyatt, Sheraton Poipu etc) will reopen? They were burned last time. Can’t wait to get back!


    1. Hi Jon.

      We have the same question. Let’s see what the coconut wireless tells us in that regard. If, and it is a big if, these stakeholders feel assured by the county that this will not change again suddenly, then we are thinking they will open later in April. They will have already missed the spring break, so the timing isn’t critical.


    2. Correction, I believe our President stated there will be enough vaccine for all American adults by end of May. This move up on time is a direct result of him enacting the war production act and getting Merck to help manufacture the J&J vaccine.

      @2mil vaccinations per day x 90days (Mar,Apr, May) , that’s an additional 180mil protected Americans! That’s huge progress, really.

  16. Wonderful news! We think we made it happen as we had just made reservations on Sunday for April 4th and was going to bite the bullet to do a bubble resort, even though we have a place on the north shore.

    I just want to thank you for keeping us so well informed throughout the mess. You reported news more quickly and much more consistently than The Garden Isle. Your articles were the subject of much discussion in our household and amongst friends in Colorado. Great job!

    May we all focus on recovery for all now.

    1. Hi Kathi.

      Thanks! So we are awaiting clarification on what happens to those who arrive just before the rule change. Will your resort bubble stay be reduced? We don’t know.


      1. Let’s hope the testing requirement as it has stood is rescinded or revised. FYI: The tests that HI currently approves are EXPENSIVE! Costs range from $135-$170. Free tests which are available throughout the country are not guaranteed to report test results in 72 hours, so you have to be gouged by “approved” labs to meet the requirements. Also, test results are not always accurate, whereas the vaccines are FDA approved to prevent COVID with a 95% efficacy. Start saving your money for tests on top of airfare, lodging and rental cars. For a family of 10, in my case, that could add up to $1,700 to our trip
        …unacceptable and unnecessary!

  17. This is fabulous news for all owners and tourists who love Kauai. Please notify if we will need to get the QR code to enter and rent a car. It will be so much easier if it’s just showing proof of a negative Covid testing. Thank you for making this happen!!!

    1. Hi Sharon.

      The QR codes have been a part of Safe Travels and that is not going to change based on yesterday’s announcement. We don’t know if car rental companies will require them, although we have heard that they do on other islands as well.


  18. Read this article to find out why you should not visit HI until they get rid of their ridiculous testing program.


  19. Thank you for the timely information. I was wondering with this news what you thought the chances are on airlines like southwest resuming their direct flights to Kauai sooner than currently scheduled?

    1. Hi Scott.

      Yes we do expect to see updates to add back nonstop flights to Kauai soon.


      1. Thank you for all the information I’ve been telling all my friends about your newsletter and website as the most up to date and informative that I can find related to Hawaii travel.

    2. Aloha. We have a trip to Kauai planned for mid August & car rental prices are really high- Do you think they may drop in the future. Mahalo. Andy

      1. Hi Andy.

        Yes the will come down but it hard to say by how much. That is due to factors including unknown demand and industry consolidation.


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