182 thoughts on “Lack of Visitor Information Already Resulted in 5,000 Police Warnings/Citations”

  1. No mask in the water, right?

    How does one eat/drink with a mask?

    Perhaps best to wait for a real vaccine…

  2. Why is it HI is so far behind to actually learn the masks are totally ineffective . Seems like a concerted effort to mislead the people there. I wish that they would read and do the research for themselves . Sad to see the masses being deceived by their own leaders and local media

    1. research clearly clearly shows that masks do help. I have been wearing mine 10 hours a day since March.

      1. And I haven’t hardly used mine except for shopping, dont take this personal. But none of this seems to have a logical conclusion

    2. If you have to have surgery you might want to tell the Doctors and Nurses that routinely wear masks that they can skip it.
      You may be surprised by their answer…..all credible research states masks will greatly reduce the spread of the virus, no one says it’s 100%. The only sources debunking that fact are the conspiracy sites that are not based on science and research.
      It’s so simple, if everyone was very diligent about common sense mask wearing we would have far fewer cases and far fewer deaths.
      Incredible that we can’t all just wear our masks, practice common sense social distancing and get on with it.
      That’s all we can do till there is a vaccine….Don’t get me started on the anti vax nuts, I guarantee the Q-anon/plandemic terrorists are already gearing up for that misinformation campaign. Sadly, while it’s easy to depersonalize statistics the reality is they will kill Americans with their misinformation.
      Good luck to all, including those of you who have been victimized by the conspiracy “researchers”

      1. Actually, they wear masks in surgery to protect them from splatter and patients with open wounds from bacteria.

        1. Of course they do! And also for viral infection prevention, it’s why they wash their hands too.
          I’ll put it another way, call your Doctors office, tell them you have a high fever and a cough and would like to come
          in and don’t want to wear a mask…tell them they don’t need too also…..see how that goes.
          Wearing a mask helps, a lot…..just because it’s not foolproof doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea.
          It’s the best weapon we have.

    3. Aloha Andrea! Hawaii is actually far ahead of the Country. Just look at their per capita numbers. According to the leading infectious disease specialist wearing masks along with hand washing and social distancing is the most effective tool we have to combat the Coronavirus. We may feel like we want to be over this virus but yhe virus isn’t over us. If people can’t comply to protect their fellow man they should stay home and stay safe! Mahalo!

      1. Exactly! The problem with people “doing their own research” is that there is a lot of misinformation floating around out there.

    4. Aloha Andrea,

      Mask do prevent the spread and in our island we wear mask. If wearing a mask something you are unable to follow and comply please do not visit at this time

  3. We recently arrived from Massachusetts on the 16th. It was never explained that we should be wearing masks even when out walking around the city. It did become obvious to us just from looking around at everyone else wearing them. So we have. However, when visiting other parts of the island, where we could be assured we could maintain 6 feet or more of social distance,we would remove our masks.

    Massachusetts has been very successful in keeping our rate low. At home we only wear masks in stores and buildings, wash/sanitize frequently, and maintain social distance. Outdoor mask wearing is not as common as it is here. While I don’t think it is necessary, I respect and will follow your States guidelines to help you lower your rate.

    We have enjoyed our visit. Thank you for opening back up and we wish you much success.

  4. Hi there aloha! So wearing a mask for sure is mandatory if u can’t social distance,that includes almost everywhere. But in Hawaii correct me if I am wrong u have to wear a mask going for a walk outside?,thanks dave

    1. Hi David.

      Are you talking about walking on a remote beach or in busy Waikiki? It is safest to assume you need a mask unless you are sure you can keep social distance.


      1. okay i see so basically anywhere people r wear a mask ,but if totally alone not aloha thanks i love hawaii!!!

  5. First, a huge thank you for all agencies and our government officials for keeping Hawaii the only state in the nation to be on the decline, as mentioned nightly on CNN. That being said, this is simply a matter of communication, not rocket science. No flight can come here without a fuel up, right? Then no flight should leave its airport until a gate announcement is made, then every pilot/ flight crew should read a script, every passenger should be given a printer set of rules while on board, and every hotel or other destination should have a basic discussion upon check in and another printed list of rules. Business begged to reopen; residents begged to go back to work. Then be responsible and just do it! And where is our visitors Bureau in all this? A video on board, a coordinated announcement at departure, on board, upon arrival, at check in? Why is that so difficult? Think, Act, Follow up. So irritating to hear something so simple become so Duh!

  6. Hello, current traveler here. The rules are clear and readily available. There is zero excuse. People are lazy, and exploit situations when they are allowed. I say fines are the way to go.

  7. Aloha! We plan to come very soon and infuse the Hawaiian economy any way we can. Shop & eat local for starters! I come from the restaurant industry and we have been through the ringer trying to adapt to all the mandates while keeping our doors open to support our economy, customers and staff. There are things to learn from mainlanders who having been doing this for the last 7 months. Have some conversation, let go of blame and try to support one another! Amongst the blue collar folks there are no winners. Just all of us in trenches together! One love my friends!

    1. That’s laughable. Hawaii has the lowest rate in the nation and has kept it under control better than any state by far. The “mainlanders” have messed it up almost everywhere, and it’s getting worse.


      1. exactly! And rates are going to go even higher as we go into the cold and flu season. Maybe we just have to let Covid19 and nature take its course with those who refuse to use mitigation measures that protect others. See thats the entire issue the mask protects others from you and I. Those anti maskers only care about their own selfish lives. Apparently they dont care if they kill grandpa and grandma as long as it doesnt affect them. I have 3 personal friends who have died from Covid19 its real.

  8. I am glad you included the statement that incoming persons have been tested, in some cases, multiple times. In fact, visitors have more knowledge about their status than most residents. Hawaii’s numbers were increasing daily due to residents, not tourists.

    1. Not all have been tested. We have been misled by our” representatives” Overand over. You can understand our trepidation.

  9. Let’s cut to reality.The mask policy is pure propaganda and unenforceable. If your given a citation ask for a jury court. They will throw the ticket out.Happened to thousands of residents in Oahu already.
    Secondly the mask does not protect you. It is NOT scientific. Take some water and drop it on your mask. It will go right through your mask. That’s why dentist wear shields. The virus is at molecular level. Smaller then a drop of water.It is pure propaganda to make up revenue. Sorry,but even Dr. Fauci and the CDC on their website agreed. But changed it for politics. Do not be harassed
    The mandate has nolegal legislation to enforce in a court…Period

    1. Aloha Franklin R. – I and many other fellow Americans and in particular Hawaiian residents do not share your viewpoint. Your mask protects me and my mask protects you. It is a sign of respect for you to wear your mask when you are in public. Dr. Fauci does believe in wearing masks and in social distancing. If you have been following the news, most recently his interview on 60 minutes, you would know what he believes. The reason why some of the smaller, less populated islands have not had a large number of infections is because we wear our masks in public. The islands are extremely isolated and do not have the resources to save the people should there be a large outbreak. If you do not want to be respectful and wear a mask (a simple request) then perhaps the islands are not the type of vacation you are looking for.

      1. AMEN thank you for this comment. selfish self centered people think the world revolves only around them. Simple wear a damn mask.

      2. Mahalo Donna!

        It is the spirit of Aloha that will help us get past this nightmare. Show respect for one another and for the love of this beautiful gift from God wear a mask or stay home!

      3. Sorry Donna but I disagree with you Franklin has a good argument. For one the so called Dr Fauci is a political fraud he has condoned madk wearing and had also stated they dont help that much and so has the cdc. Fauci has also been seen in public not social distancing at parties and at major sports events sitting with friends with masck off

    2. I love Hawaii. This island state is unique in that it can realistically close its borders. Hawaii has rules for the safety of their island. If you don’t like / agree with the rules, you are free to stay home.
      We must respect the rules/laws of any place we visit. That is common courtesy. Thank You.

    3. Correction: the mask is made to protect others from you! And if everyone does it then the risk of infection is lower. That is is fact scientifically proven.
      Also once in Roma do like Romans. Hawaii enforces masks, if you do not agree, do not travel to Hawaii and take your vacation somewhere flexible with this.

  10. I fully support masks outside if you can’t maintain social distance from strangers. But let’s get real masks being worn if you and your spouse are away from crowds is crazy.

    1. Rob H – Mahalo for being supportive of wearing masks in appropriate situations. I, too, early on struggled with where and when to wear a mask. I am a hiker and it seemed silly to wear a mask on a trail when you are hiking. So, I always had my mask in my pocket, but if there were people coming towards me, I would put my mask on and try to step off the trail as far as possible as a sign of respect. When to wear a mask is really common sense. Again, mahalo for your aloha! You get it!

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