182 thoughts on “Lack of Visitor Information Already Resulted in 5,000 Police Warnings/Citations”

  1. Common sense tells us to wear a mask when we are indoor or outdoor close to one another,where I get annoyed is the mask wearers that come up on ya,like this is the solution,the mask is a layer of protection,but stop crowding because it’s the distance between us that is important, atleast until they have a better way…

  2. A mask outdoors when your can keep a safe distance is a little much. I think I know how to be responsible

  3. Hello, we are a family of four with a 4 year old and 1 year old. What is your advice for families traveling from California to Hawaii during the the December holidays? Shall we bypass it this year or go for it?

    1. Best to reschedule it will be like a vacation at a detention center violate or state rules and they will bleed you bind

  4. HAWAII: “Our state borders are closed, unless you follow very specific rules and fill out all of the required paperwork ahead of time. This is for the best interests and safety of our residents. If you dont want to follow the rules, don’t come.”

    Are we all going to really act like this is not the EXACT SAME THING as the border wall between the US/Mexico and people being required to fill out the appropriate forms?

    You can’t be against “border walls” for some but be for it when it benefits you.

    Give Hawaii sovereignty back and cut the bank roll, if that’s what the people want.

  5. Hello, I arrived on the 15th of October. I took my covid test on Wednesday and received my results on Sunday. I did the required check in daily with the state of Hawaii and quarantined at my sister’s house until I received my negative results which I received from the partnered company quest diagnostics on Sunday. I submitted my results to the official website and did not receive any further instructions o. What to do. I printed out my results and left quarantine, because I did have my test within the required 72 hr timetable. It would be nice to know specifically the rules o what to do with a negative test. When I arrived I asked the gal who administered my arrival and she said that I can travel after I receive my rwsults.

  6. In regards to the mask policy, order 5 from the October 20th release by the Mayor’s office states

    “ Order 5: Face coverings.
    All individuals within the City shall wear face coverings while outdoors in public spaces when maintaining a physical distance of six (6) feet from other individuals (who are not members of the same household or living unit) is not feasible.”

    This contradicts the information in this article, and may be some of the reason for the confusion.

    I think that if everybody can get on the exact same page, it would be extremely helpful for locals and visitors going forward.

    We all want to be safe and keep others safe.

  7. It’s heartening that most people here are not anti mask narcissists and even some that appear anti mask seem to qualify it
    with some of the over the top mask wearing going on …….driving alone in a car with a mask? I get it. You are not against masks, just how they are used.

    If our country hadn’t devolved into such a divided politicized mess we could have come up with a unified strategy that would have had us working together, more people would be applying common sense mask and social distance usage and we could have been much further down the road on this.
    Gotta love Sam Elliots message no matter who you are!

  8. Interesting that the Hawaii Visitor Association has put out a video promoting Hawaii and wearing masks yet no one in the video is wearing one, except a person at the end showing how to put a mask on.

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