11 thoughts on “Let Us Know If You See This Friend’s Stolen Canoe”

  1. Oh No! A Poipu landmark! The seals will miss sleeping by it- hope it is found soon and for shame on the culprit!

  2. I’m so sorry to hear about the disappearance of Chris’ very special canoe. My prayers go out that whomever took it will have a change of heart and return it. Growing up, we had a little boat that we kept tied up in the water of Maunalua Bay just beyond our back yard. We were so sad to wake up one morning and find it missing. If only everyone would understand about cause and effect – that what you put out will come back as your own fortune or, in this case, misfortune!

  3. Aloha Rob and Jeff Great idea to put this story online. I feel sad that people are doing evil acts against those who are good and righteous people. My prayers will include the safe return of his beloved canoe. Let’s all keep our eyes and ears open to get this canoe back to its rightful owner. Mahalo.

  4. We have seen this canoe (and Chris!) on our many trips and time spent at Poipu, how terrible to hear this and hope it’s returned soon! Although we’ve never met Chris I’ve seen and heard first hand what a lovely person he is, the very embodiment of kindness, knowledge, and aloha.

    BOH, please pass on our best wishes and hopes that whoever has the canoe will do the right thing soon!

  5. That’s awful news! I pray your friend gets his canoe back and justice is served on the people that stole it!

  6. I can’t believe someone would steal his canoe. I hope he gets it back and there isn’t any damage done. Shane to those who take what doesn’t belong to them.


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