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Magnum PI Robin’s Nest Now Controversial Obama House Hawaii

Waimanalo has always been a favorite beach, and it looks like a former president feels the same way. Why is this so mired in controversy?

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129 thoughts on “Magnum PI Robin’s Nest Now Controversial Obama House Hawaii”

  1. Strange how all the biggest climate change fear mongers are just fine with building mansions at sea level. I guess Obama really does believe he has “stopped the rise of the oceans”.
    How do all the politicians become one percenters? What a bunch of hypocrites.

  2. I’m no supporter of the former President – just the opposite. But, the article gave no proof that sea walls are environmentally destructive just an assertion. The beaches on Oahu are in a constant state of erosion and then sand is brought in – no sea walls involved. It’s nature’s way.

    Let the former President enjoy his retirement – keep him away from DC where he can only do mischief. Hey, maybe he’ll run for Governor – hard to be worse than Ige.

  3. The Obama’s are out of touch with reality. It would have been impressive to see him do what’s right per the Environmentalists. Pretty sure they know what they’re talking about. Especially since they boast their support of the climate and environment. Rules for thee, not for me…

    1. Hey Jennifer, do you really think the Obama’s have an inkling on what’s going on with their new mansion? Doubt it, but they should. Not sure how nice a neighbor they would be except to the other elitists they hob nob with.

  4. Just another example of the elites doing whatever they want talking out of both sides of the mouth. No this isn’t political, because they use politics to divide us.

  5. Aloha Rob and Jeff. Wow. Have been a Magnum PI and Hawaii 5-O fan since the beginning. Am available for housekeeping, gardening etc. Oh yes. Sunset cruise on Holo Holo last night was fantastic 😊. Tonight Hukilau for birthday dinner. Leave tomorrow ( too soon). But will be back as always. Mahalo for the article.

  6. I can understand the angst that seawalls may cause beach erosion. I also see the support for the other side, including precedent. I have looked at this issue and it is murky. Beyond that, if the home’s buyers followed the laws in purchasing it then that is done. The prior owner obviously used laws that supported them. Most people would. If there is a complaint, it should be at the Legislature/DLNR for not changing things. We live in a capitalist country and that can be good and bad.

  7. Of course he named it Waimanalo Paradise, because he doesn’t want to pay taxes on it. It is probable turned into a non-profit type of estate, the same way Hillary Clinton avoids paying taxes by donating all of her income to her own “Clinton Foundation”, and then spends it. Nothing new here but corruption and avoidance of taxes by the elitists.

    1. What about her emails??? LOL, you made this very partisan but in fact there is
      elitism on both sides of the isle. Graft, dishonesty and nepotism is at a whole new level and added hate to the mix, but it’s always existed.

  8. I think Barack needs to pay for a restoration of the historic site he just demolished, kick his friends out, and make a public apology to the state of Hawaii. How dare he demolish Robin’s Nest. Man, I’ve loved him for years, but I’m done now. Whoa.

    1. If you haven’t been there, literally across the street are homeless American’s, some living in tents and others in abandoned vehicles…kinda wondering where they will be moved off to once construction is finished. Doubt the Obama’s want them for neighbors as he did little/nothing to help them. I hope other Hawaii homeless join the Obama’s in their new neighborhood…haha. Maybe then he will truly bring hope and change.

  9. what about the public beach right next to it? That’s one of the most popular local beaches along with the lagoon?

    1. I was wondering the same thing. That’s a great beach. I didn’t realize we were so close to the estate when we stopped there.

  10. I have been driving past this property a handful of times every week, for years. I believe most everyone knew this was happening when former President Obama’s close connection was said to be the new owner, in 2015. Doesn’t look like anything from the original Magnum PI estate is left. Pillars for the foundation are poured and it looks like it will be a very large beachfront estate, and I am happy for them. It’s one of the most beautiful beaches on Oahu, IMO.

  11. we come to hawaii every year and ride by this place just to see a glimpse of magnums house went by in feb of this year and saw it was leveled wont bother to waste the gas to go by anymore should have been left as a tribute to magnums show

  12. Nice for Obama. Sadly, he turned out to be just another aloof, out-of-touch politician who got elected on promises, kept very few of them, and rode off into the sunset to enjoy his millions of $$. Basically a decent guy? Probably. But still another member of the entitled elite.

    1. Mr. “Life-on-the-Cuff”! Tony Rezko Rental in Chicago, the White House, Oahu and Martha’s Annually on the cuff, with entourage, now living large!

  13. Thank you for the update.
    You said much of it has been leveled. Does that mean all the main house or just the outbuildings? Is a new home being built yet?
    I hope you will keep us posted.

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Nancy.

      That’s all we know at the moment. We’ll get over there and let you know more as soon as we can travel. 🙂


  14. I guess I can still be surprised…it makes me sad that even in these times when we can see how fragile life is and the importance of kindness to one another, that some feel compelled to put such negativity and hate out into the world.

    This family has deep ties to and love for Hawaii (and definitely vice versa.) I think that if they have as much right as any of us to the Aloha and joy and especially the community that Barack’s grandparents raised him in. I know personally that when you are born and raised in the islands, no matter where you may end up living and working Hawaii is always the home of your heart, and you pass that love and respect on to your kids as well.

    1. As a Kama’aina I can see no reason to say Obama should not come back to Hawaii. Ignoring the politics, I would have seen more merit to this if he had given Honolulu the benefit of a Presidential Library but I guess Chicago is where his real heart lies.

    2. I agree with everything you said, Carolyn!
      I can’t imagine that the Obamas would not be wonderful stewards to the property and a great asset to the community!

    3. These are experienced Mount Olympus caliber politicians. Accordingly, until one has eaten or spent what they offer, one would do well to not truly believe it to be theirs.

      “Il ne faut pas toucher aux idoles: la dorure en reste aux mains.”
      “(Never touch your idols: the gilding will stick to your fingers.)”
      ― Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary

    4. Obama didn’t really have all that great an attachment to Hawai’i until he became President. Chicago was his home, remember? After he was elected, though, and had free trips to Hawai’i on Air Force One, he came to Hawai’i all the time for vacations, with his entourage of servants and Secret Service agents, who had to stay in Waikiki, and drive over to Kailua for their shifts. Nah, that didn’t cost the taxpayers much. Funny how that works.

      1. Obama grew up in Oahu and went to school there up until High School. His mother lived there until she passed away and his sister still lives in Oahu. Why don’t you not know this?

        1. Yes, he was raised there.

          The interesting thing to me – a visitor to Hawaii since 1965 – people are always complaining about Oahu traffic and parking, especially Waikiki/Honolulu traffic. Thankfully, Oahu won’t be his full-time residence and traffic/parking will only be murder some of the time.

        2. SV,I did know this, and that he went to Punahou, but after he left for college, Hawai’i wasn’t really his home anymore.

  15. Never missed the old Magnum. Tried watching the new, but it does not capture my interest like the original. Maybe if I wasn’t such a fan, it would .
    Now Hawaii 50, because it’s the next generation, I enjoy watching it.

  16. Hi DeeDee.

    Suggest you wait a few weeks until we get clarity on the ending of the 14-day isolation, then hear from the airlines. You’ll get there with either one, we just don’t have any clarity yet on routing and schedules.


  17. I think that is awesome that President Obama May be moving there. I would love to have him and his family live in my community.
    Thanks for this interesting article. I hope you can update us!

  18. Sorry to sound even 10% “political” on this great website — even tho’ it’s happened w/ others comments all too many times …

    I have “personal knowledge” of this property. I seriously considered buying it in the early 2000’s. Some of my “inside” information comes from the MAGNUM PI TV series and the folks involved … and some comes from other, local sources.

    This would be a sorry, sorry development were it to become a reality.

    Just one 1950s-present day Kamaʻāina’s appreciation of the Aloha State.

  19. IMO Rebecca I would more be concerned with the legions of secret service, staff, airport disruption, traffic and other issues that follow an ex-president and family. I’m sure local police protection would also pose an additional cost to the residents. He grew up in, and vacationed for several years near Honolulu and probably has as much right to live or vacation where ever he chooses.

    1. Ruined what? The Magnum PI house? Waimanalo? (Be sure to listen to Waimanalo Blues, written by Arlo Guthrie.) O’ahu? The Hawaiian Islands?
      We all hate to see historic buildings demolished, but let’s face it – before that one was built there was something else there. At some point it was unspoiled nature.

  20. The nepotism of DC and people of power is truly saddening and the real story. It’s too bad that a “regular joe” would never be afforded the opportunity.

    1. Where’s the nepotism? Obama didn’t inherit the house. He didn’t get his office – or the house – due to family connections. He didn’t/doesn’t have any high-level family connections. There is absolutely no nepotism involved.

  21. Aloha!

    Having grown up on Oahu during the filming of both Hawaii Five-O and Magnum (got to meet Jack Lord near the Ilikai), I much prefer HFO. Jack Lord insisted on using as many locals as possible (in front of and behind the cameras), while Magnum’s production was the exact opposite. HFO did more for tourism to Hawaii than anything else in history, and Jack Lord is still revered and beloved to this day by the locals. He was the first haole to be given the honor of being named grand marshal of the Pa’u Riders in the Aloha Day Parade, and he gave millions to worthy local causes (his entire sizeable estate went to various Hawaiian charities after his wife Marie passed away). Have you seen his statue at the Kahala Mall? People still come from around the world to take pictures with it.

    Regarding your article, do you know if the neighbors who signed NDAs were compensated in any way?

    I did enjoy the camaraderie and humor of the original Magnum, and have not seen the new one – the previews did not appeal to me.


  22. very interesting. I heard about it about the time the transaction took place and I cannot remember who told me but I knew where. this is so cool. yay for him ad his family. ps. keep up the good work with all hat you do.

  23. Aloha, old/new, evolution of time, while stationed at FOCCPAC, KUNIA/WHEELER,HAWAII, 1971-73. I enjoyed the original cast and their acting swagger. The new cast has a high quality of talent also. Love & Miss the Islands, I want to return to my new season of HAWAII/JIM. HAWAII IS #1. Mahalo, Jim Amell

    1. He was born and raised in Hawaii therefore I am sure that God’s gonna approve and grant him that property! Welcome Back Home President Obama & family!

    2. I wish you would have hoped ‘God’ used his powers to eradicate this rather than allow you to use this forum as a vehicle for your asinine political views.

    3. Natural disasters usually take care of poor planning and ignorance. That’s called natural consequences. Some may call it karma. Call it what you will.

  24. I think it’s great that our local boy (born and raised here) gets to live in one of the most beautiful spots on our island. He came from humble beginnings, made us all proud, and deserves to come home to a dream spot that he probably watched as a young boy.

  25. I was such a fan of the original Magnum PI with Tom Selleck and the rest of the cast. I lived in Hawaii during that time and really loved seeing the filming at different times and even running into different cast members occasionally. I’m not a fan of the new Magnum PI… I just can’t wrap my mind around Higgins being a female. I’m also not as warm and fuzzy with the new other cast members. I just wish they would have called it something else, then maybe I could’ve warmed up to it more. But always like watching most anything that’s filmed in Hawaii anyway.

  26. I was such a fan of the original Magnum PI with Tom Selleck and the rest of the cast. I lived in Hawaii during that time and really loved seeing the filming at different times and even running into different cast members occasionally. I’m not a fan of the new Magnum PI… I just can’t wrap my mind around Higgins being a female. I’m also not as warm and fuzzy with the new other cast members. I just wish they would have called it something else, then maybe I could’ve warmed up to it more. But always like watching most anything that’s filmed in Hawaii anyway.

  27. OK, I’m a Mainlander (until next year when we move to Kauai), but I am curious to know what has President Obama ever done for Hawaii in general, or specifically, Oahu? Maybe I just don’t know. It seems to me he’s more tourist now than Kamaaina. Aloha

  28. If he has the money, as long as they do try to obstruct access to the ocean why not. The reboot of Magum PI I have more problems with. Any TV shows shot in Hawaii is good for Hawaii but unlike the H5O reboot I find no charisma in the relationships, characters I am not interested in and really a wasted opportunity. I guess Hawaiian Eye is next or maybe Gilligan’s Island with more location shooting.

  29. So sad that another beautiful home had to be completely destroyed and could not at least be partially preserved. My childhood home in Waialae suffered the same fate. Beautiful old-Hawaii home on the golf course. On the other hand, it’s belongs to the owner, but sad that outsiders don’t have any sensitivity to the history and the past.

    In the 70’s that house belonged to a friend of mine’s aunt. We were teenagers and were always thrilled if we got a chance to spend part of a day there. We didn’t get to go out there much, but it was fun knowing that we had a connection to such an iconic part of what people remember about Hawaii.

    1. I don’t think we need any negativity here.

      I actually love all the information Beat of Hawaii provides, plus all the fun articles like this.


    2. It’s amazing that a community organizer and public servant can afford such a property. I need to start working in the nonprofit and government sector so I can afford multimillion dollar properties.

    3. Why would it be disgraceful? Is it because you don’t agree with his political views? This isn’t a forum for politics.

    4. Just asking…is it the fact that the Obama family would reside there or are you against any family residing there? Someone is going to live there, since it is owned privately.

    5. President Obama is respected & loved around the world. He is not scandalous or an embarrassment. He is Moving Back home where he was born and raised. His Star has not been tarnished.

  30. Just curious if the historical review change in 2015 was modified behind the scenes to allow the rich/famous to modify or demolish what they want.

    1. Yes, it’s very interesting that the house was sold the same year the rule was changed. Martha, I think you are right!

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