Magnum PI First Network Show Returning | Hawaii Filming Starts August

Magnum, P.I., the CBS series reboot that is filmed in Hawaii, is set to resume in August.

The show, now starring Jay Hernandez, will begin production of its third season. Due to outbreaks on the US Mainland, filming locations in Hawaii and British Columbia became the top choices. Hawaii has the lowest rate of death and infection of any state, and is ideal for a safe production environment. As a result, the show may be the first US-based broadcast series to return following the industry shutdown.

Magnum follows the life of a private investigator and ex-Navy SEAL, following his return from service in Afghanistan. He uses his skills as a Hawaii crime fighter.

The original Magnum television series, pictured above, starred Tom Selleck as Thomas Magnum, a P.I. living on Oahu. It was on-the-air from 1980-1988, and was one of the highest-ranking shows during much for that time.

The reboot series premiered in the fall of 2018.

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3 thoughts on “Magnum PI First Network Show Returning | Hawaii Filming Starts August”

  1. We keep watching all the episodes, along with hawaii 5 0.
    And lots of great Hawaii movies, too.


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