205 thoughts on “More Changes Coming to Hawaii Travel Rules”

  1. I thank this sight for all the information that is needed for traveling to Hawaii. I will be visiting to see family and want to keep them safe. Again mahalo

  2. Wearing a mask to prevent spreading your germs to fellow citizens is not taking away your rights.
    If you want to live in a civilized society there are rules to follow:
    You can’t drive while intoxicated, you can’t smoke in public buildings, etc.

  3. Good job Hawai’i, way to obey your colonial slave masters. Last I checked the Hawaiian people were pretty well aware that the US government does not have their best interest in mind. And now you’re begging them to muzzle you and give you a vaccine? Astonishing.

  4. You people are idiots. You’re going to crush your tourist industry for the foreseeable future, for something that has marginal efficacy. You don’t follow the science, you full the politics. Who will come if treated like pariahs. You government hacks don’t miss a paycheck so you have no skin in the game. I’ll spend my money where I can enjoy the beach not be cited or arrested.

  5. Been a resident for over 10 years here. It’s not the visitors, it’s obvious on any island who is following the order and who is not. Many locals don’t care for visitors and think that the visitors make it spread. So not true. I agree with mask’s being law and would like to see the islands residents making a good example for any visitors who thinks they can act as a local and not comply. We need to be more diligent to stop the spread and that means everyone.

  6. The whole “approved partner” only testing is laughable because I called American family health, who is on the list, and they had no idea about the hawaii testing program and were not even aware of being a “trusted partner list”, they didn’t even have rapid testing available. The state needs to be better at being organized.

  7. Great Covid safety program ideas. Implementation will be challenging. Fines & penalties should be a state mandate with some bite. Does Mufi Hanneman have a team of trackers who are asking people on the street if they are locals or visitors? If not, his statement is bogus.

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