205 thoughts on “More Changes Coming to Hawaii Travel Rules”

  1. Was hoping to visit my cousin on BI. I’m in California, but can’t find a testing site that will meet HI requirements.Lost my home in fires, but can’t join family there. Very sad.

    1. If you are in California then pretty much any CVS locations and Kaiser hospitals are official centers for testing with Hawaii

      1. Not true. Very few locations provide the service and appointments are so limited that it’s hard to get one before all time slots are full. Very frustrating.

        1. We had good luck with CVS in Manteca, CA. Took test on a SUnday at 11am, got results on Tuesday morning around 9am. Flight was on Wednesday morning so had time to upload results (after converting test results file to PDF!!).

    2. If you are near Oakland, the approved testing site at the airport there is free for anyone! You just have to make your appointment at least a week in advance. My son and I flew back from OAK after attending my other son’s wedding in August. We waited 2 months for the island to open back up!

  2. I would like to come to Hawaii for my 50th anniversary but must learn that no Covid test from a Canadian lab will be accepted. I do not understand that I have to go through a US airport although Covid cases go up the roof in USA. So why do I have to endanger myself instead of doing all I can to protect me and others? Very sad …

  3. Don’t get why 14 day mandatory quarantine is necessary if people took an approved test, but were unable to upload their negative result until they get here. When I did my 14-day quarantine this summer, I got exactly one official phone call one day after I arrived back home, so it’s doubtful that people would not “slip through the cracks” with this suggestion.

  4. Shouldn’t the government provide a monthly supply of mask to each individual if it is requiring it by law. Not everyone can wash reusables IE houseless. They should supply desposiable to everyone.

  5. Aloha, I don’t understand how since March you don’t have it together .
    Many partners don’t do the test in certain states . I have gone thru your list . CVS in NJ will not allow a test unless you have symptoms.
    So if I have symptoms I would not be traveling . Walgreens only does three days before travel and your lucky if you can get a date . Then you throw in the fact that test has to be time of layover that is a problem . United does not do in NJ. American Airlines does nothing do in NJ. And if your not traveling on there airline you can’t get a test . Kaiser only if your a member . Quest you need a doctors order and they won’t do for travel. Very frustrating like the person above that I need to see my student that I’m paying all this money to attend school there and all these problems are being presented .
    I would hope that you get it together soon. Feeling very frustrated.

    Hope this goes to proper people as being quarantine for 14 that you need to do and go to see counselors and advisor at
    School … this is poor plan

    1. I agree. I’m now calling other states to try to get a test for my family for December travel. A test is a test. If it comes from a medical facility, accept it. You are ruining your economy. I live in a beach resort, so I know what a tourist-dependent economy is like. Make it easier for people to travel and spend money in your state!

  6. Against mask mandate. If im by myself walking, I have a mask with me, if I see people up a head, then i put it on. Im 59 and the mask makes it difficult breathing.
    Especially for extended periods. With distancing and if your with your household, it is ridiculous to still have to where.

    1. Get used to it and please don’t think you are entitled…. Cuz you not ! Wear your damn mask and stop grumbling .

      1. Per CDC if you’re in an open area practicing social distancing your chances are very low of contracting covid. People are entitled to their opinions. If Sara J can’t breathe with her mask on then she is entitled to state it in an open forum for comments and opinions as it clearly asked for. One more thing, because you’re not, is how you would write a sentence. (eye roll)

  7. Aloha, your trusted partners on some states only schedule three dates out and it becomes a problem because you don’t know if you will be able to get an appointment. I have a student there that I have not seen in a year and with all this going back and fourth I have had to cancel my flights three times. You should allow people to go to who they are able to as long as it is in there stays and a medical office . Your restrictions are causing family time and money.
    And the airports on all the states don’t do the testing with your partners
    EWR does not have a resting site with United.
    I understand the control but you are making it too difficult for families that have students there. You should let the schools have the parents work with them with your guidance but many more partners . It’s been since March you need to get it together !

  8. Am in total agreement of all of the above. And to your point about locals being the ones not adhering to mask wearing, so true. Yesterday as I was waiting at a red light by the Alamoana center/YMCA, I witnessed 3 men without masks. One stood next to an homeless guy. Not good.They were all gonna be passing each other in the crosswalk.

    1. It’s not a nerve agent and doesn’t float through the air like dandelion seeds. Passing within 6 feet of somebody isn’t going to infect anything. It requires prolonged exposure, not passing by someone outside who isn’t even opening their mouth. Lame.

    2. My husband and I will be visiting my son on Oahu for 4 days , then traveling to Kauai. Will it be mandatory that I test again in Oahu before traveling to Kauai ? If so, are there appointments needed ahead of time ?
      Thank you

      1. Hi Diane.

        Yes, it will be necessary as testing must in each case be within 72 hours prior to travel. Check the state’s website for the latest on vendors and contact them for procedures.


  9. My son lives in Texas college Station. He and fiancee want to visit in Jan. Could get oked to take the covid test at A&M. A&M are doing research on improving covid testing. So not a fly by night lab but really certified.

    1. Hawaii had a 3 month heads-up the Virus was coming. It is new day-new idea. Yes! let’s get the mask mandate done!!

    2. Make sure their lab is an approved partner through the Safe Travels program, otherwise they will be quarantined for 14 days. It’s happened already.

    3. They only except test from “trusted partners” My test was processed my Mit/harvard university lab and it was still not excepted by the official. But they accepted rapid test which is only 50% accurate. Smart right?

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