More Masks on Hawaii Flights And Wastewater Tests Cause Alarm

More Masks on Hawaii Flights And Wastewater Tests Cause Alarm

Behavioral changes on Hawaii flights and new health department data indicate Covid in Hawaii is a resurging problem.

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109 thoughts on “More Masks on Hawaii Flights And Wastewater Tests Cause Alarm”

  1. Thank you BOH, this is a timely, helpful, and informative article that presents the facts without inciting a fearful response. The outbreaks of Covid in China, as well as other isolated areas of the world, need to be measured and responsibly responded to when necessary. The easiest way is testing airplane waste. Isolating any country due to communicable diseases is difficult but needed to protect the citizenry of the world. We can’t always trust the source countries to tell the truth or test properly.

  2. I feel sorry for those selfish people who never think of those that are immune compromised and only think of themselves. Shame on you!

      1. Have a lot of preconditions, 71 y.o. Dutifully stayed cooped up for 6 months in 2020 and out of stores. All vaxxes plus 2 boosters. But, I cannot breathe on these masks especially all day….. Why do you assume we are lying about that? Had lousy lungs since a child, father got his degree smoking into my lungs nights with a blanket hung on a rope over my bed to let me sleep… cannot blow up a balloon., asthma etc. etc. Weren’t we misled and told that masks were “ineffective” in ’20 because of worries about sufficient supplies for frontline medical personnel? The “stories” keep changing, no?

        1. Check these masks out if you want an FDA approved mask you can breathe through. My wife is a severe asthmatic, and these are the only masks she can use compared to the old style N95, we get a monthly delivery. I also have been wearing them for a couple of years, immunosuppressed neuromuscular disease , on chemo therapy drug and 4 heartattacks (last one in July), can’t take any chances per ALL my physicians. Wore masks in hospitals for 40 years and was FIT tested annually, these masks beat anything the hospitals issued which usually weren’t anything close to what we were supposed to have.


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