13 thoughts on “NY Times: Hawaii On The Vanguard Or Pandering to Tourists?”

  1. Just over 20 days after reopen looks as if positive covid rate is starting to slowly rise.

    The next 10 to 15 days will be a real tell on if there will be a major spike like whats going on mainland and in Europe.

    Also by the 15th some larger resorts will be reopened which means more tourist.

  2. Just reading the comment by the NYT. I am surprised that they even think they should weigh in on what is going on in Hawaii. They seem to have many troubles of their own. Don’t need more false reporting. I agree we need to get on with opening up the state and welcoming guests back to our beautiful islands. I hope we will offer much Aloha, and thank fullness for tourists wanting to return to the islands, many of them long time returnees.
    We can’t live in a bubble forever.
    Be safe and well.

  3. I am literally in tears at all the articles and comments here, and Honolulu Advertiser. The picture is really muddied as to if tourists are really wanted. And if they behave badly, just fine them or send them back after citations. People like myself felt we would be seen as a welcomed help…..as i have said, 16 day trip canceled for lack of guarantee..and some comments scoff at this plight of people spending thousands for a maybe vacation while they suffer..the world has suffered…so i can take my dollars to somewhere i am appreciated is the knee jerk reaction. And i will if need be….no more tears for Oahu….aloha is needed and seems to be on its own vacation. 36 times signing out unless i see welcome.

  4. No one is happy it seems but the tourists didn’t make the rules or reopening dates. Put blame, if there is any, on the appropriate people.

  5. This is the first time since 1999 we do not have a drip or two booked with vivid imaginations for the adventures to be. I’ve read the articles on BofH and more, and here’s a take from a 50+ time visitor:
    1. Naturally safety and there’s been plenty of words about what that means.
    But, for us it will also take:
    2. A sense that we the visitors, the locals, and vendors will have some sense of courtesy and calm and cooperation. With almost no exceptions even with trip challenges and booking issues, we’ve been treated with and given courtesy. This always starts with me (us). I’m ready and will listen when the tone of the conversations resumes to island aloha.

  6. Please, if you don’t want CoVid, isolate yourself. This is a ploy to get us to submit first to testing, then to vaccines. Do you know that the best tests are only 70% accurate? Soon testing will be mandatory, then vaccines (which HAVE NOT been tested as any drug would be before being approved). The Truth is you have a 98% chance of not getting it and a 1% chance of dying if you do get it (and nearly every death has other causes that are not listed on the death certificate). So stop thinking that testing is protecting you, it’s not. If you want to protest yourself, isolate yourself.

  7. Hawaii will suffer mightily because the whole fake plandemic keys on bankrupting small businesses which Hawaii depends on. You will end up starving to death because youre afraid of catching a malady less serious than the flu. Reap what you sow

  8. Aloha guys! Mahalo for the updates.

    I have to agree with Lt Gov Green. Hawai’i is a vanguard for going forward with the “safe and soft” reopening. His concerns are valid about the vaccine.

    If Hawai’i and her returning Ohana extend the Aloha spirit, all will sort itself out.

    Stay safe and blessed!🌺

    1. Hi Pam.

      Thanks. Yes, Aloha is needed all the way around. We’ll see what the next few months bring. So far the visitor numbers are really small.


  9. Is the “more than 100,000” NYT quote accurate? Hard to believe, based on what I’ve been reading that it correct?

  10. Thank you for all you do.
    Personally feel locals need to realize the virus isn’t going away and recognize the need for tourism to survive.
    Can’t live off the government and need to wake up and see the truth vs media propaganda.
    People recover from the virus.

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