121 thoughts on “Officials Can’t Agree On Hawaii Travel Tests And Other New Rules”

  1. Aloha Heyward B,
    If accuracy is what you want address as to The Hawaiian Monarchy and how it actually ended up in American hands I would suggest a History book. The actions of America has been documented not only by the Queen who was imprisoned, but many of her subjects past and present. The entry of Hawaii as a State was not the wishes of the Hawaiian people.
    I did not enter this dialogue to do anything other than state the people who reside in these Islands are more than concerned about the lack of accountability as to this Variant entering our sphere.
    Having said this, please know that when I make a statement referring to fool’s, that statement is self explanatory and is not limited to any particular people’s. The fool is the fool who follows the fool is to suggest that anyone who chooses to ignore the crisis impacting our Islands and it’s people and blindly follow those only interested in the montary impact are indeed acting foolishly. This of course is my opinion and whomever the show may fit, have at it! I stand by what I have said, we need to stop accepting vaccination cards until there is a legitimate national/international data base in which to verify. Testing is also skewed as who is to say a person will not become infected within the 72 hrs before they enter. Nonetheless, short of isolation it appears to be the best option!

  2. Aloha Paul U,
    I can’t thank you enough for understanding and compassion for what we as residents are experiencing .
    Mahalo and keep your family and love ones safe!

  3. Aloha Hayward B,
    Your views are interesting although you should know not valid! We are called the Pacific Rim and contain the Pacific Fleet for a reason.
    Considering America, nor those who stole the lands have absolutely no interest in relinquishing the monetary gain, your words are fruitless and carry less value. Please know that the fool is the fool who follows the fool and contrary to what may be perceived, Hawaiians, nor those deemed local are fools.
    Aloha and stay safe

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