47 thoughts on “Omicron Dumps Cold Water on Hawaii Travel Recovery”

  1. This is very sad news for the state of H! Its traveling business is desperately needed for the recovery, and now Omicron is here. Yesterday night, we flew in the first time since 2017 and found the most tedious checking process in the airport. Most passengers had to fill out the redundant info on-site, which was chaotic and disorganized. In my view, “Safe Hawaii” is a poorly designed process. Early individually specific notification would be beneficial.

  2. Wonder if Florida is having the same problem🤔

    Ehh.. probably not. They’re economy has surpassed 2019…

    1. Nor is New Jersey but don’t want to vacation there neither.(In Winter) You have to compare like with like and Florida is a completely different proposition to Hawaii.

      1. Your comment is well made but I sometimes think we forget that the rates set by car rental companies and hotel chains are mainly based on National or International Corporations often headquartered on the Mainland. So our rage against gouging is better aimed at Parsippany NJ or Estero FL for rental car prices and McLean VA, Bethesda MD, Denham England or Chicago IL for Hotel prices. Not the local GM who has to follow corporate direction on revenue maximization.

  3. There is news of a new omicron variant that is more transmissible and can not be found by pcr or other conventional testing methods.
    Winter has yet to arrive.
    The real worry should what are the possible that can omicron mutate into a more deadly version and not bring in politics or beliefs but just the hard (or soft) facts.

    It could be overblown but if things blow up it’s an excuse to lockdown similar to last year.

    I miss Hawaii but waiting for this to end…

    1. An interesting item on TV news in UK a day or so back. The last global spike in Corona Virus was approx 130 years ago and that mutated and is still with us, We see it as one of the viruses that cause the common cold. Covid 19 will likely go the same way. We already saw more transmission and less severity with Delta and Omicron seems to continue that trend based on limited data. We need to stop the fear,

  4. I don’t care how low Hawaiian Airlines drops their fares. I’m not going to Hawai’i if they continue to mandate vaccine passports in restaurants, and businesses. I can deal with the 72hour negative test results.

    I’ve been traveling to Maui continually, and faithfully for 15 years, and often 2times a year. Hawaii needs to do a better job!

  5. It’s disappointing, the level of hype, hysteria and knee-jerk reactions to this latest variant. Especially since it has no resulted in mass hospitalizing or deaths. I understand the media and the unelected bureaucrats in the health conglomerate want continued panic in order to maintain their control and reap the financial rewards of the hyperbole that is the mainstream clickbait.
    I hope saner heads prevail and call these snake oil salesmen out on their coordinated assault on healthy Americans

  6. Thanks so much for the continual important travel updates. How did Kauai fare during this latest storm that went through? The news tonight just highlighted Maui and Oahu. After the storm of 2018; hopefully, everyone is doing well. Thanks again.

  7. Aloha!

    Did you know and do you care that Omicron was a Sci-fi comedy feature film released in 1963 about an alien that takes over the body of an Earth man in order to learn about the planet so his race can take it over? Maybe the airlines can feature that on the flights over.

    Food for thought…


    1. Did you know Delta was an airline… I guess all the Marketing folks are hurriedly checking their brand portfolios for Greek Letters…

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