Ala Moana Shopping Center

Paid + Surge Parking | Ala Moana Shopping Center | End Of An Era

Are you ready to pay to park at Ala Moana Shopping Center? A sign of the times here in Hawaii.

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44 thoughts on “Paid + Surge Parking | Ala Moana Shopping Center | End Of An Era”

  1. If I have to start paying to park at Ala Moana Mall, I’ll start shopping at Wal-Mart, or Costco, where parking is still free.

  2. I agree with a lot of the people commenting about locals abandoning Ala Moana for the paid parking. There should be a kama’aina special or free for kama’aina. Bottom line, paid parking or not, he mall hasn’t really been inviting to the locals for a long time. So many stores catering to the tourists. What happened to a lot of the good local businesses that were squeezed out of the mall? When I go to Ala Moana nowadays I do more looking than shopping. I shop at a small list of stores cause other places are either too luxury, not my style/taste or overall not appealing.

    They should seriously think about a kama’aina discounted rate or free.

  3. Worst idea I’ve heard of in a long time. Just like spending trillions of dollars to bring down inflation. This will eliminate local shoppers from shopping at Ala Moana Center.

  4. The locals will abandon Ala moana unless they implement parking validation. Alamoana management needs to reminded what happened to liberty house after liberty house decided to cater to tourists and not the local market

  5. That is a huge mistake. I don’t know how the merchant going feel about that when potential customers decide to go elsewhere because why should they have to pay for parking when they coming to shop and spend money at the center? I personally would not give ala moana shopping center my business if I have to also pay for parking- that should always be free to the shoppers. You the management needs money they need to find other ways to do that- not make things worse for the paying shoppers.

  6. Thanks for sharing Beat of Hawaii!

    Wow this is awful the prices just keep going up everywhere (in Hawaii and on the Mainland)!! Ala Moana Mall is going to lose lots of local customers which one wouldn’t think is wise on this economy.

  7. Ridiculous!! It seems everything in Hawaii is becoming limited to only the wealthy. Having to pay to shop and pay to go to certain beaches-what’s next? I enjoyed living in Hawaii for 50 wonderful years but I am glad I left before getting fleeced every way you turn.
    Thanks for keeping us abreast of the issues affecting Hawaii.

  8. No one has ever had to pay money for parking in a shopping mall the property owner should be happy to see customers coming to the stores for the tenants that are renting the spaces at the stores because if they customers didn’t come they wouldn’t be any stores and that means he wouldn’t be getting any rent so the people that are shopping there should park out on the street somewhere and not pay anything and protest against paying for parking. I would never shop there because of paying for parking.

    1. I totally agree. You hit it on the nail. It’s going to have a negative ripple effect. Even tourists are paying fees for anything and everything. They wouldn’t want to pay more fees to go to a shopping mall. They would go elsewhere like Ward Village or Kahala Mall, etc. They have free parking.


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