81 thoughts on “Pearl Harbor | USS Arizona Memorial Tours”

  1. I think Pearl Harbor had a profound effect on my life. I was born 11 months after the bombing, and I think I was conceived in an effort to keep my father out of the war. My parents had been married 3 months when the bombing happened. It didn’t work, however, he was drafted into the Navy when I was 3 months old, and served on a mine sweeper in the Pacific until the end of the war. Luckily for us he only received some minor shrapnel injuries. I think if it hadn’t been for Pearl Harbor I’d have been born much later, and certainly my life would have been completely different. My husband and I visited the site on our first trip to Hawaii in 2010 and were appropriately moved by it. We look forward to seeing it again soon.

    1. Dear Anne, I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu for April(2022) & I have a deep connection to Pearl Harbor. My Grandfather was in Navy & in Pearl Harbor. Going to pay my respects is #1 on my itinerary.🌎🛩🌈🌊🥥🍍🌺🐠🏝🏖

  2. I have visited the Memorial many, many times. This was when there were very strict dress codes and decorum. Lately I have heard that this no longer applies. I’ve heard that visitors can wear whatever they want, eat and drink while on the Memorial, talk in loud voice, etc, etc. Folks, for your information, the Memorial is a very sacred site. Please respect by refraining from exhibiting rude and loud behavior. And please, wear something decent, not a bathing suit, or slippers, or tank tops, or bikinis, etc, etc.
    And may God bless and protect those that perished on board on that awful day.

    1. Completely agree with Eddie!
      It’s a Memorial, a Sacred site, a Burial Ground.
      Show respect for those that died that we all may live free!!

  3. How do you request free tickets to the Pearl Harbor Memorial. We are visiting from 9-5 thru 9-12 and would like to visit.
    Thank you

  4. Wanted to visit on the 4th of July 2019..guess it won’t be open. Anything else at Pearl going on? thanks

    1. Hi Matt.

      Arizona memorial visits will be happen until late fall. The rest of PHis open and still worth visiting!


    2. We have had this trip planed for over 1 year. I have been saving for 2 years and just now hearing the whole reason for the trip. Pear Harbor is closed. I’m beyond upset and in disbelief. It’s all my son talked about! 😞

      1. Dear Heather, oh no! I’m very sorry to hear that. Did you make it to Hawaii? I have a deep connection to Pearl Harbor because my Grandfather was in Navy & in Pearl Harbor! I’ve always wanted to go to pay my respects & I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu in April(2022)🌍🏝🏖😍🌺🐠🌈🛩

  5. We will be visiting Pearl Harbor the first week Of November 2019. Do you think the USS Arizona will be opened by then?

    1. Hi Judy.

      What we are hearing is that it will open by December. That’s all that we know at this time.


    2. Just announced on Pearl Harbor National Monument Facebook page: USS Arizona Memorial to reopen on Sunday, September 1, 2019.

  6. Since the NPS dropped the ball on this project, shouldn’t they be doing everything in their power to resurrect and expedite the completion of needed repairs?

  7. Disgraceful.

    I’ve lived & breathed in “The Territory” since the early ’50s … and this performance by government bureaucrats is simply NOT ACCEPTABLE.

    Why didn’t they give it to the USN ??? The Seabees could have done it — and got it “right” the first time — in 3-4 months.

    It’s not rocket science … it is just knowledge … ability … competence. All of which are qualities sadly lacking in the National Park Service.

  8. To Leilani M…I agree a hundred percent Elvis loved and respected Hawaii and all who lived there.

    To Courtney…please thank your Grandfather for his unwavering service, I bet he’s a very strong man.

    About the Memorial repairs…it has taken a year to repair the Dock and Ramp?? that’s not acceptable, those should have been completed not more than 3 months at best!

    Mahalo, John A

    1. Dear John, I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu in April(2022) & I’ve always wanted to pay my respects @ Pearl Harbor because my Grandfather was in Navy & in Pearl Harbor. 😍🌍🏝🏖🌺🐠🍍🥥🛩🌈🐢

    1. Does not look promising. Beat of Hawaii article says the contract for the work hasn’t even been awarded yet. We are visiting last week of May for first time ever and probably will never get back. We are heartbroken over this.

      1. It still is hauntingly and breathtakingly beautiful. I was s o disappointed in November last year but still the boat ride around gives you a view of the Arizona. You still feel the depth of the actions that placed it there. Very sad and moving all the same.

  9. Do they know how long the Pearl Harbor: USS Arizona will be closed? I will be traveling there at the end of September and I am hoping to visit.

    Thanks in advance.

      1. Could you please let me know how to contact Pearl Harbor regarding the status and projected reopening of the Arizona Memorial? I noticed on this latest Beat of Hawaii newsletter that it was over a month ago (June 5th) when the last person was updated with no status. We have a group coming from Michigan and really want to visit the Memorial.

        Thank you for sharing this information!

    1. It’s still worth visiting even though the Arizona landing is not open. There’s an awful lot to see

  10. Aloha, I happened to agree with a couple of statements about Elvis Presley…..It’s a very true statement, Elvis actually started the collection for the Memorial. He should be remembered, it doesn’t matter how or why he died, he did the collection because his Heart was into it happening.

    My Mom, Pualani, has had a number of pictures of her and her Hawaiian Ohana, going back when the time when her Father, George M., started an Hawaiian Village to help Hawaiians, 1928, to learn all about their customs. Manly because many of the Military,at that time, attended the LaLani Village, and had saved their tickets in so many scrapbooks !! It was a very important part of the forming of Waikiki and the old Hawaiian ways…..Way before PCC…….

    There is still a picture of my Mom, Pualani M., on display, at the section about Hawaiians. It’s just so wonderful and heartful to see that the Hawaiian Family / Ohanas are being remembered !!

    So, yes, I believe they should have a plaque, even a small one, to remember the kindness that Elvis started in the ’60’s for the Honoring of the Arizona !

  11. I’m so bummed to hear this! My grandfather is one of the last remaining survivors of USS AZ and I’m finally going to be there in October. I hope they’re able to repair by then! **crossing fingers and toes***

    1. Courtney My 8 year old daughter is bummed. she is very into the attack on pearl harbor and would love to hear stories from your grandfather. email letter anything would mean a lot to her. Please thank him for his service. We are going to hawaii in June for her 9th bday and whan i asked her how she wanted to celebrate she wanted to go to Pearl Harbor.

      1. Dear Liz, I have a deep connection to Pearl Harbor because my Grandfather was in Navy & in Pearl Harbor. I’ve always wanted to pay my respects & I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu in April(2022). 🌍🛩🏝🏖😍🐢🥥🍍🌈🌺🐠🌊

    2. Dear Courtney, I have a deep connection to Pearl Harbor as well because my Grandfather was in Navy & in Pearl Harbor! I’ve always wanted to pay my respects & I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu in April(2022)! God bless you😇😍🐢🌈🛩🥥🍍🌏🛩🏖🏝

  12. Still go the rest of the memorial is a great place to visit lots of good info love going through the submarine a lot of work went into restoring it.

  13. My wife and I visited Pearl Harbor in July 1983 when I was returning from a tour in Korea when in the Air Force. It was an emotional and gratifying experience. We look forward to returning within a year. I hope the repairs will be complete by then.

  14. This visit is truly a moving experience which we were thankfully able to visit April 22, 2018. We anticipated spending a couple hours which turned into about 6.5 hrs. Hope to re-visit again one day.

  15. The Arizona is not the only battleship that “remained sunk.” The USS Utah(BB-31) is also still underwater at Ford Island and is also a war grave with the remains of crew members still onboard.

    1. a funeral service was finally held at the USS Utah Memorial at Pearl Harbor for a baby girl, Nancy Lynne Wagner, who died at birth. Few know the secret USS Utah (AG 16) has held for 62 years.
      Utah was sunk by a Japanese torpedo off Ford Island in Pearl Harbor during the Dec. 7, 1941, attack. Fifty-eight enlisted men and six officers perished aboard and all but four remain inside the hull.

      Baby Nancy’s father, Chief Yeoman Albert Wagner, was attached to Utah at the time of the attack. Wagner had planned to scatter Nancy’s ashes at sea when Utah left Pearl Harbor, but he never had the chance. Chief Wagner survived the attack and remained in the Navy until 1952. He passed away in 1975 prior to interments aboard Utah and was buried at sea off San Diego. Baby Nancy’s urn is still in her dad’s locker aboard Utah.

  16. “Elvis Presley fans have a hard time understanding why the visitor center at Pearl Harbor does not recognize Elvis for his contributions to help getting the USS Arizona Memorial built” back in 1961. I remember!!!

    1. Hello ELLIOTT,
      I was informed that Congress was dragging their feet trying to decide if they should allocate funds to build some sort of Memorial there. When Elvis was in Hawaii in 1961, he performed a show and everyone (including himself and his staff) had to buy a ticket. Also, that 100% of the money received for that show went to the fund to start building the Memorial.
      Shortly after, Congress decided, Oh…Maybe we should do something…
      There was even a sign erected thanking Elvis for his Pro Active approach to this. However, it was taken down when he died because he died of an overdose of drugs (even though they were prescription medications).
      Now there seems to be no mention of thanks to Elvis unless people continue advising others of what he did.
      Maybe another performer will do something to assist with funding.
      Aloha, Guy

      1. So excited! We booked our Hawaii trip months ago with the expectation that the Pearl Harbor Memorial would be closed. We are flying in on September 1 and booked Pearl Harbor for Thursday to see as much as we could. Today you announce it will open on September 1. How is that for timing! Thanks so much for posting this news,

    2. Dear Elliott, wow I never knew this about Elvis!!! Very way cool & I’m an Elvis fan😍 very neat to learn this interesting fact!

  17. I have visited Pearl Harbor three times, and most recently this past May. What a wonderful makeover done on the visitor’s center. This is one of the most memorable places for visitors to Oahu, and should not be missed. Tickets are actually free from the Parks Department, and can be ordered online, up to two months ahead.

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