Review: United Airlines Hawaii Economy/Economy Plus. Finding Comfort In The Friendly Skies.

Review: United Airlines Hawaii Economy/Economy Plus. Comfort In The Friendly Skies?

We’re also sharing a couple of tricks when choosing between Economy and Economy Plus on United. Here’s our review and what we’ll do going forward.

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21 thoughts on “Review: United Airlines Hawaii Economy/Economy Plus. Comfort In The Friendly Skies?”

    1. Hi Julia.

      It’s a measure of seat room determined by the distance from a point on one seat to the same spot on the seat in front or behind.


    2. Julia,

      At its core, seat pitch = legroom.
      Most airlines seem to have seat pitch in economy of 29″ to 32.” I’m a 5’11” male and uncomfortable unless it’s about 38″. At 29″ or 30″, my knees hit the seat in front of me. At 38″, I can stretch out. 38″ is often found in Premim economy. Domestically 38″ is often associated with first class. It’s a crime. I’ve had international First Class seats approaching 76″ – they can be stretched to a flat bed.

      International First class is an entirely different animal than domestic first class (even though some USA carriers offer significant legroom) in first class. Even though that’s a big deal, international economy is still typically 33″ or less.

      Happy flying!

  1. Excellent reviews, gentlemen!

    We always fly Hawaiian from Ontario because it’s non-stop. But it’s a narrow body, and there’s nothing noteworthy about Premium economy and first class other than the ridiculous fares.

    LAX, San Diego, and LAS Vegas are the only “close” airports where we can catch a widebody. But Ontario is the closest, so we tough it out in those coffins.

    Will read the piece on the Gov reaching out to Japan next.


      1. Rob/Jeff,

        I hope to live long enough to make it to 1000. After that, I will have to bill you guys:)

        Yesterday, at my doctor’s office, ignoring the one life-threatening illness I beat and the one I hope to beat, the doc said: you are in better shape than 99% of my patients your age (79). We’ll, see. I think God has my final date on Earth written down in a book somewhere. I’d like a peek.


  2. We flew United Economy Plus DEN-LIH last February and was surprised that they served a complimentary lunch, albeit a cold one- Seasoned chicken breast, salad, bread roll, and I believe a cookie for dessert. I asked the flight attendant why we were given lunch and she replied that it was because it was a long flight (over seven hours). I believe regular economy received the same lunch service. I don’t know if United is continuing that offering.

  3. I have flown United Airlines 3 times in 2023 to/from the mainland to Kauai. The food is consistently poor. Tiny bisquets. Beverage service is poor: 90 minutes after take-off and a fly-by 60 minutes before landing. Unless it is a night flight; then there is no second beverage service. Flight attendants sit and read a book instead of checking on passengers.

  4. Im curious on how you can use your name as the passenger in one seat How do you purchase the middle empty seat? It seems like they might see your name in 2 seats

    1. Hi John.

      You need to call the airline. It is done differently than two passengers each with one name. The second seat is specifically designated as an extra seat on the boarding pass.


    1. Hi Mary.

      We detailed that process in the earlier post regarding extra seats which we linked to. In a nutshell, call the airline for their process. The ticket will have one of the passenger’s name but it will also note that it is an extra seat. Otherwise it won’t work.


  5. Oh, I am 6″2 female and so Not looking forward to American flight next year. I just can’t afford to upgrade to even the 6″ extra room, so these stories of the narrow shorter pitch seats are a nightmare thought. I can get passed food. Would love more water, but will ensure I have plenty in my carry on water bottle, but oh my Leg Room..Cant fix that., just cant fix that.

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