Hawaiian Airlines Cancels Many Flights As A321 Problems Deepen

Schedule Changes Announced At Hawaiian As Engine Recall Begins

In communication we had earlier today with Hawaiian Airlines, the company said that indeed schedule changes, as we suggested previously, will be required. Those are in order for the company to comply with the Pratt & Whitney engine recall that impacts the airline’s 5-year-old narrow body Airbus A321neo fleet. But just how extensive will these changes be?

Update from Hawaiian Airlines.

“After learning from Pratt & Whitney this week that some Airbus A321neo engines will require additional inspections, we have started to proactively adjust our schedule to minimize travel disruptions. From Aug. 5-31 we will suspend our daily Kahului-Las Vegas flight and reaccommodate our guests on our Honolulu-Las Vegas flights, or provide alternative solutions that best meet their travel needs. We sincerely apologize to our guests for the inconvenience as we continue to work with Pratt & Whitney to mitigate the impact of its engine checks in coming months.”

Alex Da Silva, Director, External Communications, Hawaiian Airlines.

This schedule change could be the tip of the iceberg.

Hawaiian said that they do not yet know the number of aircraft that will need to go offline for the up to two months estimated for the recall work to be completed. That duration, which was estimated by Pratt & Whitney earlier this week, is to remove, inspect, repair and reinstall the Pratt & Whitney PW1100G jet engines in question.

Hawaiian also does not yet know the number of aircraft in it’s 18-plane fleet which will require this urgent service. Nor did they say where the work will be performed.

While Hawaiian has its heavy maintenance performed in the Philippines by a division of Singapore Airlines, we don’t know whether the engine shop work might be done there or at Pratt & Whitney.

Impact on flights and airfare costs.

We are trying to understand the implications of the reduction of flights on certain routes. That includes availability to accommodate passengers as well as the potential for an increase in flight costs on these routes. In this first announcement. For example. The route from Las Vegas to Honolulu may become challenging with the Maui flight inoperative.

Further updates from Beat of Hawaii will follow.

This is a fast-changing situation. As we wait to learn more, please feel free to share with us any questions or thoughts you may have on this situation.

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16 thoughts on “Schedule Changes Announced At Hawaiian As Engine Recall Begins”

  1. So, I’m flying out of Oak to Lih 9/22 and return 9/28 on Hawaiian. After 9/9 and beyond, zero non stop flights to and from Oak/LIH. HA is telling me my flight is confirmed and it’s fine but this is definitely not looking good. Was there an announcement made about HA stopping non-stop flights from the west coast starting September? Last thing I want is a last minute flight cancellation on their end and having to scramble.

    1. Hi CB.

      Thanks for this. Yes we were waiting for an update from Hawaiian Airlines on the next set of changes and have just published that. We’re sorry to hear that you will be impacted and if you care to share how it all works out, that would be great.


      1. About an hour after I posted, I went to my account to screen shot my flight details and I have already been given new flights. Both connections through HNL and now I feel like I lost my last morning in Kauai because my flight is now 3 hours earlier. It’s a bummer but I can’t change it now. HA still hasn’t “notified” me as I found out on my own. When I called, he just briefly mentioned aircraft repairs through October affecting schedules.

        1. Hi CB.

          Thanks for letting us know. As you can see this goes until December, rather than October as you were told.


  2. Hi ! Aloha !
    We’re very similar to you.
    Flying out of Long Beach to Honolulu the end of August and home from Kahului to Long Beach.
    We’re guessing to keep checking here at Beat of Hawaii and your reservation with Hawaiian’s website for any schedule updates that are affected with the A321neo engine re-calls.
    We don’t mind LAX but Long Beach is so much easier and relaxed and accesible. LGB is very close to our Orange County home and totally stress free.
    Best wishes, good luck, hope you have a problem free trip !
    Aloha from the OC !

    1. Part 2 to our earlier post.
      Flying out of Long Beach or anywhere else that Hawaiian uses the A321neo.
      We’ve got a question ???
      If you are scheduled on the A321neo, is your individual aircraft one that’s had their engines repaired or one that’s
      awaiting its turn to go into the maintenance shop ?
      We enjoy the aircraft and the total Long Beach Airport experience but it is kinda worrisome wondering if your aircraft should be in service or grounded for engine repairs.

      1. Hi BillandKaryn.

        We don’t have the answer yet to which aircraft need the recall service and when. We have asked and will provide an answer as soon as we receive it.


  3. We are already booked with a Maui house, car rental and Hawaiian Airlines tickets for September. This is going to be a very big and costly problem. I wonder if Hawaiian airlines has a back up plan for those who already booked flights?

  4. As I posted on another thread our flights from PDX to HNL and return flights in October were changed twice about 10 days ago and
    our seat assignments were trashed. The first time, I was on the phone for an hour and nothing got fixed due to “computer problems”!
    The second time I was on the phone for 45 minutes and I was forced to pay an additional $468 to fix problems caused by HAL!
    Their “no changes fees” policy is meaningless! I was told we had to pay due to fare increases. What a “scam”! Mess up the reservations we made 3 months then force us to pay more!

  5. Just booked my flight to Oahu for February. I was shocked to see the fares almost doubled in cost and where last year airmiles were 35,000 RT and is now 70,000..exact same flight, same time. In addition to the increase in airmiles the comfort seats were $372 RT. In the past you could book flights using miles and dollars. Now you have to book one way coming and going separately on their new web site.

  6. My WIfe and I are flying from Long Beach to Honolulu in late September. Any way to find out if we are going to have issues with our flights?

  7. So this is why I was charged double for my flight and having trouble getting my money back from Hawaiian Airlines.
    They are financially hurting because of the engine problems.
    I have been trying to get my $850 back since April.

    1. File a complaint with the Federal Department of Transportation. The airlines are more responsive when you do that. Good luck!

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